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Everything posted by Eemia

  1. Eemia


    This starts out as cool, sharp lemon. It's bitter and very slightly sour. It smells more like the rind of the lemon than the juice. It's light and fresh and pale. I am not normally a fan of lemon notes, and so far that's all I smell. Lemon is just too reminiscent of cleaning products to be enjoyable as a fragrance for me. The lemon is still present as it dries down but the sharpness fades significantly. The overall fragrance begins to become lightly musky, though still tinged with lemon. The musks aren't deep or very strong. It's pleasantly soft and cool. I can only describe the scent at this point as a clean/perfumey fragrance. Not soapy, but clean. The rose is a soft, gentle rose, but I can barely smell it. The best point during the wear time is the end, after I've worn it for about an hour. The clean/lemon notes have vanished and it smells more like a very light, wet floral with a musk background. I'm not sure I like this. The drydown is somewhat pretty on me, but I don't think I would want to wait around for that point everytime.
  2. Eemia

    Judith and Holofernes

    This feels very personal and sensual. A deeper fragrance that clings closely, but its still very strong. It's musky and vaguely sweet, almost like sweetened smoke. The skin musk is beautiful and really amps up on my skin. The patchouli is particularly nice in this. It doesn't overwhelm the florals and it has a lovely earthiness. The florals stay completely in the background. I can only really make out the spiciness of the carnation. Overall this has a gorgeous complexity and depth that I am crazy about. This wears well on me without fading quickly. And it drys down without a trace of dustiness or any powdery scent. It stays warm and sultry, retaining that exotic earthiness that I love so much.
  3. Eemia

    The Oval Portrait

    This was almost too stuffy when I first applied it. It reminded me of something dusty and clouded. I assume it is the honeysuckle because it can sometimes do that to me. None of the notes in particular were standing out. After about thirty minutes it finally settled down and the dry dustiness disappeared. The vanilla musk began to show, but it wasn't a strong or overwhelming vanilla. More of a pale sweetness with something powdery. The florals stayed very subdued. Even the carnation, which really amps on my skin, has stayed soft. It only adds a little of that peppery fragrance that I associate with carnations. I did like this better when it faded, but it still wasn't as great or as memorable on me as I was hoping. I'm going to put this one aside and age it for awhile and hopefully that will make a difference.
  4. Eemia

    Black Lace

    This is very smoky and deep on me. Mostly I can smell the cognac and tobacco. It almost borders on masculine. None of the sweetness or vanilla appears at all, and I like it better because of that. It feels aged and classic. This lasts a long time on my skin, and it's very strong. It's even better than I expected it to be. Very, very beautiful.
  5. Eemia

    Phantom Queen

    This feels delicate and youthful. The green notes are beautiful. Not as pungent or sharp as grass, but it still has that similar fresh greenness. It feels clean without being soapy. The apple blossom in particular stands out. It's a little sweet. The orchid is lovely as well, and it doesn't compete with the other notes. It seems more in the background. I have to add this to my bottle wishlist.
  6. Eemia


    This smells very resinous and subdued at first. If there is musk in here, it doesn't smell like any musk I have tried before. There's something sharp and piercing in there too...almost tart. It only lasts a few minutes but it feels oddly out of place and uncomfortable. When the sharpness fades it becomes more soft. It warm and slightly sweet, and very, very resinous. But it's so subtle, with very little throw. Does it make sense that this is subtle and yet incredibly strong at the same time? That's how it seems. It does have a coated or covered feeling, like the notes are all worn down and hidden. Even somewhat powdery. I can barely detect a dryness in there, and a wood note. The dryness isn't brittle or dead, it's just very musty and smoky. It reminds me of Bonfire Night in a vague way. I like this more when it's calmed down and has been on my skin for a few hours. I just don't know how much I like it. I don't get that comforting sensation I was hoping for. Anything that smells overly resinous to me always feels slightly unsettling, like unwashed skin. I think I'm going to put this one aside and try it again in a week or so and see if it smells any better on me.
  7. Eemia


