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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Eemia

  1. Dammit! I HATE my sensitive skin. A dab on my wrists, my inner elbow, across my collarbone, behind my ears.....and what do you know--it looks like I've lost the war against a pissed off tennis player. Big, bright red circles the size of a baseball in every place I "dabbed" this on. ARRRRRRRGH!


    I don't even know how this smells b/c my allergies reacted too...stuffed up nose and watery eyes. I honestly do have horrible allergies and the most sensitive skin (like a freakin' baby) but this has never happened before with any BPAL fragrance. *heavy sigh*


    So, so sad. I'll have to give this one to my mom since she likes it so much. And I was so excited too....I love little groundhogs :P

  2. This reminds me of a gentler version of Lush's Potion Lotion. I love Potion Lotion and it was discontinued a few years ago. While this fragrance is softer and filled with wafts of roses, it does have that same soft spicy quality as Potion Lotion (due to the carnation).


    Wet this is lots of pure fresh rose. But it's a light, delicate rose. Crisp tea notes lighten the rose and prevent the two heavy floral notes from being too heavy. The carnation only appears later on as it's drying down. That's when I like it best and I start wishing for Potion Lotion.


    This becomes more powdery after a couple hours but still quite pretty. I'll have to purcahse a full size of this eventually.

  3. I received a frimp of this with my last order and it took one time for me to fall head over heels. Lovely and warm. Lots of vanilla and amber....smells musky and slightly sweet. This is a smooth, mellow blend that I can imagine smells wonderful on anyone. Very sexy! I put this at the top of my "next orders" list. :P

  4. This was a roller coaster scent. I've been thinking about it and I'm sure that this is the oddest (but one of the best) fragrances I've tried yet.


    At first it was an aggressive and extremely powerful spicy scent--all myrrh and almond. This has the strongest throw of any BPAL I own, even though I only put a little bit on my wrists.


    Then in a fairly short amount of time it morphs into th most gorgeous and complex mix of notes. The honey and rose appear and just the lightest amount of lily. Thankfully the lily isn't the slightest bit soapy as it can sometimes be on my skin. It's so breathitaking, especially when I finally can smell the apple.


    It lasts and lasts and continues to be stunning. Such an odd assortment that I would have never believed to work together like this. That faint bit of apple is completely surprising to me every time I sniff my wrists. I'm hooked.

  5. This is a very heavy fragrance, too overwhelming for my skin. Lots of honey, thick fruits, and pungent herbs. Everything was a blur of overripe notes that were just too cloying. Honey does have a tendency to act up on me, and it does with this one---times ten. There was a bitterness underneath everything that didn't go away as it dried down. I can see that this would be pretty on the right person (especially in summer) but it's not for me.

  6. This is innocently sweet and pretty. I'm glad I got a full bottle of this before testing it. I love lavender and blackberry separately but together is so beautiful.


    The blackberry is tart and ripe and very distinct against the lavender. The soft and soothing quality that I sometimes associate with lavender is not noticable here. This lavender is sharp and strong and gorgeous.


    It stays pretty true throughout the time I wore it, only fading lightly to reveal the softer honey notes underneath. Strong throw for a short time and then it stays pretty close to my skin.


    I don't like fruity scents (citrus is usually a miss for me) but a bold and distinct berry like this one is a perfect alternative.

  7. This starts as a rose scent on me, underscored by something slightly milky and slightly soapy. I'm almost not liking it......


    I get something boarderline soapy underneath the rose and perhaps something milky. Not a milky note that is sweet and creamy but the kind that dilutes and curdles other scents. Still veering towards soap.


    Alas---after 30 minutes it completely sours on my skin. The rose has vanished (surprising for me b/c rose usually lingers) and left behind only a soured, slightly pungent scent. It's not strong or insanely offensive but it's still got enough throw to be annoying.

  8. I am reviewing the 2007 version.....


    This is so rich, and heavy....languid and dripping with strong flowers. I've been wanting a very powerful floral blend, but the only floral that seems to overwhelm in the way I want it to is jasmine, which I don't always feel in the mood for. This seems to be what I've been wanting though....it's so full bodied and extremely weighty.


    Oh I love BPAL florals! Tuberose and honey are the standouts here, but amber is a close runner up. I like the feeling of this--it almost (almost, but not quite) has a slight powdery aspect. But it's so faint that I could barely notice it. It has to be the vanilla bean that is creating that softer, powder-like undertone.


    This is not a casual fragrance....I'm always very aware of it on my skin at all times. I would agree that it does have a timeless, classic perfume quality. I can see this being a signature scent. Fantastic in my scent locket BTW.

