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Everything posted by Jangzonrice

  1. Jangzonrice

    All Souls

    2010 release purchased from forum member. wet: sharp, herbal incense..this stage is ok, but reminds me of so many other incense blends without the pleasant round character. dry: loses the sharpness and the cakey sweetness comes out to mix with the incense notes...very pretty at this point. With further drying, a vanilla comes out so it becomes a slightly sweeter and lighter snake oil. I really like this blend after it dries. Throw is pretty good and I have had it on so far for 3 hours and it's still going strong. Overall, incense blends have excellent staying power on me and I expect this to be the same.
  2. Jangzonrice

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2011

    Bought a bottle from another forum member. I thought I would love this, but it is heavy on the wisteria wet and dry on me. I don't like it until it is extremely dry, then a tiny bit of ginger and vanilla comes out. I want the crazy strong ginger and grapefruit....booooo!!!! This is relegated to layering and adding to deep conditioner.
  3. Jangzonrice

    Butterscotch and Blackbeetles

    Bought this from another forum member. Wet: butterscotch, rich and buttery, with a hint of dirt. I love it at this stage!! But it doesn't stay like this... dry: the patchouli and anise and vetiver comes out and makes a slightly headache inducing mixture until it drys further to patchouli with a bit of butterscotch sweetness on top. I'm torn between hunting down more bottles and only keeping the one bottle....hmmm...... Throw is great at first, but staying power is only for 5 hours or so...maybe with a fixative it will be better?
  4. Jangzonrice


    Wet: patchouli and musk dry: animal musk (civet I guess), patchouli and cinnamon. I like it, but it eventually just turns to cinnamon since I amp it I actually like the musk patchouli phase. Got this as a frimp. Throw is strong.
  5. Jangzonrice

    Three Impossible Errands Bath Oil

    I love this!!! After the champagne disappointment of unhappily ever after, I found the first bath oil I love. I use it as a moisturizer after a shower. The scent is herbally sweet with lavender, geranium, chamomile, frankincense, and a tiny bit of vanilla. It blends together seamlessly and envelopes me in a calming cloud of herbally goodness!! I got this from another forum member and will have to buy another bottle before the inquisition goes down. Perfect for my shower before this epic ice storm that stressing me out a bit....
  6. Jangzonrice


    Got this as a frimp. Wet: vanilla, white musk, frankincense...very pretty. Dry: white musk .....that's it. Just smells like commercial perfume now....too bad. I will not be getting a bottle of this..
  7. Jangzonrice

    Unhappily Ever After

    Got this from another forum member. Use it as a moisturizer. Very champagne grapey, with the occasional whiff of bourbon vanilla. I like it, but don't love it because I wish there was more rose and violet leaf in it. Overall, it's a 3.5/5 for me. However, this is my first experience with bptp anything...and I like how the oil absorbs without feeling oily. I will have to mix this since it's been a few hours and the sweetness is giving me a bit of a headache now...
  8. Jangzonrice

    Honey Moon

    Bought this (2013) from another forum member. In bottle: smells like marzipan...not good for me... Wet: rich herbal honey, with gardenia on the edges. Dry: honey overtone that softens with jasmine and ginger warms it up. Makes me feel better since I'm having a stressful day...comforting is the correct word. Throw is good, I can smell it as I move. Staying power is pretty good too, I can still smell the amazing dry down and it's been 8 hours!! Very happy I purchased this.
  9. Jangzonrice


    bought this from a forum member. wet: plum with heavy violet and incense. dry:smokey violet incense...love this although sometimes the violet gets a little heady. throw is great, but staying power is so-so. I have had it on for close to 4 hours and it had faded to a barely there violet incense. Huffing my wrist only gives me a little scent....next time I will use a fixative and see if that helps it stay longer. Overall, very happy I got this bottle and will be keeping it since I have nothing else like it!
  10. Jangzonrice


    Got this as a frimp. Wet: honey, figs...violets??? Smells like honey and violet candy.... Dry: honey and violets..not a favorite. Will probably keep it to add to conditioner or layer with something resiney. Throw is good, could smell it without huffing the wrist and have had it on for 4 hours now and still going strong..
  11. Jangzonrice

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    Wet: honey vanilla, very sweet. Dry: vanilla powder with a little honey. I don't like this because I feel like a pastry with a lot of icing I see how people like this, but I was not looking for something super sweet, the beeswax does not show up for me at all. Got this as a frimp and will not be buying a bottle. Next time I will layer something deeper with it.
  12. Jangzonrice

    Fenris Wolf

    Got this as a frimp. Wet: sharp cologney thick with pine and rosewood. Not a fan at this point, but masculine scents tend to work on me so I keep it on. Dry: the red musk and something sweet and resiney appears. It becomes very wearable and I think red musk works on me!! Sandalwood becomes more amplified later in the dry down and rounds the scent out. I really like this!! I have some root beer lip butter on and the combined scent smells really great so next time I will try to layer it with stimulating sassafras Strengthener and see what happens! I think this will get better with age especially since my frimp is already pretty thick...
  13. Jangzonrice

    Hunger Moon 2014

    Like the reviewer above, this is also my favorite lunacy...in fact I think it is my favorite bpal...period...wish I bought 2 actually . But for now I will happily keep my one bottle. Wet: lightly sweet citrus and verbena (funny, I always hated verbena until I smelled bpal's version). Dry: still lightly citrusy, but now the white amber comes out to sweeten and round out the scent. Throw is fine (this is more of a stick on you scent than a everyone around you can smell scent). Staying power is ok. I slathered at 11:00 and could still smell it at 6. I reapplied before going out for the night. Never the less, It is worth it because it smells so fantastic.
  14. Jangzonrice


