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Everything posted by Browneyes

  1. Browneyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I'm curious Someone please show us of Bad Luck Woman Blues and Lady Luck Blues!
  2. Browneyes


    Ha! Cool. It looks just like a lava-lamp. It's so thick and gloopy, and it separates. I'm having a hard time mixing this though. I rolled my imp, stirred etc. and when I dabbed some on, it was still just the light part of the oil. The cocoa lies at the bottom, and when I turn my imp upside down it's actually kind of gritty at the bottom! So I digged a bit deeper with the wand and got out a bit of that cocoa absolute onto my skin And even on the skin the oil separates. So at this stage = fun but time-consuming. Imp: Ahh... Good stuff. A real cocoa scent, not candy sweet. With a notable SO base. Wet: What can I say? Cocoa dusted SO incense. I R Happy Dry: Very good. Addictive I think. This may have replaced Velvet as my chocolate scent of choice and big-bottle candidate, but I will have to ponder for a bit. The problem I see with this is the mixing problem, which makes the scent seem alot like just plain SO if you don't get enough cocoa out and onto your skin. And even when you do get some cocoa on, the SO predominates alot. But the cocoa is just such a nice touch, making this even more sexy and delicious. Oh yeah. I didn't really notice any teak or rice milk. I was busy nosegasming on the cocoa and SO. What baffles me is the oil-clarity of Velvet compared to this. The cocoa notes of the two oils seem similar in smell, but so different in physical appearance etc.
  3. Browneyes


    I have used this by rubbing it on my palms and inhaling. The smell is strong - strong enough to smell up my bottle box! The mint and citrus cut all the way back into the sinuses, in a manner that seems to remove all clutter in there, and boost you up for some sharp thinking. The scent is a little strange after a while. Like it's mint, citrus, and something more... It's pleasant enough though. I think I will try it in an oil burner, because I can imagine that this would fill up a room with some seriously clean and sharp energy. On the skin it seems to disappear a bit fast. edit: it does seem to work well for its intent on me, but unlike others (who say they only need to use it once), I seem to need to re-apply every so often, otherwise the concentration breaks. Earlier today I was trying to work but kept getting distracted by naughty daydreams () so I applied some drops of this to my hands and quite instantly the naughty thoughts diminished, until I couldn't even feel them physically anymore. This impressed me. But I'd say the effects last for only about half an hour on me, then I need to re-apply, or sort of force my constantly wandering mind back into focus.
  4. Browneyes

    Tiresias, the Androgyne

    Imp: Spicy cake batter. Or caramel frosting on a spicy cake. Spicy christmas cake? Oh I don't know, but you get the picture. It's Foody. Wet: Alot more smoky and woody! The tobacco is in the forefront at this stage, combining with the patchouli and sandalwood. And I do also get both the currant and caramel too, sweetening everything. Dry: The boy didn't like this at all. Thought it smelled like the spice cabinet in the kitchen. I see where he's coming from somehow, although it's a wierd comparison. This is a strange scent. At the same time it also smells familiar to me somehow. Final drydown is mostly chewy caramel, tobacco, wood and a hint of currant. Not sure that this is *me*, but maybe it will grow on me. Eta: this has a serious throw!
  5. Browneyes

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    This is in the same family as Dorian, but it doesn't actually remind me that much of Dorian. Imp: Very citrus. And there is no citrus in the note description oh well Wet: Mmm a smooth gentleman's blend. I don't detect much jasmine, but definately some fougere, tea and white musk. The jasmine is maybe combining with the vanilla to sweeten it all up? Dry: This is definately smooth, sweet, and elegant... Exuding a sense of luxury. The tea becomes bolder once dry. Without actually smelling that much of Dorian, this could be Dorian's older brother or something. Distinct but sharing the same sexiness. Ultimately, I like this, but I think it might be a bit too much like a gentlemen's perfume for me to wear it often. Even though I like masculine perfumes, this one is kind of different. It's not that it roars "MAN", it's just a bit too "Prince Andrei" or something. I have to enable a guy friend of mine, so this might do
  6. Browneyes

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    Love the label-art That said, I think I am the victim of a plastic/candle reaction too So sad. This starts out nicely, more foody and buttery/cookie than I initially expected. On my skin, the mint is very tingly and happy to begin with, but it fades quite quickly, and then all I've got left is a plasticky vanilla. This has not happened to me before with other blends, and it makes me sad, since I was looking forward to this alot. I won't be swapping or selling it for now though, because I have experienced what aging can do to improve a scent on me (think S.nake Oil and S.mut) So... I'm hopeful!
  7. Browneyes


