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Posts posted by Eemia

  1. I feel like maybe I've tried this before but when I wore an imp of it a few days ago it didn't ring any bells. I was expecting something much darker and maybe even a little heavy and syrupy but this is extremely light. The apricot is soft and fuzzy, diffused by the alcohol underneath. No sweetness or feeling of fruitiness, it's very smooth and well blended. I don't have much a reference for the brandy but on me this is like an apricot medicine, something clear and colorless and very thin. I keep picturing apricot medicine or apricot tinged vodka because the alcohol aspect in this is almost non-descript on my skin. I'm drawn to it though and I like how unusual it is. I can pile it on and it never becomes overpowering, though it doesn't last for more than a couple hours.


    It has this mysteriously expensive, I don't give a rat's ass vibe going on. That probably only makes sense in my own head but I had to say it anyway.



    I think I'm going to have to get a full bottle of this one.

  2. The lemongrass is killing this for me. It's not that it's overpowering, it's that the it's pairing with everything else in a weird way. It's making the rest of it smell odd and I feel like I'm wearing two different perfumes. The astringent herbal quality of the lemon is underscored by a stale floral incense. It's dry and very rosey and feels old. I love jasmine and usually it really shines on my skin but it's going into a rare latex territory in here.


    I really, really wanted this to work on me because the description sounded very peaceful but this is an utter disaster with my chemistry.

  3. I've had my bottle forever, or at least for maybe six years worth of forever. I didn't even know it was discontinued until I decided to write a review for it.


    It's fruit with substance. Juicy, sprawling, and sort of resiny. The fruits are very sweet, syrupy, and thick. Like jelly on top of incense. It's not spicy (insert abject gratefulness here) but there's a lot of depth underneath and just a gorgeous mellowness that plays out like skin musk. I never get any sense of a floral in here. Granted my bottle is old but I don't remember ever getting florals from this one. I love how it dies out into a sweet musky dryness. I only wear this once in awhile because it's not a type of fragrance I tend to wear often but it was one of my first bpal purchases and I've always had it in some type of rotation.

  4. I feel like I need to just start spouting off a string of clichés right now because this smells amazing. I'll try to restrain myself but wow. So sexy. Vanilla and sandalwood with deep, smokey, golden resin... I couldn't be swooning any harder. In the last couple of years sandalwood has become a note I'm really drawn to and crave. I think that's the little something in here that makes this so gorgeous to me even though it's not a big sandalwood.


    In some vague sense this reminds me of Haloes (one of my all time favorites ever) but the vanilla in this is sweeter and more prominent. It doesn't give way to the other notes like it does in Haloes. It's bonding to the tobacco so that it smells like vanilla-tobacco at first, very silky. And sandalwood! Faint, shy sandalwood but the small hints of it that I get here and there are enough to make me happy. Overall there's a dark tone that's very rich, almost like a whiskey note and I'm guessing that's the tonka playing with the other notes. It's not heavy or thick despite being such a robust scent. It stays on a happy vanilla trail even as it wears down and takes on a drier, more incense tinged presence and what could almost be leather.


    I love wearing this and when I do I become one of those people that shoves her wrist in everyone's face so they can love me wearing this too.

  5. It's a plummy, juicy sweet floral at first. Heavy on the wine, which is equal parts boozy and fruity. Really strong and dark. I'm not crazy about carnation because it always smells like powdery cinnamon to me, though it doesn't show up that much in here at first. I notice it once the fruity aspect wears off, and it's more of a spicy, peppery floral later on. Not distinctly carnation, though I'm guessing that's a large part of what smells so spicy to me. Or maybe it's the cider? Anyway, it's a touch musky and dry, and feels like a Christmas scent. It's all stale potpourri on the drydown and really off-putting. So this one is a definite no for me.

  6. This is very creamy and delicate. The lily is clean and veers towards soapy at the beginning as it usually does on my skin. But it's not stamping out everything else in its path; it's a tame, subdued lily for once. Then I get more impressions of cleanliness and fresh, soft lilac. It's all dainty petals and a background of something that reminds me of a skin musk. Close sitting without a lot of throw. It's like a shower fresh, lightly perfumed skin type of fragrance. This is a beautiful platform for lilac, and I love lilac and so this is one I wear often.

  7. I get leather too, as a few others mentioned. Where is that coming from? I was expecting more of a vanilla version of Dorian with some citrus and herbs but this is so far from what I anticipated. It's a little musty and dry with a strong leather scent throughout. It becomes a fuzzy, worn out vanilla after a few hours. I feel stuffy wearing this, like I'm smelling my wrists while I have a cold.


