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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Eemia

  1. This is very mild. It reminds me a little of Enraged Bunny Musk. It has that same gentle creaminess and very soft throw. This stays extremely close to my skin. I can only smell it when I press my nose against my wrist.


    The overall creamy tone is pretty and it stays far away from the foody realm. It provides a nice blanket for the florals. The florals are very faint---I can barely detect them. I do smell a spiciness which sort of surprised me. I wasn't expecting that. It's not a sharp spiciness...more of a prickle that only lasts a short time. Then it gives way to the mellow creamy notes and then it disappears completely.


    I like this, but I'm not crazy about it as a perfume. It is comforting though and I wore it last night to sleep in. It was soothing and it did help me feel relaxed. So I think I'll use it in that capacity.

  2. This has become a staple for me. I can safely say that I use in every single day. Even if it's only a quick rub on my hands before bed, or a dab on my temples when I feel fried.


    This does smell slightly different than the Lab's TKO. The massage oil is somehow less intense. I smell more vanilla and sweetness than the strong lavender that I associate with TKO. It's possibly more beautiful than the perfume oil. And I don't know how this work so well, but it does. The scent is relaxing enough to calm me down and it does help me fall asleep more easily than I would without it. Best of all, even when I slather myself in it I don't feel like I'm walking around reeking of fragrance. And believe me I do slather.


    The texture is very light and silky, as with all of the massage oils. It soaks in easily without a greasy feeling or a thick residue. I am obsessed with this. I've already been through half a bottle in a month and that's saying something. I don't think I've finished a bottle of anything ever.

  3. This is so intense. Its strong leather and clove in the beginning. Overwhelmingly sexy. With the caraway and musk it smells like something edgy and dangerous. Kind of smoky and very spicy. But despite the cinnamon and clove it isn't at all foody. It's too wrapped up in the leather and musk. The musk is somewhat masculine, especially combined with the leather.


    The lighter notes appear more as it dries, surprisingly. I thought they would be most prominent when it was wet. But all of the sudden it smells more fresh, more vibrant. More of a crystalline scent mixing with the heavier fragrance. There even seems to be a green note somewhere. Not sure if I am just noticing the sage all of the sudden or what.


    Damn I do love this one. It has a depth and complexity that is just gorgeous. It's fierce and I feel very sexy in it.

  4. This is my favorite from the Snake Pit. The apple has me swooning. It's a refreshing, light floral with Snake Oil in the background. I love Snake Oil, but sometimes it's too heavy for me. This is a fantastic alternative. I still get that deep, musky vanilla but it's made softer by other notes. So I feel like even in hot weather it doesn't overwhelm me.


    The apple is the strongest note, even as it fades. It's crisp and sweet and very pretty. The orange is fairly strong too but it blends in so well with the musky vanilla that I don't notice it as much. The plumeria is the best part. It smells tropical and exotic. I expected the Snake Oil to take over but it never does. After its been on my skin for several hours the only thing I can smell is the familiar gorgeous scent of faded Snake Oil, but that doesn't happen for a long time.


    Overall this smells so feminine to me. The tropical flavor is beautiful. I wear this one often and I always get compliments when I do. I have to get back-ups of this to have on hand so I never run out.

  5. When I first applied this to my skin, I thought it was going to be a straight-up cake scent. It smelled very, very foody and richly sweet. I do like foody scents, but not ones that smell like cake. For some reason my chemistry can tend to turn cake into a musty butter scent that I just can't stand. So I wasn't thrilled with this one to start. But within ten minutes it started to develop into a lovely creamy vanilla and anything cake-esque disappeared.


    The pepper is the perfect touch--it gives it a nice little kick. And the grapefruit has won me over of course. It's sweet and juicy and innocent. And everything remains wrapped inside that pretty vanilla coating. It's all sweet, but not cloying or sickly sweet. The lemon adds a brightness that keeps this from slipping into overly foody again. Combined with the sugary notes the lemon reminds me of those little hard candy lemon drops I used to like when I was little.


