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Everything posted by Eemia

  1. Eemia

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    Oh I was so scared about this one! The oils with cherry notes has given me a rash so far (Groundhog Musk, Jailbait). But I am thrilled because this has been smooth sailing--no reactions whatsoever! This is so decadent! I am imagining the most creamy, sweet, dark cherry dessert. Like fat, frosted cupcakes with glazed black cherries squatting on the top. The cherry is deep enough that it doesn't remind me of the horrible cough syrup from my childhood. Nor is it the cherry that reminds me of car freshener. I can definitely wear this kind of cherry because it actually smells like the real fruit. As it dries down there is a rich butter quality that I can't get enough of. Sugar soft and lots of vanilla. The cherry has dissolved and only a trace remains on my skin. The rest is that light vanilla/butter/cookie scent. This has to be my favorite of all the sweet, foody scents I have. I will go so far as to say that it may even replace Beaver Moon in my affections.
  2. Eemia

    Fire of Love

    This seemed very lukewarm for something called Fire of Love. I have an imp of this and tried it last night but it made me feel old and musty and worn. I couldn't discern any specific notes, only the general sense of something warm, vaguely woody, and a little sweet. The sweetness is similar to a soft resin, burnished and fading. The woody note has that sensation of being dark and stained many times over, like a well loved mahogany desktop. But it too seems stale and old. I could still smell this on my wrists when I woke up this morning, so it does have lasting power. But I couldn't wait to shower it off. It just didn't have enough presence or personality for me.
  3. Eemia

    Milk Moon 2007

    I expected not to like this after smelling it in the bottle. It was so sour! But I truly love it---just las others have mentioned, it's like a tropical fruit cocktail. Very strong throw too. I could smell it all around me for hours. Milky fruits with just a tinge of sweet honey. Of the fruits, my skin amps up the pomegranate especially in the beginning stages. I am pretty sure that the grapes are there too, sort of crisp and slightly tart. Mouthwatering. As it dries that sticky, muted warmth of the dates and figs atart to show. Very soft and mellow and creamy at this stage. It still brings to mind those fluffy, frothy tropical drinks. It has a bit of a vanilla smell too, but light. I can't imagine how great this will smell in the hottest part of this summer, layered with my most pungent smelling sunscreen. It would be tropical, beachy, summer paradise everywhere I went.
  4. Eemia

    Poisson d'Avril

    Like sticking your face in a bouquet of mixed spring flowers, complete with little wisps of green leaves and ferns. It has that green tinge that I think is so pleasantly warm and natural. There is such a nice mix of flowers too....ones that seem to regularly play the role of the "support" to other more popular floral notes. But my favorite flower is tulip and I'm so glad that it's standing out in this one. Honestly, the honey never makes an appearance here and I'm glad. The lack of sweetness is refreshing and really makes the crispness of the florals come out. This is completely non-sweet on me and I love it that way. Just bunches of daffodils and tulips. I can't believe that I don't even notice the rose....try as I might I can't even smell it here. I'm thrilled about that b/c that means my skin can show off the other florals. The bottle label is so breathtaking, one of my favorites ever.
  5. Eemia


    This is such a pretty daytime fragrance. I wore it all today for the first time (I received a bottle unsniffed for my birthday last week) and I just loved it. I felt like a freshly scrubbed, pink cheeked little ingenue. It's just so dainty and soft. This was so true to the description...all creamy milk and honey with just a breath of spicy carnation. Thank you carnation for staying quietly subtle for once! The milk must be toning it down quite a bit. The rose is very, very subtle too. I like to imagine it as being a light pink rose since it doesn't have the kind of intensity that I associate with deep red roses. This never becomes powdery or musky, it just kind of fades away unobtrusively. Stays very close to my skin too.
  6. Eemia


    This starts out just bursting with fruits. Wildly amped up lime and grapefruit, so bright and happy. Nothing could be a better pick me up in the morning. I automatically smile when I dab this on. How could you not grin a little when you smell like the best part of the produce section? The sharp, tangy, and bright citrus fades quickly on my skin, and becomes a really pretty rose and soft fruit blend. This is a fantastic rose too, very round and wet and gentle. It actually smells the best at this point. Like a rose with the last fading bits of sparkling grapfruit clinging to its petals. The nectarine is lightly present, and smells more creamy than citrus. I was excited when I recognized it right away. I never notice the patchouli or musk. If it's there then it is very faint and very well blended. I can usually find patchouli at any stage but this time it's pulling a disappearing act. This is beautiful and fresh and appealingly girly. I feel bouncy and cute when I wear this. It actually smells up my entire room when I put this on....it has a lot of throw! I'm so happy that I bought a bottle w/o testing it first...I just knew it would be perfect for me!
  7. Eemia