    The Bull of Minos, guardian of the Labyrinth in Knossos. A deep, swarthy black musk dusted by a dark, resinous blend of sacred bisabol myrrh, atramentous benzoin, tsori, balsam, and galbanum. This is sweet black musk and golden ritual resins on my skin. A smoky incense-like scent, dusty and dark. Very natural smelling-too, indeed as if there were some earth note involved. It does make me think of a labyrinth - a winding, dark passage, echoing and softly scented by the resins burning in the depths at the end of the path. I'm extremely happy to own a bottle of this, and I will be looking forward to seeing it age for a while I think. eta: I wore this out today. I slathered it on, and as I was walking down the sunny street in my jeans I definately felt "overdressed" scentwise! It was way too dark to wear out on a sunny day heading for some ice cream. I just thought I'd add that to my review. It's definately one to go easy on the application with, and perhaps more of a night/date perfume.
  8. Browneyes

    Cheshire Cat

    Imp: This strikes me as an aquatic citrus scent Wet: Mmm very lovely. Grapefruit, but sweetened with a touch of currant. I don't seem to pick up the dark musk very strongly. And the herbs and lavender are there, but just faintly. Dry: Aha, now I get the smooth dark musk. This is generally a very smooth and sweet citrus. I really love it. In fact, I think this may be my favourite BPAL citrus so far. Fire Pig is lovely too, but much more orange/tangerine/lychee, and a tad generic, whilst this is more kooky. The grapefruit is bouncy, but the sweet dark musk is slightly sinister. Great interpretation
  9. Browneyes

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    Thanks to a really lovely forumite (moonarcana ) I have the opportunity to try and review this scent, the fabled Holy Grail of BPAL forest blends. I actually received this imp in the mail on April 30, which was so incredible! However, contrary to my usual "OMG-must-try-immediately-upon-arrival-tearing-imps-out-of-padded-envelope-in-a-frenzy" - which is how I usually try scents, 10 at a time - I approached this with due reverence. I needed to be ready. I sniffed the imp but waited 3 whole days before trying it on. The review: Imp: Woodsmoke, that lovely gritty "damp autumn leaves" note, and something sweet, almost fruit-like. Wet: At this stage I can definately understand the comparisons that have been made to Black Forest and Samhain. I haven't done side-by-side comparisons, but this seems similar to Black Forest without the black musk/ambergris notes, and it is also similar to Samhain without all that apple. But it has something more to it. The magickal incense note, and a warm skin smell, is what gives this such a special touch I think. It's also very warm and natural smelling to me. Dry: On me the skin scent, incense and woodsmoke mingle for hours. There is also less fir in this than I thought, it's less green and more dark. I think it's because on me this is more about the bonfire smoke and the women dancing in a clearing in the woods, the forest being a backdrop to the events. There is wafting, but it is subtle. Wearlength is several hours. Overall: This is such a beautiful blend. The imagery which this scent conjures is very impressive and a spot-on appropriate interpretation by our Mme Moriarty. This makes me imagine a gathering of beautiful, powerful women in tune with themselves and with nature. They gather in a moonlit clearing in a dark, quiet forest. They build a large bonfire and dance ritual dances under the starry sky for hours until they collapse. Warm, supple skin. Incense and smoke on a dark spring breeze. I am so happy to have this little gem and I will treasure it If I ever find more I will be happy-happy. If there ever is a petition for it to be re-released, sign me up!!
  10. Browneyes

    His Station and Four Aces

    Imp: Very faint lilac and something sharp - musk? Wet: Mmmmmmmmlilaaaaac I do love lilac bushes at this time of year. And there's the leather. Can't pinpoint the white musk, although I'm sure it's there, giving this some depth. I'm astonished at how real this lilac smells. I can smell newly opened lilac blooms on the bush as well as those that opened a few days ago that are beginning to decay slightly (and I mean this in a good way!) Swirled together with some smooth leather and white musk... Dry: Wow this is stronger than I expected too! It's strong sweet and realistic lilac, with a clearly discernable strong leather note, very smooth. And somewhere in there is the white musk. I think I'm in love. And I am positively kicking myself for not ordering a bottle of this! This is extremely sexy, pretty, and wearable.
  11. Browneyes

