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Posts posted by Eemia

  1. This smells almost fruity in the bottle. I could swear there was lemon in here if I based it solely on how it smells from the bottle. But once it touches my skin I don't have anymore fruit associations. Instead this has an atmospheric quality--literally like being surrounded by air. It feels extremely weightless.


    I drove to Lake Tahoe with my friends a few years ago in the beginning of winter. The air was very cold but there was no snow yet. There was an utterly still, sharp quality to the air around me....from the season, from the clean, natural environment. It was peaceful and ultimately a really positive memory for me. Door 13 reminds me of how I felt at that time. The cold, clean, airy quality is how this scent smells on my skin. Pure, sharp, clean, cold, but without any hint of snow. The sharpness is without any metallic tinge, which in itself is so unique.


    The clean scent here is so prominent that I want to say there is linen here, and possibly aloe. In it's later stages it has a vaguely similar scent as White Rabbit, which is where I get the linen from. It's softer as it dries and still very light. But the overall scent is very much like the wet stage. There doesn't seem to be a lot of morphing.


    I'm going to have to savor my bottle so I can have it for a long time and use it when I need a jolt of good memories. This is a remarkable scent and apart from the memory inducing quality it's a beautiful fragrance.

  2. This is a beautiful, haunting floral with a barely clinging musk. Exactly the type of perfume that I can wear really well. It isn't overpowering or cloying, and it doesn't turn powdery on my skin.


    I can't pick out all of the floral notes, but I do think there may be a light jasmine. The only reason I can pick that out is because jasmine is very distinct to my nose. But it isn't the main note and it doesn't amp up over everything else. The floral quality is ethereal and almost aged, but without a dryness that could lean towards musty. There is also a really gorgeous deep musk. Slightly spicy too.


    I do feel like this is the one of the most ghostly perfumes I've worn. Like I said above it does have that eternal quality about it. But it is still sophisticated. The throw is strong and I've been wearing it since this morning without having to reapply. I know I say this a lot, but I can sincerely say that I really do love this one. I may keep it out on my dresser too (instead of storing it in my box) since I like the label art a lot.

  3. I tried an imp of this because I've been interested in trying out more earthy notes lately. It started out as a very soft and pungent earth smell, with a dankness that I liked. It felt deep and slightly green, but not grassy. The wood note that I expected to be the strongest was actually very tame. It was a lovely living wood scent instead of a wood that felt aged or dry. As it was in this stage it felt timeless.


    But as soon as it calmed a bit it turned sharp and surprisingly sweet. Very perfumey, which I assume is the nighttime air acting out on me. I might have liked that crystalline quality, but with the moist earthiness underneath it just didn't work. The sharpness was too overpowering and felt like it was boarding on chemical.


    I wish this had stayed true to the wet stage. But I will have to pass my imp onto to someone who can truly appreciate it.

  4. A simple and pretty rose blend. Something I could wear for any occasion. Nothing overpowering at all, and each note is so balanced with one another. In fact no single note stands out over another. The vanilla musk is beautifully sweet and the tea rose is lovely. I really love tea rose. The lily has not gone soapy at all, which is a relief me since on my skin it can do that.


    This wears well, and the throw is very modest. This is another floral blend that I will get a lot of use from.

  5. Phenomenal. Dark and smooth with an aged feeling. Like the scent has been bottled up and perfected itself over time.


    Black amber and orchid are the dominant notes on my skin, and it smells very luscious and deep. A smokey floral with a light presence. Some ambers don't work on me, but this one isn't as obviously bold. I don't get anything fruity at all, even in the later stages. There is the barest suggestion of misty pale lavender in the background.


    The amber stays in the foreground as it settles down and begins to dry. It doesn't turn powdery at all, just smokier with a stronger musk note. I wore this two days in a row, which I almost never do since I am never in the same perfume mood twice. I am coveting this, it's perfect.

  6. This is my sexy sleep fragrance. My go-to scent for when my boyfriend is sleeping over. Although every night I rotate between Baku, Oneiroi, Sleepy Moon, and Somnus as well, TKO is the only one that I think smells alluring. My boyfriend always comments on how pretty I smell when I wear this at night, so now I only wear this particular sleep blend when I'm around him.


    It's such a soft lavender with a sweet overall scent. Very warm and blurry, but with that weighted sensation that creamy notes usually offer me. The creaminess doesn't seem distinctively vanilla, but that's what I'm reminded of. And I have convinced myself that I smell ylang ylang too, which is one of my favorite notes.