    An imp of this has been sitting neglected in my imp box for almost a year. I was digging through my stash a few days ago to try something new and came across this. I am in love! What a sweet, pretty floral. This has a dainty sweetness from the plum, and a natural freshness from the florals. The plum is not overly juicy or fruity, only a suggestion of the fruit. The florals are very light and unassuming, rather than the heady, lush kind. The daffodils are strong and the most noticeable of the flowers, even more so than the jasmine. Sometimes jasmine dries down a little powdery or subdued, but this stays fresh and light. The musk is a nice touch--it's much more strong after an hour or so than it is at the beginning. I am dying for a bottle. This is very me.
  8. Eemia

    The Peacock Queen

    Peacock Queen 2007 This is a powerful rose fragrance. It's very strong and rich. This is a dark rose, one that has lost it's dewy freshness. I don't smell any softness in this at all. It feels like it's slightly dry and moving into brittle. In my mind it has the look of flowers being hung upside down in order to dry the petals. This smells more like a very expensive perfume than an actual flower. The hardness in this is really appealing to me. It's confident, and even it's artificiality is beautiful.
  9. Eemia


    I smell a slickness in this at first. Something a little fruity, but only just so. Then it vanishes completely. A heavier note develops and it becomes much more sweet and musky. It smells like a foody incense on my skin at this point. The amber is there as well, but it isn't as strong as the foody sweetness. I thought the pastry note would be a certain death on my skin, as the pastry/cake variety of food notes just turn stale or oddly sour on me. But this has remained sugary sweet and wearable. This dries down without changing much, only turning a bit more musky. I like this, but I probably won't wear it as much as some of the other Yule blends. It's pleasant and definitely not overly foody, but it just doesn't stand out on my skin.
  10. Eemia

    White Moon

    At first I smell a cool, clean floral. Not what I'd call a laundry clean, but it does smell vaguely soapy. The lily and violet are the most prominent of the florals. But they are still very subdued. They are so light that they never even turn powdery or creamy. It's like they have been stripped of their color and vibrancy. There's a gentle green note that adds freshness and injects some life into the overall washed out feeling of the florals. I never detect the sandalwood. This whole fragrance feels very contained. It fades quickly and becomes almost nondescript. Only a vague sensation of cleanliness remains. Like freshly soaped skin.
  11. Eemia


    I am putting this up as a new favorite leather fragrance (right next to my coveted His Station and Four Aces). I love it! It starts out as strong, smooth musk. It almost feels vintage. The leather smells faded and used, and almost light. It doesn't overpower the other notes. The wood has stayed in the background for the most part. I thought that the wood note might make this overly masculine for me, but it's very subtle. Plus it's so fragrant in and of itself. Mostly though, it's the leather that has me rolling. I adore leather notes, especially this kind of leather note. This dries down into a dry, soft musk. Only hints of the leather and wood remain. It lasts such a long time. Very, very sexy.
  12. Eemia

    Snow White

    Snow White 2007 Just as lovely as the 2005 version I already own. I'm so glad this was released again. This smells almost exactly the same as my other bottle of Snow White 05, if a little more fresh. It's cold, but more like powdery snow than ice. The florals are gentle and pale. Everything is so light, with a underlying greenness. I still think this is one of the prettiest fragrances I own, and I love wearing it.
  13. Eemia

    Rose Red

    Rose Red 2007 I love that this actually smells like a real rose, not a perfume. It's an incredibly intense fresh rose with an undercurrent of moist green. I think of this as an extreme rose...it's like holding a rose straight up to my face while looking at it with magnifying glasses. Everything is in sharp detail and with a super focus. I love that sharp severity....it almost has a bite to it. I feel very magnetic when I wear this. It's beautiful and feminine.
  14. Eemia


    Mistletoe 2007 This is so chilly and brightly green. A beautiful combination. The green doesn't smell like pine needles to me, or even minty as others have mentioned. It's just a sharp, vibrant green. It almost sparkles. Something tangy and a little bittersweet appears after a minute or so...maybe a berry note? It tempers the sharpness of the green. This really jumps off of my skin. It doesn't morph or fade quickly. I am addicted to cold, green scents so I love it as a perfume. But i do think it would be lovely as a room fragrance too.
  15. Eemia