    All of the notes should have worked really well on me but for some reason this doesn't. I'm so disappointed but I think I'll keep my bottle simply because it's Prince Lir.

  8. 2013 version...


    I could wear this anytime. It's one of those easy to grab scents that I don't have to over think. I can't quite figure out what it smells like on me other than a sort of dry, papery, smooth, pale type of blend. Not quite woody even though it leans that way. I keep relating it to some random idea of white trees. I don't get any vanilla until it's worn down after a few hours, and then it's sweeter. This has been one of my staples since I got it. Love.

  9. Cool, wintery mint and florals in the beginning. I love mint but I was hoping for a less dominant version in this and unfortunately my skin just projects it. So for the first ten minutes I wasn't totally captivated by this. Then the mint retreats and I get a gentle cocoa butter undertone that's just barely sweet and helps keep the florals from being too stuffy. It doesn't smell like chocolate but the creaminess is still familiar without turning into sour plastic as milky, foody notes can sometimes do on me. I like that even with the chocolate this stays very light and translucent. The white musk melds with the mint really beautifully and it does have a cologne type of scent like a couple others mentioned. The florals are clean without being soapy and it all feels very watery and thin and calm.


    I wouldn't wear this as in a scent locket but once it's had a chance on my skin it really shines and becomes quite beautiful.

  10. I love the simplicity of this one. It's very grassy and green with twinges of sap or some other creamy quality. I don't find it to be floral at all, more of a combination of young, summery greenness. It's like the best part of Garden Path with Chickens was taken out and put into this bottle. Pretty amazing how accurate this smells.

  11. I can't believe how realistic this smells. All the descriptions here have it right. It's natural, fresh, happy, bright, juicy, etc. etc. and I crave it like crazy. And though it has a short lifespan on me it really stays true to initial zingy orange without mellowing much or turning sweet. I love it in a scent locket so it can just stay that way all day long. I wish I had gotten more than one bottle of this, which is funny because usually citrus doesn't have the appeal for me that other fruit notes do. I have huge love for this.

  12. There's a juice box synthetic strawberry at first. Kind of has a scratchy feeling like eating or drinking something that itches the back of your throat afterwards. Then there's a meltdown of potpourri with a stale, dry spiciness, at which point I washed it off. I can't figure out what exactly is doing that on my skin but it's not the mysterious dark strawberry I was hoping for. I've tried imps of this off and on over the last couple years but I always get the same result.

  13. I've been wearing this everyday for almost a week. It's cool, summery strawberry roses with a sweet grassiness. Not too green, I don't get a freshly mowed lawn scent at all. It's just a nice wavering backdrop to the beautiful strawberry, which is bright and natural. I like syrupy strawberry notes but I prefer the freshly washed and chopped version in here. I go back and forth with my love of rose and this makes me swing right to the front of the rose fan-girl line. I picture the roses being those dewy, pale yellow ones that aren't overly floral or spicy.


    This stays strawberry fantastic throughout the wear length and the dry down reminds me of some fruity scratch and sniff stickers I had when I was really little. It's so good in a scent locket too. I think I've been over dosing myself with this but it's not knocking anyone over so I'm going to keep doing it.

  14. My boyfriend ordered this for himself but too bad for him because it smells amazing on me too. I kept stealing it so much that the next order we placed he had to add another bottle of this in along with everything else. I get all the comparisons to Dorian and I definitely smell that too, but actually it reminds me so much of His Station and Four Aces (from the Dogs Playing Poker series), one of my top ten all time favorites. This has a touch more sweetness but other than that they're very close on my skin with the lilac fougere and leather combo. The fougere is always very distinct on me, screaming Dorian! and Villain! and all things favorite. I had no idea what a fougere was until bpal and now I can't imagine not smelling it. Here it's sexy and masculine and sort of clean with that beautiful lilac note. It's perfect with the sleekness of the leather, which is strongest at the beginning and gives way to the fougere and general sweetness towards the end. But even on drydown I can still find some leather peeking through. There's some type of smoky tone that underscores everything, which I can only smell on myself. On my boyfriend it's more leather dominant.


    Gorgeous scent.