    In addition to being a pretty fragrance, I do feel more relaxed when I wear this. I usually put it on a few hours before bed so I can enjoy the soothing quality while I wind down. It does help me to stay asleep more continuously, although I don't fall asleep as quickly as I do with Somnus. Normally I am a very light sleeper, and I wake up constantly. But I don't have that problem as often when I wear this to bed. Once I fall asleep there is a better chance that I will sleep in one or two increments instead of ten or fifteen. And I can continue to feel feminine and lovely while I am sleeping.

  7. I get such a beautiful floral and a rich cocoa straight away. Cocoa and florals?!? That kicks ass. The florals remind me of a heady perfume rather than a fresh bouquet of flowers. The cocoa seems a little bitter too instead of being milky or sweet. I get some of the honey too, but it almost seems like an amber note rather than a honey note. A little musky.


    Something a little bit pale and fruity seeps out to accent the florals. It's drying nicely and it feels very sophisticated. Nothing that screams innocent or candy-like. The throw is decent and this has lasted more than a few hours. When I smell this in the very final moments of its lifespan I can kind of detect this lingering bit of spice and musk. Very dry and sitting right on top of my skin.


    I think this is my favorite of the Thirteens.

  8. This started off promising, with a strong whiff of orange blossom. It smelled softly floral but with a deep lustiness underneath. Like a mixture of gentle powder and warm spice.


    But this quickly turned on me, morphing into an more acrid version of its original spiciness. The powdery/sweet orange blossom disappeared. The remaining fragrance smelled bitter, without the lovely earthiness I associate with patchouli. Disappointing too...with a name like Ravenous I really wanted this to work!

  9. What can I add to the glowing reviews? This is delicate and imaginative and makes me feel impossibly light.


    The incense is so pretty, smokey and mysterious. It is an elegant pairing with the lavender, which is the most prominent floral note on my skin. The other florals are wispy and soft. The overall sensation is cool and very fine. I'm thrilled to smell the green note amidst everything else.


    As it dries the sugary sweetness appears and then transforms into the lightest powder. The incense note has remained. It's still intensely beautiful. I'm happy that I didn't wait to buy a bottle of this!

  10. Spicy, woody, and musky. This is the kind of woods I can wear. The cedar isn't taking over the other notes, and it isn't masculine. It's just a nice background support. The amber is beautifully light and sensual.


    There is a play between spicy and sweet as it dries. The sweet could be a result of the almond flower, and I'm happy that it isn't foody or cloying. Overall, it's like a musky sweet resin. It stays on my skin for hours.


    This is a great sultry blend, one that doesn't wear me.

  11. So unusual. I like this one, but more of as a smell by itself rather than something I'd wear as a perfume. It kept me glued to my arm all yesterday though.


    At first it was a sort of wet smell, and something plastic. Oddly enough I wasn't hating it. Probably because right on the fringe of that was a little bit of sweet. It's somewhat creamy too. I feel like I'm smelling five different perfumes at once, and not one of them matches the other. At this stage I'm the person who couldn't decide what to wear this morning and so has piled on each of her scents in an attempt to find the right one. You would think I wouldn't like that aspect of this, but I do. It's kind of unpredictable.


    Finally it's like a sweet, creamy skin musk with a hint of tobacco. Very nice. It sits right on top of my skin without a strong throw, so it seems like I'm wearing nothing on my skin except the smells from my day. It feels natural.

  12. A decadent, deep perfume, lusty and luxuriant. The scent evokes images of velvet-lined Old West cathouses, tightly laced corsets, rustling petticoats and coquettish snarls of pleasure. Bawdy plum with amaretto, burgundy wine and black currant.
    Water, Saponified Organic Palm Kernal Oil, Coconut Oil, Soy Oil, Fair Trade Organic Shea Oil, Sodium Lactate, Jojoba Oil, Castor Oil, Pink Rose Clay, and Bordello.

    First off, this is a very pretty soap. It's milky colored with a slight pink tint and little red flecks. I left it out in my soap dish because it looked nice in my bathroom. Very old-fashioned and kind of genteel.

    I had tried an imp of Bordello a few months ago and I wasn't crazy about it...but I love the smell of the soap. Seriously, I am hooked. It smells much more soft, with a creamier version of the amaretto than the actual oil. It is more of a vanilla/almond, with the brightness of the plum and wines in the background. Almost foody, but still beautifully sexy. It feels very feminine.

    Despite the rose clay, this doesn't dry me out at all, or feel like it is stripping away moisture. It has a nice sudsy lather, and rinses completely clean. I thought it has a softer texture than some of the Trading Post's other soaps, such as Perversion or Snake Oil (which I am also crazy about, but in a different way). So this is now my soap of choice for the days when I am in need of some extra femininity, and some girly pampering.