    One to Tie, Two to Win

    Imp: Indeed, this is really dead-on. It's like smelling the "dandelion and grass juice" that I used to make as a child, grubby little hands, playing outside in the garden (nevermind "the spider juice" or the "perfoom" that I made once for my mother by adding bits of flowers and grass to her expensive French perfume, yes she was *ever* so pleased... anyway..) Wet: Yep. Grass and dandelions. Green yet sweet and slightly spicy. It is true that this is very "clean" smelling, and although I feel like it *is* unique, I think I have smelled something similar before. Someone mentioned shampoo above, and I'm inclined to agree. Dry: It flits between being dead-on to being a bit more perfumey (which gives off the shampoo vibe). It is lovely though. I haven't been wearing it for long, so I don't know how long it lasts, but I wouldn't expect more than a few hours. I really considered buying a bottle of this one, but while I do love it, I think I will just enjoy my imp and not go crazy trying to find more.
  12. Browneyes

    Hand of Hermes

    I got a bottle of this oil to help with study/writing inspiration and communication in general. Smell: as others have metioned, this is a mix of lavender and cinnamon - an unlikely combination perhaps, but it smells really good to me. So if you like those two notes you will probably like the smell of this. To me it is warm, soft and spicy with the slightly powdery floral/herbal edge of lavender. Sensitivity: I would echo recommendations to use this with caution if applying to the skin. I didn't notice any problems the first times, but the other night I was working at my computer and I had applied a drop from the cap onto the backside of each wrist. Those areas were all of a sudden distinctly red, and started to feel slightly bumpy and itchy. I washed it off with cool water and soap, and even so it took a good long time for the skin to normalise again. Intent: I have used this oil on a candle ritual, and on the back of my wrists while working. Today I needed to speak in front of a class in a mock oral exam with the professor, and knowing that I might have skin sensitivity issues with this, I opted to wear it on some cotton in my scent locket. Generally speaking, I have not had "struck-by-lightning-miraculous-events" experiences with any of the TAL oils, but I doubt that that is their intention What I have experienced, and specifically today in class wearing this in my locket, is that these oils strengthen what you already have the potential to do, and help bring it forward. I was nervous and unfocused for only a few moments, but then I started talking and it just sort of snowballed, and I gained in confidence and was quick to think when answering the teachers questions, and even quite eloquent in my answers (if I might say so myself ). This in spite of the fact that I had only had 5 hours of sleep and prepared myself very little. Summary: I am very pleased to own a bottle of this. It smells really lovely to me, comforting and stimulating at the same time. And when used with caution (due to skin sensitivity) it seems to solidify confidence and promote a cool overview of the situation, so that one does not lose track and is able to communicate succesfully. I will be trying it rubbed on my palms also, maybe they will not be so sensitive. Thank you Beth
  13. Browneyes

    Old books... Books, paper, libraries

    I can only add much love to the old books and dust note in Misk U ~ and it's *the* perfect scent to wear to the library! It enhances the experience. I'm so happy it's GC!
  14. Browneyes

    Milk and Cream Notes

    Have you tried Obatala? It was too sweet for me, but I think that was due to the milk. There's coconut meat in it though. But no honey
  15. Browneyes


    Imp: Very sweet neroli, with dark musk and patchouli Wet: I don't know how to describe this... perfumey, antique, something a mature woman would wear... The black musk has a sweet, perfumey and "nutty" nature on my skin... which I like. I do see how it could go all powdery, I guess black musk has a tendency to do that. I don't really get any teak, vanilla, or rose. Maybe I detect a *hint* of apple, but it's really camouflaged. The bergamot is probably contributing to the sweet citrus aspect of the scent. Hmmm. It definately does have a "madame" twinge to it. But I don't perceive it as cheap-smelling. Dry: It is a bit more powdery now... I'm trying to think of who might smell like this. Maybe Mata Hari (I haven't tried the BPAL scent by that name, but I imagine she would smell like this on some days ) A kind of mature, seductive, slightly exotic, yet powdery smell. It's nice enough but I don't think it quite works for me. I generally like black musk, but this may be too much powdery-ness after all. It seems as though my skin devours the patchouli for which I am sad.
  16. Browneyes