  15. Lavender honey cheesecake.


    Lots of thick cheesecake with little wafts of lavender. Sometimes the cheesecake part of the Beaver Moons can go musty on my skin but I haven't experienced anything like that with this one. This smells does remind me a little of the heavy vanilla creaminess of Boo as a couple other reviews mentioned. No strong honey in here but there's some sort of dry sweetness at the end that seems like it could be the honey showing up. I wish the lavender was stronger since I'm a longtime lover of anything lavender but it's beautiful anyway. Not too herbal or sharp, very much a floral lavender. This is definitely my favorite Beaver Moon.

  16. This was worrying at first given that it was like being suffocated by magnolias. So I put it aside and forgot about it for a year, right after wondering why on earth I bought a bottle after trying it once at a will call. But I rediscovered it a few months ago and I'm glad I did. Maybe it's because it aged or maybe my chemistry changed a little because now it really works on me. It's all sorts of exotic and filled with big waxy flowers, cloying in a sultry, warm kinda way. It's mostly magnolia with (which smells so similar to a gardenia to me, and I didn't check to see if they're in the same family or anything) some sweet muskiness filling in around it. The peach isn't strong, it seems to be melded into the honey-musk so that I can't pick it out too easily. I think I'll wear it more in the summer because it does feel like a scent that'll glow in the heat.

  17. Sweet apricot jam and a light, dry musk. Very fruity but not heavy or thick at all. There's a watery jasmine that smells a little green to me rather than the cloying, intense floral jasmine that can overwhelm every other note in its path. Overall it's very light and gentle, extremely feminine. A little perfumey. It dries down into a musky sweetness with a tiny bit of fruitiness hanging onto it. I love the apricot in here, it's what really wins me over, especially since it's so identifiable. One of my favorites Lupers ever.

  18. Lots of beautifully intense lavender at first. Not the wispy, transparent type but smog-thick and sharp. I like it in all its forms so I was happy to find it at the forefront. Soon the lavender softens and becomes more of a mingled floral that's very heady, like I sprayed clouds of it and walked through it rather than simply dabbing it on my wrists. The geranium is rich here and stands out to me more so than anything else, and it's backed by a dark mixture of something that smells like a cross between an aldehyde and a wood. It's very voluptuous at this point and while it's lovely in its own right, it doesn't feel like me. Like it's the wrong combination of strong floral notes for my chemistry so it felt like a borrowed perfume rather than one I own and love.


    It becomes powdery and slightly woody as it dries down, and the florals are disappearing. Then it's all faint vanilla skin scent. Lots of different stages to this one and the most memorable one is unfortunately the one that I can't reconcile with my personality. Otherwise this would be perfect for me given my love of florals and lavender in particular. If I mix a drop with a plain body lotion it completely skips that mid-wear floral scent that doesn't work on me so whenever I want to enjoy it I have to use it like that.

  19. I get powdered sugar with some version of a cake smell lurking around underneath. A lot of bpal cookie, pastry, cheesecake, pudding, and gourmand notes inevitably translate as a strange "cake" smell on my skin. It's a little stuffy and almost borders on something that could be butter on the verge of sourness. Depending on the fragrance, the degrees of sourness varies and a lot of times become outright rancid on me. Luckily this stays firmly in dry, sugary cake territory. Gourmand but not scarily so (which works because I'm not super crazy about gourmand scents) and with a strong sweet tone. There's a fruitiness that never becomes distinctly strawberry but it reminds me of a not-made-from-nature juicebox that got left out in the sun to warm up.


    So many of my scents I have routines for and find myself wearing for a certain reason... when I'm sick, when I'm with a certain friends, when I'm at the gym, when I'm with my boyfriend, when I'm alone and know I can't offend anyone, and for the many different games I'm addicted to. I have a love of zombie movies and books but I had to have this scent for one purpose only: my Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies obsession. Whenever I jump on xbox to game Black Ops I wear this. This scent is so funny I just needed to pair it with something ridiculously fun like that. I smile everytime I see the label and think of gloppy jelly donuts.

  20. Tea rose is one my longtime loves, ever since my first bpal bottle (Marie) and while I'm not as connected to it now I still like wearing it and am always convinced that I could pick it out of a lineup. Yet I never get any rose at all in here. This smells like strawberry-white-musk at first, the strawberry being the fresh, misty, thinned out type I love in Strawberry Moon 2012. Nothing too sweet, it's more like a little wink of girliness in the midst of all the incense and smoky tobacco. There's that Lace familiarity in here that smells sort of like vanilla dust mingled with dark liquors, so it feels dark in the way all of the Laces do to me. At some point I smell something close to marshmallow without the sugar... would that just be mallow then?? I really love how this toes the line with some hints of masculinity, as the mixture of the tobacco and booze goes a little cologne on my skin. Anyway, it's beautiful throughout, finishing out with a soft, close to the skin tobacco.

