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Posts posted by The_Garnet

  1. I have tried Prague, The Reaper and the Flowers, Black Lily, and Cobra Lily. Out of those four, I would say that Black Lily (on my skin at least) is the closest to a pure lily scent. Cobra Lily is great if you want a more "green" scent. The other two are lovely florals, but they don't scream "lily" to me.I also recommend trying a number of them, because your skin chemistry is probably different than mine.

  2. It's been a while since I've been in the job market and I'm kind of doubting myself and feeling a little anxious/negative about the prospects. I'd love to know which nice, light, uplifting and yet sophisticated/mature/possible solemn work-appropriate scents y'all would recommend for working at a florist and funeral home. :) Thank you!!


    As a side note I will mention that smoky resin type scents really do not work on me, and often cause headaches and do not help my concentration.


    For the funeral home job, I would highly recommend Mr. Ibis. For one thing, the character works at a funeral home. :) It's very soft, calming, light, and long-lasting.

  3. So those who amp rose, can you make some reccies? :)


    I amp rose like crazy. It's one of my favorite notes, but I do sometimes feel wary of buying more rose blends because I don't want them all to just smell like ROSE!!!! on me. With that said, I don't amp the rose in Godfather Death (I'm not sure I even smell it) or Wanda, and The Raptures and Roses of Vice is a very balanced and lovely scent on my skin as well.

  4. Somehow I missed when Casanova got discontinued. :( Anything out there that is similarly delicious, unisex and a mix of leather and spices?

    I second Crowley & would also recommend...


    The Bow & Crown of Conquest:

    Sage, carnation and cedar with lavender, vanilla, white musk and leather.


    I'll second the recommendation for Bow & Crown. I also really like Dee - to me, it's in a similar scent family to Casanova. It smells more spicy on my partner than it does on me, but it's a great scent either way.

  5. Source: Imp bought from a lovely forumite - thank you!


    When I first put this on, it smells like lemon (verbena, I'm guessing) and cedar. I love cedar as a scent, but it rarely lasts a long time on me. After a bit (10-30 minutes, ish), this becomes a gorgeous amber and oud scent. "Quiet" is a word that comes to mind for me with the scent, but it's not quite accurate. "Glowing" is appropriate - not glowing like a lightbulb or an LED, but (just like the description) like firelit polished brass. It doesn't smell literally metallic on me, though. It lasts about 8 hours on me, fading to a powdery resiny smell at the end.


    Verdict - another winner from the Steamworks collection! I buy very, very few bottles, and I'm not sure if this will be one of them. I will use up my imp for sure though, and might buy another.

  6. My first review! Whee! This is the 2013 version.


    Source: Decant circle


    I'm glad Beth brought this one back - as a radiation and nuclear history geek, I had to try it. :)


    In the vial: Cold aquatics with some mint in the background


    Ozone and aquatics with me are hit and miss, often with more misses. My skin chemistry seems to make things smell sweet, and a lot of times ozone and aquatics end up smelling like Frebreze on me, which I really dislike. But I love the *idea* of many ozone/aquatic scents. Let's see how this goes.


    On my skin, the mint starts coming out. When I smell close to my wrist, it feels like it's opening up my sinuses a bit.


    As it dries down, it smells like cold aquatics and mint. There is something about this that smells not just clean, but *sterile*. It's the different between a pristine mountain stream and a spacecraft assembly clean room. This one makes me think of the clean room.


    This continues smelling like ozone, cold aquatics, and a bit of mint, and it lasts for a good long time. At least seven hours - then I took a shower.


    I buy very, very few bottles, and I won't be needing a bottle of this. But I'm glad I tried it, and I will definitely use up the decant. It's perfect for winter, but I can also see enjoying it during the summer, especially on very hot days.

  7. It's cold and snowy outside right now, but I can think about summer.:)


    I normally like heavy scents pretty much year round - this year is the first that I've really paid any attention to "seasonally appropriate" scents. If it's 90 degrees outside (or inside!), I don't enjoy my usual favorites as much. My very favorite scent for summer is Blue Fire - although the juniper and lemongrass smell so sharp on me that I'm about to try it as a winter scent as well. I also like Cheshire Cat, Rosalind, The Ghost, and Juke Joint as summer scents. (I like citrus scents in the winter too - so Cheshire cat may end up back in the rotation soon.)