    This has average throw and it seems to last for a long time. It smells better and better as I wear it. I'm so glad that my chemistry didn't ruin this one for me. I really like it.

  6. This opens up with a heavy, thick amber fragrance. It has that golden warmth that I love in amber notes. Paired with the rich woods and incense it's very sensual and exotic. The benzoin has that glossy, perfumey quality that lifts this and prevents it from sitting too closely on my skin. Benzoin always smells slightly chemical to me as well, which is an unexpected contrast with so many natural, earthy notes. I can smell it quite strongly as the fragrance develops. I am really attracted to it in this blend.


    I notice the teakwood more as it dries down. It reminds me of silky, highly polished furniture. Overall I get that sensation from this one...like being surrounded by over-sized dark furniture in a close space. The amber fades with a bit of a dusty sensation so it adds to the atmospheric quality. But mainly it remains woody and vaguely spicy.

  7. White peach, lily of the valley, jasmine, rose, iris, osmanthus, tangerine, white wine grape, and cream accord.

    Oh I love peach. It always makes a fragrance seem innocent and fresh. Plus it lets me enjoy a fruit based scent without the extreme juiciness, which I don't always like. The peach in this is without any cloying, sticky sweetness. It's soft and plush and delicate, like you could sink your fingers into it.

    The florals are the perfect company because they don't compete with the peach. The jasmine isn't as heady as I expected. It's beautiful and feminine. The other florals are less obvious to my nose. I just get an impression of pale flowers, as well as some warm supporting notes in the background. Not exactly musk but that same neutral sort of tone. It's all very rounded.

    I think this is so alluring and gorgeously feminine. Definitely memorable. Another new love for me.

  8. Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple -- With a dollop of caramel!

    This starts out as a fresh, strong apple. Very vibrant and bold. It only has a hint of a sugar scent at first, and non of the buttery thickness I associate with caramel. Mostly the apple shines the brightest. The strength of the apple does fade eventually and that's when I can smell more of the sugar notes. It reminds me of Sugar Skull at this stage. The sugar has that same slightly burnt smell. There is a sort of creaminess too but it's almost too subtle to notice.

    This doesn't last on my skin very long, but it does have a nice strong throw. So I just kept reapplying several times. I can't complain about that because I do love that original burst of apple.

  9. When I wore this I was expecting something earthy and maybe musky. But in actuality it doesn't smell like anything I recognize. I can't pick out the notes or break it down into its individual parts. Overall I have an impression of a very expensive perfume. It has a dry, chemical, perfumey fragrance. Nothing that screams for attention. It's subtle.


    It feels perfect for a need to impress situation. It wore well all day without any second applications, and it didn't morph. It held that same perfumey fragrance well into the drydown. This is much more unusual than I would have thought. I've been wearing this one to work quite a bit and have received some nice compliments on it.

  10. The essence of pleasure heightened by pain: the raw scent of leather.

    I love this. It's very sexy. I wear it by itself a lot but I also like to pair it with some of my sweeter fragrances too. This smells like expensive leather, and it has worn in, aged quality that I like. It wears well, especially in the dry down when it almost doesn't smell like leather anymore. It really clings closely. The throw is minimal. It actually feels like I've been wearing leather all day and the scent just stuck with me.

  11. This starts out as strong tobacco, with a deep spiciness and a hint of woody floral. The spiciness is very smooth, but still has a peppery bite from the carnation. The sandalwood adds a nice earthiness....and it adds a masculine quality that balances out the florals.


    I love the smoky tobacco paired with the rose. This rose isn't overly rich where it takes over the other notes. In fact it's very quiet and sort of dry. I never really smell the honey, or even much sweetness. Mainly this stays smoky and spicy.

  12. This is for the Dark Delicacies release.


    This is a really smoky, pure incense. There is a rich earthiness that I love in incense scents. It has a nice depth and warmth. But it's slightly sweet...just enough to lift it a little and offer a nice balance to the deeper notes. It's smooth and simple and beautiful. This doesn't have a strong throw, but it lasts for ages on my skin.