  21. I especially love the smooth, subdued scent of the leaves in here. They don't smell too crunchy or brown, which feels more strictly autumnal to me. The vanilla is so connected to the cocoa in here that I don't get the distinctiveness of either note, more of single entity. The cocoa might be a tad dominant like semi-sweet cocoa powder tinged with vanilla. Not a bakery or foodie smell at all. More of the vanilla appears during the dry down and it's a silky, musky, french vanilla rather than a deeper, syrupy vanilla. It's familiar but I can never find a good comparison to any of my other scents.


    I always visualize this as a pale gray scent because it has all the comfort factors that gray conjures but it's not heavy or cloying. It's a very tactile fragrance and I've worn it more often than any other Halloweenie. In a scent locket I get a brighter, sharper tone but it's still gorgeous, just a slightly different feeling.

  22. This practically blew the roof off of my skull when I smelled it. The absinthe is so strong and sharp that I can't safely wear it unless I dry-dab it on one wrist, otherwise my eyes actually water. I like the smell of absinthe but this is really sharp and intense. It just drowns out anything else in here so that all I can smell on my skin is burning hot black licorice and alcohol. Eventually it wears down to a strongly masculine woody musk. I've loved all of the laces, especially Black Lace and Tattered Lace, but this just doesn't have the same sultry, nuanced quality that those have on my skin. Maybe it'll age well but I'm giving it away instead of holding onto it.

  23. This is what I expected Good to be like, but instead I can barely smell that one on my skin and this one just shines like a warm beacon. It's sweet gold with a vanilla vibe and something like hay or sweet grass. Visually I picture amber but it doesn't have the same resin-powder dry down that I get from most ambers. It just stays golden and sweet. It's not close wearing on me-- I can really smell this no matter how little I put on. I haven't really layered it because it seems so identifiable to me and I can't imagine it with anything else. About once a month several friends and I get together and have all out team wars playing Lord of the Rings RISK and I've been wearing this every time we play. We've been doing it since about 2003 and whether there's ten of us or three of us, everyone has developed their own little ritual or talisman and this one has become mine. I've been slathering this on for our gaming sessions for almost a year and it just doesn't feel the same without it. I think it gives me an advantage. ;) I'm a competitive pyscho when I play boardgames and I need all the extra edge I can get so I don't bust out the crazy if I lose.


    I love it and besides smelling so good it has the bonus of carrying with it all of my amazing LOTR memories.

  24. Pear cotton candy with a hint of bubble gum. Pear cotton candy!! Not as alarmingly sweet as that description implies but it does really smell like sugar as opposed to a general sweetness. There's a tinge of mint and some coolness in here too, so it's not solely a candy scent. It seems solid and less lacy as it wears, like dried out cubes of sugar with a background I can't ever pin down. Maybe a touch of something herbal. But still, it's a light soft dry down and I can keep layering this on throughout the day. Awesome.

  25. I love you mint. Without you I'd be forced to go fragrance-free anytime I get sick. When I'm even remotely nauseated everything smells rancid to me and I can't go near any of my bottles. When I attempt to be stoic and pick a random reliable anytime fragrance so I don't have to leave the house undone, I only end up scrubbing my arms raw in five minutes. Thankfully mint is always my friend whether I'm healthy or sick. It's gentler here than the high pitched, sharp and crisp mint I love in Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat. It's more like the vanilla butter mint smell in Tokyo Stomp. Just the right amount of sweetness. It smells like bergamot tea dreaminess once the mint cools off a bit, all rolled up with a less alarming Snake Oil. I love SO in it's own right but only when I'm in the right mood. I used to find myself wearing it more often than I do now for whatever reason. The SO here isn't as direct or strong. It smells more unfocused, diluted, and worn smooth, less overt in every way. Still sensual though and really beautiful with that incense/dark sugar/smoke smell that "is" Snake OIl to me.


    Very soft, bergamot heavy drydown with a lot of vanilla undercurrents. I feel like I gravitate to bergamot fragrances regardless of whether or not I'm aware that it's a note so I love that it's such a dominant presence in here. This isn't a strong scent where I have to be careful with how much I apply but it does have a sturdy backbone. Other than the stomach-healing-mint instances of wear necessity, it's one of my more adaptable fragrances and I tend to be haphazard in how I choose it.
