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Everything posted by Jangzonrice

  1. Jangzonrice

    L'Ecole des Filles

    Got this as an imp to try. Wet: carrot, earthy...musky?? Not a fan at this point. Dry:light rose, orange blossom, a bit powdery. This is nice, but not a fav so I will keep the imp.
  2. Jangzonrice

    Lilith Victoria

    Wet: snake oil with a bit of sweetener. Dry: snake oil and the sweet tea of Dorian. I love this, but it does dry down to a baby powder finish, even the boyfriend noticed...but I still love it. Throw is great and staying power seems good, I've had it on for 4 hours so far and can still smell it.
  3. Jangzonrice

    The Pool of Tears

    Wet: salty aquatic with a bit of floral carnation. Dry: salt dies down slightly and the carnation blooms a bit more, making this a soft aquatic floral. Low throw and probably won't stick around very long (already reapplied and it hasn't been more than 2 hours, but this is great for situations where you can't have fragrances on, it's a stick to you type of scent. Nice, but I will not need a bottle.
  4. Jangzonrice


    Bought this as an imp from the lab. Wet: CHOCOLATE and cherries, like a valentines box of candy. Dry:chocolate, cherry, orangey...a little rosy...like fancy milk chocolate. Nice, but I'm not into super foody scents and this makes my blood sugar rise just smelling it so it will be used for layering. Edit: this is becoming incredibly sweet, I think I can only use it for deep conditioner.
  5. Jangzonrice


    Wet: sassafras...my favorite note evaaaaa!!!! Sweetened with tonka, very much like a fancier version of root beer bottle caps at this stage (I loved those the most!). Dry: sassafras tempered with champaca, like root beer incense...I love this!!! Will buy every bottle I can find!! I don't even care about throw or staying power at this point....I think I officially drank the bpal kool-aid now, my first back up bottle purchase!
  6. Jangzonrice

    Forbidden Fruit

    Got this as a frimp. Wet: bubblegum (the bright pink kind) and fruity floral. Dry: more lotus with a hint of sugary bubblegum. As this dries, it become more lotus-ey and mellow. It transforms from teeny bopper to young sophisticate as it dries. Nice, but I don't think I need to get a bottle before it is dc'd.
  7. Jangzonrice

    Enlightenment of the Courtesan Jigokudayu

    Wet: very sweet pear, overripe. Not a huge fan of this stage, but bearable. Dry: creamy silky coconut with toned down fruity pear, light floral and the golden incense grounds it. This smells like eating a bowl of dofu (Chinese coconut gelatin dessert) topped with pears after burning sweet incense. This is what I hoped it would smell like!! Happy I got a bottle.
  8. Jangzonrice

    Dark Delicacies

    Wet: incense and coconut husk and a dark floral. Nice at this stage. Dry: orchid..orchid...orchid. I can't stand this and I thought I would love it since it is similar to Brown Jenkin wet. I guess I amp orchid, so this is only for layering.
  9. Jangzonrice


    Wet: honey and patchouli. Dry: honeyed patchouli with a bout of powdered amber. This is nice, but I think it will be better aged on me. Throw is average, not too strong which is good because of the patchouli. Staying power was so-so, it only lasted about 4 hours or so. This is a nice scent and very fitting for Clive barker, but it is not one of my top favorites, like I thought it would be from the notes.
  10. Jangzonrice

    Tobacco Honey

    Got this as a frimp and I will have to buy a bottle before it is dc'd . Wet: herbally medicinal honey with a hint of tobacco. Dry: fantasticly light tobacco warmth with honey...not overly, sickeningly sweet like some other companies. This is the only tobacco honey scent I have loved. Throw is good, not too strong which is appropriate for a tobacco scent. Staying power is good to, this lasted about 7 hours on me and I could still catch faint whiffs of it.
  11. Jangzonrice

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    Bought this from another forum member. Wet: chocolate!! But the good gourmet kind. Dry: vanilla lavender with chocolate, like a really decadent chocolate bar. This is tko with chocolate. Love it!! Now I must try other chocolate bpal scents.
  12. Jangzonrice

    A Sudden Invitation

    Got a sniffie bottle with a tiny bit of oil to test. Wet: strong sandalwood and plum (like the chinese red preserved kind). Dry: mint and sandalwood. Nice to try, but I don't need more of it. However, if I knew something that had that preserved plum note in it, I would be very interested!. Edit: a week later and I keep thinking of the preserved plum note in this....now I need to find more
  13. Jangzonrice

    Temple Viper

    Got a bottle from ebay seller who is also a forum member. Wet: sweet snake oil with powdery frankincense and deepness from opoponax. There is a headshop overtone from the champaca. I like this a lot despite the sweetness. Dry: snake oil sweetened with more powderyness from the frankincense. I normally don't like powdery, but in this case it still works. Throw is great and I can still smell it after 4 hours, but now it is more of a skin-hugging scent.
  14. Jangzonrice