    Wet: creamy Shea and something green. Dry: Shea comes out a lot and mixes with the green woody scent. This isn't a favorite, but it wasn't bad...however, the bf thinks it smells like something his mother and aunts wear ( that's not sexy..... ). So I can't wear it around him... Throw is good and it stayed for about 5 hours or so.
  15. Jangzonrice

    The Memory of Primal Secrets

    Wet:strong cologne scent with salty dark ocean waves. Dry: strong dark aquatic...no incense though actually, after about an hour or so, a little incense comes out, but is still dominated by the aquatic. This is not my favorite, but it is not the worst. It really smells like the boundless vista from this year's Yule release without the coconut though. I happen to really love boundless vista so the same scent without the coconut is kind of a let down. I will keep it to layer probably. Throw is good and I'm sure lasting power will be similar to boundless vista, which was pretty good in my opinion. Maybe some aging will make the incense come out....
  16. Jangzonrice

    Gingerbread Snake

    Oh dear! I'm a quarter gone!
 Gingerbread and exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla. Wet:spicy gingerbread...vanilla. Dry: still gingerbready, with a little snake oil coming through. Wears away to a incensey vanilla. I like this and can't wait for it to aged. I think the snake oil will become more pronounced with some time. Throw is great and wear time is also nice. I have had it on for 6 hours and can smell the light spiced vanilla dry down when I move. I also like that the gingerbread is more on the spicy gingerbread side, not a sugary sweet gingerbread.
  17. Jangzonrice


    Got this as a frimp. Wet: crisp clean ozone without getting bathroom scent smelling. Dry: very similar to wet stage, but with a slight green, lime scent. I really like this one especially when you are trying to not smell too strongly (business, hospital settings). Throw is medium, I can smell it when I move. I will keep this, but not too sure about a bottle though.
  18. Jangzonrice


    In Hermetic alchemy, brimstone is one of the Three Heavenly Substances, one of the primary alchemical Priciples. It represents the strength of will and the vigor of passion, and it is a symbol of the process of fermentation. A smoky, gritty blend, husky and gray. Got this as a frimp. Wet: strong burning smell, not as nice as djinn, a bit too acrid for me. Dry: better now, still acrid but with more spices and little vanilla(???) coming through. However, the beginning wet stage is a bit much for me, djinn is still better than this in my opinion, but I will keep the imp. Throw is nice, I can smell it on a snowy day without huffing my wrist. Staying power is good. I've had it on for 7 hours and it's still going strong.
  19. Jangzonrice


    Got this as a frimp. Wet: vanilla with a slight scent of spices. Disappointing, I hope the vanilla backs off as it dries. Dry: strong vanilla with a tiny bit of spices at the end...not for me, but I will keep the imp. I think it will be good for layering. Throw is good, I can smell it without huffing my wrist. I have had it on for 7 hours and it's still going strong. Nice overall, I can see why it is a favorite for many others, I'm just not crazy about it.
  20. Jangzonrice

    Fire Pig

    By the time I got my vial, it had aged for 6 years or so..? Wet: fruity hard candy....all kinds mixed together...dry: mostly lychee, so very bright and sweet, with a little bit of citrus rounding it out. I like this for the spring and summer months and found that it can be deepened attractively by layering it with Jolly Roger (which I hate on its own!), plus, doing this also makes it last longer. If you plan to wear it on its own, wear a fixative because it has only 3-4 staying hours. I definitely think it is reminiscent of CNY and will start collecting these from now on....
  21. Jangzonrice

    The Spell of the Eastern Sea

    Wet: salty dark waters with the sweetness of old coconut flesh...sweet, but not overly sweet like young ripe coconut meat. Dry: the coconut sweetness fades away and is replaced by a willow green sweetness instead, still salty water smell though. Throw is good, I don't have to huff my wrist to smell it. Staying power is 5-6 hours without a fixative, so not bad. It's definitely a sweet aquatic scent, so don't expect anything dark and menacing here.
  22. Jangzonrice

    Jolly Roger

    Got this as a frimp. Wet: salty ocean water with bay rum dry: less salty ocean water, lots more bay rum and the woods are turning very sour on me....not good at all. I didn't like this at all so I put something else on top of it...2007 fire pig...curiously, this makes Jolly Roger much more tolerable and adds a deepness to fire pig's effervescence. Therefore, I will keep the imp just to deepen a light scent. Hence, fire pig at sea...
  23. Jangzonrice

    Eldritch Drunken Constellations

    Love this one wet: light herbal white tea. Dry: strong white tea with an effervescent citrus tone which I think is the ambergris and eucalyptus working together. This is a wonderful blend that I am extremely happy I picked...I think I have been disappointed with other tea blends that I wanted to smell like this, but ended up being some fruity tea drink scent instead.
  24. Jangzonrice

    The Carpathian Mountains

    Wet: medicinal herbal, not that great for perfume, but great when sick!! Opens up the sinuses and makes me feel better with my homemade all natural vaporub. I use it on everyone at home when they are sick. I wish I could find more of this actually...dry: it becomes a bit more minty, still great. Reminds me of something in the chinese homeopathic pharmacy my parents used to take me to as a kid...nostalgic for me.
  25. Jangzonrice

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    Got this as a frimp. Wet: leather, but not cold black leather rather a worn soft warm pale leather, with a strong musk. Dry: lighter leather, lighter musk, and carnation (my first scent with carnation and I like the spiciness of it!). Later it lightens to vanilla, sage, and light carnation. I like this a lot actually. I have had it in for 8 hours and it is now starting to fade so staying power is pretty good. This is amazing that it starts manly and fades to a feminine scent like so many bpals continue to surprise me!