  13. I haven't worn this until today because I wanted to wait until I was in a completely frivolous and over-the-top girly mood. This seems to suit my current attitude perfectly. And it goes with my new big sunglasses. :P


    Strong green and slightly bitter at the beginning. Smells very expensive too. The florals are second string to the green notes. I can smell something rosey but it isn't the lush, sweet, moist smell of rose that I am used to. It's really perfumey and unnatural. This smells very hard and glittering, which makes it feel even more like an expensive perfume to me. Superficially it reminds me of the splashy Stardust 06, which I love.


    It dries down pretty much the same, only the greens lose some of their sharp edge. This only lasted a couple of hours before I had to reapply. In spite of myself, I really feel fantastic in this. This does have a glamorous and feminine vibe. I can see myself wearing this alot. In fact, I want another bottle so badly!

  14. This is one of my special fragrances. The first time I wore it I had an odd emotional response to it, but I couldn't place my finger on what it was that I was feeling. I still have no idea why I feel so strongly about this one, but I love it anyway.


    Luscious rose with little peeps of green wafting through. The rose is heavy and fragrant and smells insanely real. I love the richness of the dirt too, which is very strong on me. It adds so much depth and complexity.


    How can dirt be so pretty and mysterious? It is though. I have to put this in my top ten list---to me it's just perfect.

  15. I had tried this several months ago when i was visiting my mom and I didn't like it at all. It smelled awful on me. But for one reason or another I tried it again a week ago while at will call and I loved it and had to have a bottle of it.


    This is one of those GC blends that I will always need to have a bottle of. It is creamy, and gorgeously soft....a perfect vanilla. Actually it sort of smells like a vanilla malt when wet. Almost completely foody.


    As it dries I smell the florals. They are beautiful and indescribable---I can't pick them out other than to say that this seems to have a definite perfume quality at this point. The vanilla is still present and adds so much softness. I'm not sure if the aged linens are there or not, but there is a kind of comfortable quality. I feel like I have had this for years and it is very in tune with the rest of me. How could I not adore this one?

  16. This is an awesome scrubby soap! I like the soaps with some exfoliation bits as long as they aren't the kind that rips my skin apart. This is the perfect amount of roughness and texture. Gives me a nice thorough scrubbing but without leaving my skin irritated or uncomfortable. It seems to be appropriate for something called perversion to have some kick to it. And it still has a really nice lather!


    I had bought a bar of this at will call, and because it had smelled so good I bought the oil too. I honestly think that the soap isn't even that much more "watered down" than the oil. It's still very strongly scented....the leather in particular seems nice and powerful. And the scent lingers just a tiny bit, enough so that it makes it fun to layer the Perversion oil over it, but not enough so that it would interfere if I wanted to layer it with another oil. So this is another soap favorite!


    I have to add that I have a lot of trouble with soaps since my skin is so sensitive (even a few of my beloved Lush' soaps can give me grief), but I have never had a reaction to any of Macha's soaps. I have many of them and none have given me any problems. :P

  17. The Unicorn :P


    I second this! Also, I second the votes for Embalming Fluid and Whitechapel.


    Also, White Rabbit is linen and teas and it smells so light and pretty. And Garden Path with Chickens is really fresh and grassy--you can't help but feel summery and renewed.


    But if you are looking for something in the Limited Editions variety you must try F5---it is the BEST fresh, clean, white, light scent ever.

  18. Well thank goodness roses work on me! My skin loves roses, especially the bold, over the top kind like in this blend. It's very vibrant and so strong, I can't help but feel pampered when I wear this. I like that these smell like fresh cut too, rather than the dry or aged kind. It might have otherwise been too much like potpourri or air freshener. Instead, it's lush and feminine. I only have an imp of this, but I will add it to my big bottle wishlist!

  19. At last, the light at the end of our three-month tunnel of misfortune. To commemorate this momentous occasion, we present a big ol' bottle of sunny, happy, bounciness -- a golden blend with a celebratory feel, promoting joy, peace, and a sense of comfort and well-being: golden amber, heliotrope, vanilla musk, carnation, daisy and sunflower bouquet, neroli, lemon peel, ylang ylang and honeycomb.

    First of all, I love the William Blake image. :P

    Nice, warm, subdued lemon covered in the most wonderful creamy amber. The ylang ylang is perfect---I love ylang ylang. It always smells like something round to me. I smell it and get an image of a literal round object...like little liquid filled yellow beads.