    MMMmmmmm.....frankincense and florals. Heavy, rich, and full of throw. I don't think spring when I wear this. I think full on sexy. The florals are just too strong for me to associate this with a light, warm weather fragrance. The sweet cakes and cream don't seem to show up as quickly as I thought they would. I figured this one would be tons of honey on me, which might not have worked since honey and I aren't always friends. There is a sweetness as it dries though, which is very enticing. While I can pick out the attar of rose, most of the other florals are too well blended for me to notice individually. Slightly perfumey, which I adore. The frankincense offers a nice balance though, and a little bit of edge. Have to add.....my boyfriend goes crazy over this one. Absolutely crazy.
  8. Eemia

    Annabel Lee

    Sweet pea is so innocent to me. I can't wear it and not feel like I'm transported a few years back to middle school. I used to have a perfume with sweet pea in it when I was about thirteen. This reminds me a little of that, though Annabel Lee is infinitely more beautiful than I remember my "thirteen" fragrance being. I'm not much for cucumber (except on my salad) but this is so fresh and pretty paired with the sweet pea. Very nice for spring and summer. It adds to the girly charm. There is a nice green aspect that I love about this, but it isn't taking over everything else. I am betting it's the moss that is adding the green note. It isn't a bright or a sharp green, it smells more like a moist and subdued green. Drydown....The sweet pea is reigning strong. I'm not sure about the peony....I can't tell if I am smelling that or not. The greener notes have faded and there is a soft, powdery sensation. Feels hazy and sweet. I feel like playing a little to this everytime I wear it. Like I instantly want to act super young and girly and naive. Love it!
  9. Eemia


    This is exactly what I would picture Eternal smells like. Cool, pristine, soft, light, and clean. Has a hollow, airy feeling that feels so appropriate for the name. I enjoyed my imp but I wouldn't purchase a full size bottle. It's just too reminiscent of soap. Started out as crisp rose and gardenia, both very light and fresh. This has a slightly floating quality that is very beautiful. It just seems to hover around my skin. Unfortunately, very shortly after the initial burst of rose and gardenia, something soapy takes over. It is very clean at this point, like a milky white soap. I suspect lily is the culprit...it tends to be soapy on my skin.
  10. Eemia


    I am heartbroken---why did you give me a horrible skin reaction Jailbait?? WHHHHHYYYYYY??? I have been so excited to try this, and I just got a little imp. Smells so pretty in the vial, and wet on my skin I was loving the thick bubblegum note. Reminds me so much of my Lush SnowFairy shower gel (which I horde year round b/c they only sell it around the holidays). This was going to be my lovely bubblegum dream perfume. But it only took 2 minutes on my skin and I got huge, raised welts on the spots I tried it on. The only other BPAL to cause a similar reaction is Enraged Groundhog Musk. Both of these share cherry as a note, so I think it might be that I am allergic to cherry. I do think that this is a fantastic and very girly fragrance. So cute! I would have rocked this oil too!
  11. Eemia

    The Apothecary

    At first sniff I thought this was slightly fruity and very fresh. Light and splashy. A springtime scent comes to mind. I am not surprised to see that this has tea notes in it because there is a feeling of green softness, especially with that initial crispness. This is not the tea I notice in Dorian or in White Rabbit, which both smell like dark or black teas. This is more herbal and grassy. I notice the fig as it begins to settle. Fig always stands out on my skin...it usually is always extrememly soft and sweet on me. Smells the same way here. Then everything turns into a sweet, herbal powder. I love this final stage....it smells like a flirty, young girl's perfume. I appreciate all of the stages this went through. I really do have fun with these morphing kinds of fragrances (my lovely Bilquis does the same thing on me). I would love to have a 5mL of this eventually.
  12. Eemia

    Dolce Stil Nuovo

    In the bottle I couldn't really smell anything, so it went to the back of my mind and I didn't try it for awhile. I finally reached for it today to try, and I am in flower heaven. Lots of rose, not the fresh cut variety...more like the soft perfume sort. The jasmine is so soft and subtle for a change. If you're shy of oil blends with jasmine in it, try this. It's a very timid jasmine. I am not noticing the vanilla yet, but the lavender is stunning. I adore lavender, especially paired with this rose. *sigh* Very lovely! The vanilla and musk appear much later...it was as if I all of the sudden thought Oh there's the vanilla. The rose has lasted too throughout the first several hours. I am so enjoying this rose....not sharp at all. Overall, this one reminds me of an elaborate boudoir, complete with gilt trimmed vanity table and marabou feathered high healed slippers. Seems like something you'd find in a gorgeous little crystal perfume bottle with silk tassled atomizer. It is a classic femme fatale fragrance. Very feminine and floral and slinky. I agree with Ahania, very elegant.
  13. Eemia