  13. The fragrance in this is lighter than the other massage oils. It's a beautifully soft lavender with a very gentle grassy note. Nothing medicinal or sharp, just a pure floral lavender. There's a bit of a freshness here too, possibly from the verbena and grapefruit. It's soothing, but it also made me feel more cheerful. Grapefruit always has that effect on me.


    Like the other massage oils, it's non-greasy and doesn't leave a sticky or thick residue. It's extremely light and silky in texture. I can use them as a body moisturizer and immediately get dressed without having to worry about it transferring onto my clothes. The oil is absorbed into my skin so quickly.

  14. The pear in this is so sweet and mellow. It opens up the fragrance with a ripe smoothness. I expected the pear to fade straight away when the lily appears, but it really has nice lasting power. It's an unusual effect to have the sweet pear and the slightly soapy lily fighting it out. I think if the pear completely disappeared then this would be too heavily floral (mainly lily) for me.


    It drys to a musky floral. The rose stays faint throughout, and is mostly noticeable when it has faded. The lily has lost all of its clean scent and almost completely blends in with the musk note.


    The pear is definitely what makes this fragrance for me. Overall, this is lovely.

  15. Swarthy and overtly sexy. I love the masculine edge. The clove is gorgeous and deep with a smoky tinge that keeps it from being even remotely foody. Spicy and yet it's not the first thing that comes to mind. The sandalwood is a close second in strength. It mixes with the rose and creates an interesting effect. It reminds me of the last drops of some old mixture clinging to the sides of a tinted bottle.


    Yes....I love this.

  16. I've been wanting to try this one for a long time but I've put it to the back of the line because of the lemon flower. Lemon really goes nuts on my skin and can overpower everything else in sight. I get a strong, smooth lemon for a long time. It's not a bitter lemon scent like the rind, or a juicy lemon like the fruit. It's just mellow and smooth. But still....it is unmistakably lemon and not much else.


    After I wore this for at least an hour I could smell some of the other notes coming through. It's a soft, semi-sweet mixture of musk and smoky florals. Nothing stands out as very distinct. I cannot smell the coconut at all, but maybe that's what is adding to the general impression of sweetness. I like the smoky aspect that lurks around.


    I would love this if it was without that long opening lemon note that lasts and lasts. But I just can't get past the lemon. It smells so bad on me! Lemon and I were not meant to be. It's too bad because this is so pretty on my skin in every other way.

  17. Rich, musty, smoky rose. The rose is heady and bold, but blanketed by the spicy incense. It's a warm, thick scent. It feels very, very aged (which is somewhat true since this is an older bottle). I love rose in any form, and this has a lovely ancient feeling. This is a close skin scent and it doesn't have a lot of throw. But it's powerful nonetheless.

  18. There is an otherworldly quality about this. Even though the pine and mosses are grounding and earthy, it's still feels like something that just slips through your fingers. Everything smells pale and luminous. It's a cool scent, with the sharpness of the pine settling in from the start. The mosses soften it, as does the rose. The rose never overwhelms the fragrance....it remains dainty and shy.


    I am absolutely in love with this one.

  19. Something about the dryness of this feels very distinct. It doesn't remind me of any other scent I've tried that contains the dried leaves note.


    The rose is beautifully strong here. It really amps on my skin. Paired with the sandalwood it feels woody and earthy and anchored. It's not a soft fragrance at all. It has a lot of throw and is very bold. There is a smooth spiciness that I am loving right now. It's not a foody spicy scent...it's less sweet than that. Instead it smells perfumey and somewhat sharp. Yet everything still remains natural.


    The leaves really got to me in the end. I think that's what completely won me over. It's just a sensual touch that I really appreciate in this, especially with that gorgeous dry rose.

  20. When I first started wearing BPAL I hated anything pine. Evil, evil pine. But this is one of those examples of how much my tastes have changed in a year. Pine has slowly been becoming a note that I can wear and that I actually enjoy.