    This is a gorgeous incense fragrance on my skin. It's deep and beautifully complex, and the range of notes that amp on my skin is unexpectedly intense. It starts out spicy and just a little bit sweet. The sweet sensation is not sugary or foody, it's more of a natural light sweetness. It enhances that creamy quality that is lurking in the background. The creaminess is only there for a few minutes and then disappears completely, but it seems to leave behind a lingering scent anyway. Very pale, faint almond perhaps and delicate spices. There's also an earthy quality in this that I am loving. It's not a dirt or ground note exactly, but it feels earthy nevertheless. Maybe it's the slight woodiness of the incense notes that is reminding me of that. This wears for a very long time and slowly morphs and fades into mainly incense. I can barely make out what I think is the clove as well. This is hands down one of the best incense notes I've ever worn. It's borders on musky, but never truly reaches that point. It's still somewhat sweet too. This one is really remarkable--I've been sniffing my arms all day long.
  16. Eemia

    Midwinter's Eve

    Midwinter's Eve 2007 I have tried the 2004 version and didn't like it, so I almost didn't buy this one. But I really love plums and this just appealed to me at the time so I went ahead and ordered it. I can only vaguely remember what the 2004 version smelled like (mainly an impression) and in my mind this one is very different. It's much more mellow and complex, and the plum in this reminds me of the plum in Hellion, which I adore. This doesn't seem foody to me, even though it is lightly sweet and sugary. The fragrant quality of the flowers in the background take this to another level and makes it even more beautiful. The floral note reminds me of those little bunches of white, nondescript flowers, the kind that can grow anywhere. It's a gentle, pale floral. There is a cold, chilling quality in this as well. The snowy, piercing note that feels like snow and ice. This fades to a beautiful, faint floral musk on my skin. It actually wears for a good amount of time too, which doesn't happen often on my skin with fruit notes. I am so glad I didn't pass this one up.
  17. Eemia

    The Fruit of Paradise

    Vivid, and extremely deep pomegranate. It isn't sweet or thick, and it certainly isn't heavy. I was worried that this might remind me of a fruit concentrate drink, with that tinge of something that reminds you that it has been sealed in a plastic container for a long, long time. But this is like a glaze of fresh, dark fruit. It is not sharp or tart on my skin, only very rounded so that it feels settled somehow. I like the bitter note that keeps it from being too frivolous. No morphing on this one, and it doesn't go musky or powdery as it dries. The throw is very faint, and it wears only a short time. But it's very pretty and sophisticated. A definite keeper.
  18. Eemia

    La Befana

    This is incredible. I am addicted to the smell of charcoal, so when I saw this I couldn't believe my luck. The dry, smoky scent of charcoal is unmistakable and it leaps off of my skin. It is thick and musty smelling, like the scent of dust, but there is a distinct difference that I can't describe. It's lovely, especially with the sweet tinge of sugar. It's not syrupy sweet, or cloying. It's very subtle, only enough to provide a light coating. The violet is gentle and slightly powdery, and pairs well with the dryness of the charcoal. As it dries it becomes lighter and stays close to my skin. It's mostly dry and smoky at this point, with barely any sign of the florals that stand out in the wet stage. Though it is still sweet. I adore how unique this is...it's different from my usual loves, which tend to be strong florals or green scents. I am going to order another bottle.
  19. Eemia


    This is completely foody on me. Strangely it is not a sweet foody scent, which I sort of expected it to be based on the description. I am not a huge fan of foody scents but I don't hate them either. Certain ones I really love. This might have worked on me but it almost seems like a musky, stale cake smell. Cake that has been sitting around and lost it's sugary smell. Something just wasn't working right with my chemistry. None of the other notes were shining through to temper that overall stale food scent. I only tried a few small dabs of this from my imp, but it stayed on me all night and my pajamas smelled like it this morning when I woke up. So it does have longevity. But it never morphed into something different on my skin, even when it dried. So I'm sending this one along to someone who will enjoy it more than me.
  20. Eemia