    Imp: *Sweet* milk, burnt sugar Wet: It seems as if the "burnt" impression may actually come from the coconut now... As if it were toasted coconut. The milk is cloyingly sweet. Dry: I wish that I got more "cool refreshing water" from this, as well as shea. After a while the "burnt/toasted" note fades somewhat, which is good news, but ultimately this may be a bit to sweet for me. I'm going to have to do some more testing with this one. I'm glad I got to try it though; of all the milky/creamy scents this was the one that appealed to me the most. It confirms my suspicion that milk is not amongst my favoured perfume scents. - It doesn't go sour or rancid on me, so I suppose that as such it *works* on my chemistry, but I just don't think I like it as a note in perfume very much. Good thing I didn't order Milk Moon. I can see how this could be gorgeous and sexy as well as comforting to someone else though, and it does have a very warm and golden summer/tropical vibe. I just miss the water and shea, which I hoped would balance this scent out on me. I am going to give it a couple more chances though before I decide.
  17. Browneyes

    Almond and Amaretto

    I find that many of the cherry scents end up smelling like almond/amaretto to me. (Maybe not Bloody Mary, the reviews don't mention that at least) So you might like that too.
  18. Browneyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    thank you TheIceMaiden!
  19. Browneyes


    Imp: Vanilla (as in Snake Oil) + cedar wood Wet: The same... Dry: Well, this is pretty much a woodier and manlier Snake Oil to me... and I it!
  20. Browneyes


    Imp: PATCHOULI Wet: Dirt and patchouli Dry: Dirt and patchouli. I like this. I hated the dirt in Zombi, but I think that was because of the "death and decay" note which was in there as well. I like this though, I think, mainly because of the patchouli, which cuts the dirt and makes it more gritty or something. Very grounding. Soft and warm... any florals in here are very faint. Don't really miss them.
  21. Browneyes


    Imp: Predominantly pine/fir wood Wet: Wow wow wow. Okay helpful review... Dark green but fresh. This is like taking a handful of leaves in your hand and crushing them until the sap runs out... Dry: I love this the mosses (I guess) make this a sweeter forest blend, the earth, wood and air notes combine smoothly, and the general impression of this is just... NATURE - I love it! eta: after a while this does indeed take on a fruity quality. Still gorgeous though and (to me) even better than the Jersey Devil
  22. Browneyes

    Black Forest

    Imp: Pine, musk and juniper especially Wet: Warming up it is very dark and gritty pine with a perfumey dark musk + ambergris base lurking behind. No sharp evergreen nor wood-chips for which I am thankful Dry: Dangerous. A hungry wolf in a dark forest on a moonless night. That's what this smells like to me. The ambergris/black musk combination is *very* good on me. I like it eta: Aww Pine, where'd you go?? The pine is gone. Luckily what is left is that truly gorgeous musk/ambergris base, which I love, but I wish the pine had stuck around.
  23. Browneyes


    Imp: Detergent... Wet: Warming up, getting sweeter, and slowly losing the detergent smell Dry: Quite pretty. Definately a yellow floral. Sweet and sunny. Not very strong throw.
  24. Browneyes

    Two Monsters

    Imp: Alot of pepper, vetiver and something perfumey - probably the musk and oakmoss Wet: Cologne... with pepper. Then something happens! The champaca flower and the leather emerge. Dry: This is a *really* nice blend on me. Rather masculine, but I like that The champaca is an unexpected twist and develops it in a slightly less masculine direction after a while. The leather is *very* nice here too. I wish there was a bit more vetiver and patch, and the ginger is non-existant to my nose. I have never tried anything with Japanese p.... nor ambergris, so I don't know if I can smell those. The very final drydown is quite sweet. This could be totally gorgeous layered with something woody. Thank you for frimping me (you know who you are ) and I will cherish my very first Salon blend! ETA: I just realised that this reminds me of Temple Viper because of the champaca, but I actually prefer this, I found Temple Viper to be too sweet for me.
  25. Browneyes


    Bottle: First I get the smoky resins. Then the perfumey dark musk. Then the fresh greenery Wet: There *is* a slight current of zingy-citrusy something. Which must be the ginger. But this is mainly resins. Quite masculine and proud. Dry: This is very nice. It's smoothly blended, but the gritty/smoky edge of the sweet resins and wood and the base of soft dark musk are still apparent. The fresh green/citrus disappears after drying. It's very much on the manly side but I don't mind that it's like wearing the perfume of your secret (and very hot) lover. It's probably extremely gorgeous on a man, but I don't think I will ever share! I am very happy to own a partial bottle (~ 2 imps worth) of this.