    The florals are freshly stark and slightly bitter...not the heavy perfumey quality of roses, gardenias, or violets. They smell like a real bouquet of flowers from someone's yard--the kind you encounter in everyday life. Everything is touched by the vanilla and musk, so it has a nice musky sweet drydown too.

  20. At first this was thickly fruity and sort of syrupy. Like a grape candy. I looked up the notes and then realized that it was the wine and the cognac I was smelling. Very rich and heavy.


    I like it best as it dries down and I can smell the myrrh and the florals. There is this stunning combination of smokiness (from the myrrh I think) and powder (from the violet and lilac). The florals seem to blend so well together. It still has that deep quality of the original fruity/wine stage, but in a more intimate way because it stays very close to my skin. There isn't a strong throw as there was before.


    I like all of the Phoenix blends that I have, or have tried (Black Phoenix, Pink Phoenix, Red Phoenix) so I had to have this even though I had never smelled it. It is a beautiful addition to my collection and I'll love wearing it.

  21. I couldn't wait for this one! It is mouthwatering, juicy, fruity goodness! Bright orange is the standout here...and it packs a punch! Reminds me of an incredibly tangy fruit drink....you know the kind that you have in the juice boxes when you are little? Just like that! The apple is nice and sweet too but much more faint than that incredible orange. I thought Moxie was a blast of orange but this one wins in orangeness hands down!


    There is a watery quality too that's very pretty. But this isn't an aquatic water at all. More like a sugar water, which only adds to the juice box similarities in my mind. I don't detect any of the ketchup/tomato.


    For being such a bright fruit scent it lasts a good amount of time. Usually fruit scents wear off on me quickly. It is a happy scent, and it feels nice on such a hot day. And the artwork makes me laugh everytime I see it!

  22. I don't know why but for some reason almost every single one of Beth's snow blends smell fabulous on me. Even a few with pine notes (which I usually hate) smell great. Which is why I try to find a bottle of any snow blend I can. Odd that I would covet them so much since I am not a cold weather or snow type person...


    I love the girlie perfume in this...it smells feminine and sweet and exactly like a perfume I wore in middle school. I don't know if this has grapefruit in it but there is something here that reminds me of creamy citrus or a very light juiciness. I might be imagining some kind of floral too that is really fragrant. I wish I knew what it was because this has me going crazy! Paired with that snow note....damn I am in heaven! It feels chilly and creamy and sweet....very sexy.

  23. This is the kind of scent that I read a description of and I just know it will be beautiful. The primrose in here is stunning and seems to be the perfect compliment to all the wet greens. Another aquatic that I can't keep my nose away from, especially since this one has the addition of rose, one of my favorite florals.


    Honey can sometimes scare me away but this honey is light and not very sweet....almost smells closer to amber or musk than honey. So that's a plus. I think I like this even more so because it's such a green/floral/aquatic without the addition of any sweetness. It makes this seem timeless. And it really lasts a long time on me too.


    I adore everything about this, including the lovely artwork.

  24. This really does smell like rain...but a hot rain. The type of scent that you can detect when rain hits a hot sidewalk and kind of vaporizes off the surface. Very hazy and strong.


    I can see where some might get a masculine vibe from this but it isn't overly so on me. I think of this as being a very confident scent. It's a kind of cologne/perfume blend in that I can't pick out the notes easily. There is a bit of something woody or resinous as it dries, but mostly it's just a smoothly blended rain scent.


    This is the only ozone blend I have tried that doesn't smell metallic or extremely sharp on my skin. I am glad I bought a bottle of this!

  25. I had this preconcieved notion of how wild lettuce would smell like when I ordered this. I thought it would be....well, lettuce-ish I guess. Maybe a type of vegetable scent....that bright green, bitter, somewhat spicy fragrance that I associate with lettuce. But this is very gentle, mild, and light. Nothing vegetable-like or bitter about this.


    This is very dainty and floral and wet. There is something green about it, but not grassy. The sweetpea is very noticable, maybe because sweetpea is one of the most recognizable floral notes to me. I think it lends any fragrance a very youthful and innocent vibe. This feels very young, and new too. I love that aspect, and I wish I could describe my very vague declaration of "new" in better detail but I'm at a temporary loss for now. That's the only fitting way I could think to describe it.


    No fruitiness or creaminess on me. This remains wet, vaguely green, and very full of sweetpea on me. It even dries down as a deeper sweetpea with something that just brushes into the perfumey category. I loved the sweetpea in Annabel Lee and I think it is equally beauttiful in this. It has a light throw but it does last a long time on my skin. The artwork is so pretty too.