  9. I have a new and profound love of orchid. I love it when it amped on my skin in Dark Delicacies, and I adore it in this. It's a nice change of pace for me since I'm usually and rose kinda girl. For being such a strong note, this orchid is surprisingly delicate. Maybe it's made softer by the vanilla and musk. I like that the vanilla isn't very sweet either, or foody. It's just smooth and light. I'd say the same of the fragrance as a whole....very sensual and light.


    Not a lot of throw, but it makes a nice impact at close range. I have to say that I'm so glad I chose this one...it's beautiful.

  10. oooo.....I'm so glad I got this one! Rose, violet, freesia, and pear--there could not be a combo more suited for me. This is a completely over the top girly fragrance and I love it. Perfect for all those days when I'm feeling feminine and sweet.


    In the wet stage this is mostly pear and a tinge of fresh roses (I'm sure the freesia is there too but I can't be sure. I love this kind of pear because it's thick and warm and (like someone else mentioned) almost syrupy. The rose is so pretty too.


    As it dries more of the violet and appears. It's not as strong as the violet in my favorite Marie, but it's gorgeous all the same. Very light and soft.


    My boyfriend actually noticed this one right away and said that I smell "so juicy." I have to agree. :P

  11. I never thought I'd say this but.....this is too much rose. :P It's all rose, all the time. And it's a dry, withered potpourri rose scent that is too reminiscent of room spray. I prefer a more fresh, wet/dewy type of rose note.


    Unfortunately this never developed as it dried and faded. It remained a single note rose. My skin usually amps rose up a bit but this was overwhelming. I'm sorry I missed out on the other lovely notes in this one.


    Also, there was a sharpness to this that wasn't quite right. Even though this seemed to be a dry rose, it had a chemical quality to it that was so odd and bitter.

  12. This is incredibly beautiful, rich, and very sexy. I should have bought a few bottles of this one because I know I'm going to be disappointed when I run out.


    The orchid is the strongest note on me at first. It's a dark floral that smells so good on my skin. I love orchid but this is truly exceptional. There are some softer and warmer notes in there as well, but I honestly couldn't tell what they are. The underlying scent is almost like a golden incense, which I assume must be the patchouli. If so then it's the best patchouli I've ever worn. This is so rounded and every note slips together effortlessly.....it smells like a ridiculously expensive perfume.


    Everything is so smooth! I have been dousing myself in this the last day or two. I'm glad it has good staying power on me (it lasts almost as long as Snake Oil, which seems to never go away) so I can make it last longer. It's so feminine and decadent. I'm hopelessly addicted to this one!

  13. I was so excited to try this one because I loved the description and the notes sounded so interesting. I'm not disappointed at all....in fact it's even better than I thought it would be.


    The first time I smelt this on my skin I thought that it smelled exactly like old books....you know that dried up, slightly musty, yellowed paper pages kinda scent? It's a scent I have clear image associations with because I collect old books. Then I realized it was the grave loam I was smelling....very dry and dirty with an earthy scent. It is so rich smelling layered over that perfumey scent that emerges after a few minutes.


    I wish I could describe that perfume underneath but I can't. I can't pick out any particular notes, only that it smells slightly floral and a teeny bit sweet, but sophisticated at the same time. Just like what I picture a spunky female sleuth in a sixties paperback would wear layered underneath her fitted turtleneck sweater and pencil skirt.


    *sigh* so, so pretty.

  14. Out of all of my 5mL bottles, I probably wear this one the least. I have to be in the right mood to enjoy it. I have a severe aversion to woody scents, especially pine and cedar but for whatever reason this entices me once in awhile.


    Wet this is very woody, mostly all cedar. Wet cedar with a slight bit of greenery. The lily seems to peek through a bit as well. I think it must be the lily because it is slightly soapy and pungent. But I can't be sure.


    Dry this is much less wet/moist smelling and the greenery isn't as ripe. This becomes a very fresh, very clean smelling floral nestled in cedar. I'm surprised that it is so clean and light. That cedar though....it reminds me of a nice old grandpa sometimes.


    I wouldn't buy this one again...once my bottle is finished (if ever) it will be the last time I think about it.

  15. Cream soda rootbeer and black licorice! At least that's how it smells when it's wet. So sweet and creamy but with that bite to it that all black licorice has. Nice and deep and rich.


    However that all fades when it dries and becomes exactly like Snake Oil. I honestly could barely differentiate between the two when they are dry side by side. Chokmah is maybe a teeny bit sweeter, but that same spicy incense prevails.


    I love this one when it's fresh and wet, but when it's dry I only like it.

  16. This was a strong assault on my nose straight from the imp. Gardenia....jasmine....lily perhaps?


    Wet on my skin it is very sharp, sort of a thick floral. I only put a dab of oil right on my hand and I had no problems smelling it everywhere...it's very powerful.


    Dry down is a little nicer...less thick and stuffy and more powdery floral. It has become a little soapy but there is also a hint of spicy in the background as well. The spicy bit I like, but that jasmine is trying to drown it all out.