    Christmas Rose

    Piercingly fresh. There is a crystalline quality that is very transparent and light. More like ice than snow. I expected a floral scent from this that I would readily recognize. But this does not smell like anything I am familiar with or recognize. There is a greenness overall that smells new and pristine. It further presses a sensation of sterility into my mind. Nothing grounds this or provides a base. This just seems to be completely without atmosphere to contain it. And above all else that cold, cold fragrance of ice and snow. This is beautiful. I just want to hold this one with me because it suits me so well.
  21. Eemia


    Samhain 2007 Spicy! I can so rarely wear the truly spicy fragrances because my hyper sensitive skin reacts. I am so happy that this one works on me. Starts out very spicy, mostly clove and wood notes. It's not very sweet despite the prominent apple note. It's a smoky, aged apple. The patchouli is beautiful and blends with the wood notes beautifully. It smells a little musky too. The wood notes stay strong as I continue to wear it. The spices are even more sensual as they soften. I've been coating myself in this today several times (unnecessarily I must add since it is a very strong scent) and I like it more and more as I wear it. It's very striking, and it's one of those fragrances that seem to envelope me. I don't think of this as particularly masculine, but I bet it would smell awesome on men too.
  22. Eemia

    Marshmallow Poof

    This smells exactly like a marshmallow, only better. I put this on and it just feels like something you can squish. It's what I wish all my stuffed animals smelled like. The memory of eating Peeps when I was little comes to my mind. But the vanilla in this is more strong than I remember my Peeps being. It's so sweet and light and comforting. I am surprised that it has such good staying power. I put it on last night and I could still smell it when I woke up. I liked it so much that I wore it again today. I think this is very pretty, and I usually don't say that about sweet or foody scents. But this does feel like a dainty-sweet fragrance. Since I don't eat marshmallows anymore I'm glad I can have an alternative way to enjoy them.
  23. Eemia

    Swan Maiden

    My first memory of flowers, and the first type of flower I could identify, were gardenias. We had this big bush of them right next to our front door at the house I grew up in. They always smell so strong and so heady. I love how velvet the white color is and how distinctly shiny the leaves are. I like being overwhelmed by the scent. This overwhelms me in gardenias. The flowers are so fresh. All of the florals are at the front, most prominently the gardenia and the orchid. It feels like a pureness that is being pulled into seduction. Part of this is appealing innocent, and the other is seductive. The fragrance is very full, almost smothering. The sandalwood is such a pretty support, adding depth and earth. I can smell more of this after it's been on my skin for awhile than I can when it is in the fresh stages. It's extremely feminine---a floral paradise. I love how ripe it is, even as it fades. Absolutely beautiful.
  24. Eemia

    Beaver Moon 2007

    This smells like berry cheesecake to me. It's delicious. The berry notes aren't overpowering at all--they don't amp on my skin as they sometimes can. They are just sliding over the top of that sweet, creamy base. I swear I can almost smell a bit of almond, but maybe it's my imagination. The berries stay strong for hours too, the entire time it's drying. I thought they would fade and all I would smell over time would be the creamy vanilla base but I have been proved wrong. The fragrance lasted for hours--I even went to bed smelling it everywhere. I love this version of Beaver Moon. I smell like a dessert. And the label is so damn cute.
  25. Eemia

    The Phoenix

    I had a similar experience as Scylla mentioned above. This is beautiful and interesting in the bottle, and I can smell almost all of the different notes. On my skin it's a different story. It starts out woody and lightly aquatic, edges it salt and mildly tangy. The lime is very fresh and strong. At this stage it's perfect and very sexy. But about midway through its wear it morphs into a very clean, masculine cologne scent. It's very, very clean. Like laundry soap. At this point I don't like it at all. It stays like this for about an hour, maybe a bit longer and then it morphs again. The final stage is fantastic....I can smell the Snake Oil and it's smutty and warm and musky with a hint of salty water. If it wasn't for that middle stage I could wear this more easily but unfortunately I just can't get past it. So I tried it in my scent locket as well and it stayed true to the initial lime/salty/wood/tangy fragrance. I wore it all day in my locket and never experienced that super clean middle stage. So at least I know I can wear it in my locket and still enjoy the beautiful notes without fear of morphing.