    The Apothecary

    Got this as a frimp from the lab. Wet: light herbal green tea, no astringency. Nice, but very light. Dry: even lighter herbal tea, very faint at this point. This is nice if you're In a job or situation where perfume is not appropriate, but it is far too light for me. I would, however, wear this to an interview or professional setting. Throw is light and staying power is nil. Be prepared to reapply with this one. Also good for days I have headaches that stronger perfume may irritate.
  15. Jangzonrice


    Got this as a frimp from another forum member. It's aged, but I'm not sure how old it is. Wet: citrus, rose, and other floral...jasmine? Dry: citrus dies down, more rose and jasmine and sweetened by Amber. I also have a lab fresh imp and will see how that differs. It's pretty, but the throw is weak and I don't think staying power is going to be great either. I will have to reapply before I go out tonight definitely. Tried out the lab fresh frimp. Wet: bright, sweet citrus. Dry: amber citrus with a little jasmine. I like this much better than the aged version, so I probably will not get a bottle of this since it will age into the description above. Too bad, because it is beautiful fresh.
  16. Jangzonrice

    The Queen's Croquet Ground

    Got this goblin squirt as a gift with purchase from another forum member. Fresh roses and grass...sounds horrible, but it is the freshest scent I have ever smelled. The lab's roses are amazing and not headache inducing like any other company I have tried and this one even inspired me to hunt down rose red from another forum member!
  17. Jangzonrice

    Mahogany Hall Atmosphere Spray

    Got this as a goblin squirt. Woody, vanilla with a hint of tobacco. Strong, but beautiful!!
  18. Jangzonrice

    What's the best coconut blend?

    My favorite coconut scent is brown Jenkin, hands down. I like that it is indeed a woody coconut husk scent that doesn't get too sweet (my biggest fear with coconut).
  19. Jangzonrice

    Kuang Shi

    Bought an imp from the lab to try. Wet: mango, slightly bitter mandarin. This is very bright, but not sweet so I like it so far. Dry: mandarin with sandalwood. I like this too. Not getting much musk at all. Throw is minimal. Staying power is not great, it only lasted for 2 hours so I think I need to use a fixative next time. I really like this despite the poor throw and staying power. Maybe it will last longer in the summer or spring when it is hot outside. I am debating getting a full bottle before it is discontinued.....
  20. Jangzonrice

    TKO Massage Oil

    I gotta admit, I was a little skeptical about TKO, but instead of buying the perfume oil, I bought this instead. I used it last night after a shower and WOW!!! The scent is a little sweet, yes, but the combination of lavender marshmallow goodness is amazing!!! I felt so relaxed ( that's a lot to say since I spent most of the week really stressed and sad). I could stop worrying for a while (chronic worrier) and just have fun with the bf for a while. I must have bottles and bottles of this stuff! It will always be used after showers before nap time. Probably not for morning showers since I will inevitably feel sleepy (very Pavlov response).
  21. Jangzonrice

    Ice Princess Bath Oil

    Love the way this smells. Chilly peach with a hint of blackberry with a sweet creaminess. I use it as a moisturizer and it applies well just like all of BPTPs oils. It dries to a faint peachy vanilla honey. For something so fruity and sweet in the notes, this is not at all overbearing or headache inducing (I'm looking at you, unhappily ever after!). If I had known it would be great, I would have ordered another!
  22. Jangzonrice

    Mother Ginger

    Bought a decant from another forum member. Wet: super gingery gingerale (the good stuff..). I wasn't too sure if I liked it at this stage. Dry: still gingery, but the vanilla and marshmallow cream blooms and makes a creamy gingerale scent (gingerale float...? Might have to try that one day...). I really love this even though the wet stage threw me off and will try to hunt down more!!
  23. Jangzonrice

    Earth Rat

    Bought a bottle from a forum member. Wet: melon with a background similar to fire pig, my first CNY blend I owned. Dry: melon with piney woods in the background. It turns masculine eventually with only a faint pine/woods scent left. Throw is good at first in the melon stage. Staying power is only for 3-4 hours, only 2 hours for the melon stage. I like this since it is similar, but yet unique from fire pig. In my experience, the CNY blends seem similar at first, but the dry downs for me are unique. I will continue to collect them each year!
  24. Jangzonrice

    Whoso List To Hunt

    Bought an imp to try before it becomes dc'd. Wet: herbally light musk dry: soft woody musk with a hint of rose. Later, it becomes sharper and more masculine on me, I think it's the oak bark and moss. I really like this and might have to get another imp next month......
  25. Jangzonrice

    The Organ Grinder (2006)

    bought this from a forum member. I bought this just for the sarsparilla note, but the almond milk simply takes over wet: almond milk...creamy and sweet (not what I wanted, but it's still pleasant). dry: more almond milk....I normally don't like almond scents (had wayyyy too many almond cookies as a kid and got sick), but this is quite nice and I think I will keep this bottle anyway. throw is great and I could still smell it after 10 hours!