    Overall, this isn't for me. It's a little soapy and thick for my taste.

  17. Oh---this is so beautiful! I never thought plum could be so spicy and yet still so sweet and ripe smelling! I've never tried a fragrance with plum in it and I am completely addicted now.


    The spiciness goes perfectly with the incense notes...they jumble together and create this wonderful earthy, kind of glowing scent on my skin. The plum is the best part though b/c everytime I smell it I'm always a little surprised that it's there amidst all the other dark notes. And I love being surprised by my perfumes!

  18. Oy....not good. This is how I found out that I absolutely cannot stand anything with pine in it. I was looking forward to this one but it is so vile on me.


    At first it was very herbal and bright and then suddenly---- it's knock-me-out pine, then straight up lemon. I wish it had been complex and refreshing on my skin but it is so astringent, and smells very chemical.

  19. I wasn't sure how I would like this b/c of the berries....I shy away from fruity fragrances. But the berries in this aren't at all fruity, they are just crisp and fresh smelling and don't overwhelm the other notes at all. This is very cool and refreshing and has a nice roundness to it.


    I don't get any pine at all, nor is there any other foresty notes. On my skin this is just cold berries and strong daffodil. I can barely detect the ylang ylang (I usually can right away b/c that is one of my favorite notes) but maybe that's what is softening this up on me a little. I do love this one....next to Stardust 2006 this is my favorite of the Yuletide fragrances.

  20. This smells so good on me! I like vanilla notes but I hate that generic quality that so many vanilla fragrances can have. Also, I steer clear of foody or overly sweet vanillas.


    This is warm, deep, rich and full of spice. The perfect intense vanilla blend. Only a dab goes a long way too...my boyfriend can smell this one across the room when I wear it on my wrists. This is my most commented upon BPAL fragrence. Needless to say, I'm thrilled it worked with my body chemistry and I'm glad I have a 5mL in this one!

  21. I'm so sad that I only have a little imp of this! I want a full size bottle straight away!

    I love this, which is odd b/c usually honey notes either turn sour on me or take over every other note in the perfume.


    Thank you---no peanut butter smell (I was worried when I read some of these posts)! It stays very close to my skin and smells soft and sexy. Like fresh skin that's clean just from the shower w/o that "clean" scent. That makes no sense but that's what I think of. Naked skin. I like this for days when I want a fragrance but nothing that is too identifiable as a perfume. This is for my non-floral/non-spicy/non-citrus days when I crave something subtle but thrilling.


    Also....I feel like this gives me alter-ego super human prowess. Shy and quiet on the inside, radiating unexpected sensuality on the outside! :P

  22. I am on the fence about this one......


    Some days I absolutely love that dark, overwhelming leather and myrrh, and some days it is way too much for me. Must be my body chemistry playing games. But on the days that I like it is is very rich and complex and I can appreciate all the musk and myrrh whirling around the leather. This is a grab for attention plea that I wear when I need a boost.


    On the other hand....smelling mainly of leather (which is what often happens to this one when it dries down on my skin) is a little too masculine for me. I think Whip is more to my taste (in the leather variety) but I'll keep this one around b/c my boyfriend likes it alot.

  23. When I smelled this in the imp I thought that it must have pine in it. I hate pine so I was reluctant to try this. But I went ahead...


    Wet it seems smokey and thick. Leather comes bursting out and I am relieved that there is no pine.


    Drying down it is more wearable on my skin but I don't like it much. I enjoy some leathery scents (like Whip and Loviatar) but this is too pungent. Leather is all that comes across--all the smokiness has completely faded.


    I think I will give this to my dad because I'm sure he will smell good in this. It reminds me of a gentleman's study room and my dad might get a kick out of that.

  24. I can't identify all the notes in this one, but the overall impression I get is powdery and soft.


    Wet I can smell a very faint almond but it fades extremely quickly. There is also an indistinguishable floral background. Nothing sharp or even identifiable to me...perhaps l will be able to figure out what they are as I wear it more.


    As it dries down it becomes a soft powder scent. Exactly like an old fashioned woman's body powder, not baby powder. I like it....it's sweet w/o being sweet, and very light.

  25. This is my favorite of the Panacea collection. I have a really hard time both falling asleep and staying asleep. I have pretty bad insomnia, probably b/c I'm always in study mode while my classes are in session and my schedule is never consistent.


    This is strong, medicinal lavender to me. Medicinal because the lavender is sharp and heady. I don't detect any lemon in this like some others have noticed, but I do find that this smells exactly like Calamine lotion underneath all the lavender. That adds to the soothing nature of this. I wish I had bought a full size of this right away b/c my imp is almost gone and I've been really sleeping well when I use this.