    This is like a sweet, fruity, dark pine. It's so pretty. It has the lightness of a fruit scent, but the heavier presence of a dark green floral. At first it's incredibly feminine and mellow. And very smooth. I have to go close to my skin to really smell it. It reminds me of a ripe cantaloupe at this point. Then the pine appears. It's much less fierce and overwhelmingly green than a lot of the pine notes I'm used to. It's more subtle. The green presence is still there though. The florals are a nice support. The lotus has that almost-but-not-quite bubble gum scent. It adds to the sweetness.


    This dries into a softer fruit/floral. The pine is very obvious during the drydown. I can't believe I am saying that I like pine this much but I can't help it. It's perfect. Sort of musky too. For some reason it seems stronger now, like it has more throw than it did wet. This is much prettier than I hoped it would be.

  21. Beautiful, cold woods and snow. This feels like a classic winter fragrance. The sharpness of the mint is refreshing and blends perfectly with the more subdued wood notes. There almost seems to be a juicy or berry note in here. It has that same sweet quality and it prevents this from being too masculine on me.


    I love most snow fragrances and this is no exception. It's lovely.

  22. This is an unusual combination on my skin. Salty, wet greens and powdery violet. It's a very dark aquatic, but the florals are prominent as well.


    There's a green quality that borders on herbal. It's slightly bitter and pungent with a salty overtone. It's fresh too, like it's been soaking in water. It's very reminiscent of the ocean. The violet is extremely strong and appears right from the start. I love violet. It has a soft, dark edge to it and it dries into a barely perceptible powdery note. The other floral notes are pale and heady. It smells like thicker florals, but nothing cloying or obnoxious.


    I wore this all day yesterday and only had to apply it once in the morning. I could still smell the lingering violet when I woke up this morning. Even that rolling aquatic scent was still noticeable. That's amazing staying power. I really like this.

  23. I am disappointed that this doesn't work on me. I had a feeling when I bought it that it might not work because of all of the honey notes, but I was hoping the other notes would play up on my skin and maybe drown the honey out a bit.


    Sadly, this is all honey on me. It's an odd, powdery honey too. It's very faint on my skin so it didn't overwhelm me or anything. It's a close skin scent and it doesn't have a lot of throw. This almost seems bland on me. I don't know how to describe it. Even the sweetness is bland. I wore it twice and both times got the same result.


    I'm going to have to pass this one along to someone who will love it.

  24. This starts out as cool, sharp lemon. It's bitter and very slightly sour. It smells more like the rind of the lemon than the juice. It's light and fresh and pale. I am not normally a fan of lemon notes, and so far that's all I smell. Lemon is just too reminiscent of cleaning products to be enjoyable as a fragrance for me.


    The lemon is still present as it dries down but the sharpness fades significantly. The overall fragrance begins to become lightly musky, though still tinged with lemon. The musks aren't deep or very strong. It's pleasantly soft and cool. I can only describe the scent at this point as a clean/perfumey fragrance. Not soapy, but clean. The rose is a soft, gentle rose, but I can barely smell it.


    The best point during the wear time is the end, after I've worn it for about an hour. The clean/lemon notes have vanished and it smells more like a very light, wet floral with a musk background.


    I'm not sure I like this. The drydown is somewhat pretty on me, but I don't think I would want to wait around for that point everytime.

  25. This feels very personal and sensual. A deeper fragrance that clings closely, but its still very strong.


    It's musky and vaguely sweet, almost like sweetened smoke. The skin musk is beautiful and really amps up on my skin. The patchouli is particularly nice in this. It doesn't overwhelm the florals and it has a lovely earthiness. The florals stay completely in the background. I can only really make out the spiciness of the carnation. Overall this has a gorgeous complexity and depth that I am crazy about.


    This wears well on me without fading quickly. And it drys down without a trace of dustiness or any powdery scent. It stays warm and sultry, retaining that exotic earthiness that I love so much.