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    This is fantastic! I thought it would be purely floral and maybe on the fresh side, but this is deep and sexy. Lasts forever too! I could still smell it after eight hours. I've nevr had a fragrance with chrysanthemums in it but it is one of my absolute favorite flowers of all time, ever. Starts out as heavy chrysanthemum and smokey honey? I wasn't sure at the time if there was honey in it but there was a slight sweetness. Smething vaguely dry too....like paper. More muskiness is appearing after a while, with that beautiful smokey note deepening. The chrysanthemum is still present but more faint. This is very powerful, a complete notice-me type of scent. The ginger is a great addition here....it isn't going berserk on me as it does once in awhile. It's spicy but in a subdued way. I would call it more smokey and musky at this point in time, rather than spicy and sharp. I'm not sure if I can pick out the opium not exactly, but if that's what's giving off that heady, slighly pungent and boozy note, well then I'm all in. Love the lasting power, and the strong throw. Perfect sultry evening scent. I do like these heavier fragrances for daytime too, and the entire time I wore it I never had the urge to reapply.
  14. Eemia

    Pink Moon 2007

    This is beautiful, girly, feminine, sweet, and sugary. Just like a pink scent should be. Starts out as spicy carnation coated in sugar and stays pretty true for the remainder of the time. I don't notice the phlox, but maybe that's what keeps the carnation from being extrememly pungent on me. It's very light and doesn't have a lot of throw. After about an hour when it has become a little more faint, it loses the sugary sweetness that I adore and is slightly musky and almost imperceptiby bitter. Still completely wearable, just very different from its beginning stage. Love the label too---this is the cutest bottle I have yet!
  15. Eemia

    Miskatonic University

    Out of all the fragrances I've wanted to try, this would have been last on my list. I adore drinking coffee but I wouldn't want to wear it as a perfume. My mom was wearing this when I visited over Spring Break and she smelled so good. It wasn't even readily recognizable as a coffee scent...it was just warm and sweet and comforting. So I had to try it and I really love it too! This starts out like sweetened, fragrant coffee and cream. But it's got a little something extra that I adore--must be the whiskey but I'm not sure b/c I've never tried whiskey before. Whatever it is, the wet notes are beautiful. I do like it best after it's dried down some. More of the dusty, papery notes appear and it feels like the most familiar scent in the world. Like all the thousands of magical old books I've immersed myself. The coffee scent has all but disappeared, leaving only the sweet creamy blend behind. This isn't a vampy or sexy scent on me, or something I'd wear to enjoy in a feminine, perfumey moment. Yet it is honestly beautiful in its own right. I want a bottle of my own, and I'll enjoy its uniqueness and the happy, warm feelings it evokes.
  16. Eemia

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    I received a bottle of this unsniffed as a gift from my mom. I wore it for the first time today and already got a few compliments. It smells so nice and feminine. I especially am enjoying it today b/c of the hot weather we're having. This just feels like a beautiful summery scent. Orange blossom and carnation really stand out on my skin. Normally carnation tends to overpower other notes on me but this time it's very understated and slightly spicy. The sugar notes are amazing! Very creamy and sweet but not foody sweet. I had thought from some of the reviews that it would smell like a creamsicle but I don't get any fruit orange out of this, just the orange blossom. Although this is not a heavy floral on me, it does have a lot of throw. It's strong for such a light fragrance! I've been slathering it on all day even though I didn't need to. I just like it so much. My boyfriend may keel over from the perfume haze around me when he comes over tonight.
  17. Eemia

    Bliss Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    This is my favorite of the soaps I've tried (Dorian, Shub, Snake Oil). This feels like a treat....it's so very luxurious. This does smell like warm, fresh chocolate and cocoa buttter. But I agree with the other reviewers--it's not a sugary or fake chocolate scent. This is very natural and subtle.....smells almost exactly like the raw cacao beans I like. Doesn't linger very long, which I don't mind at all b/c I do get to enjoy the fragrance in the shower and that's plenty for me. As with the other soaps, it lathers so thickly and easily. Rinses away clean and doesn't strip my skin. I have very, very sensitive skin and this is nice and gentle. I am completely selfish with this too....I practically slapped my boyfriend when he showed a mild interest in using it. Should I admit it?........I guess I will. I have been tempted to just take a lick of this. I am only half-joking. It looks like a beautiful marble chocolate and it smells divine. Who would blame me?
  18. Eemia

    Dorian Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    I have the same annoying problem! I always have to be careful of any new products that I use on my skin. All of the BPTP soaps have been so gentle though. They feel amazing and make my skin very soft. Doesn't dry me out or strip my skin. I love how easily it lathers up too---tons of thick suds. I've never smelled Dorian before but I love it in the soap. Tea and lemon and vanilla. It's subtle but so yummy! Stays on my skin for a little bit but it's not so strong that it interferes with any BPAL oil I put on right away. Love it! And as everyone has said, the wrapper is beautiful!
  19. Eemia

    Shub-Niggurath Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    I just received my of my soaps this morning and I picked this one to use first. I've never tried the Shub fragrance oil before so this is really my first experience with Shub. As the others have said, the wrapper is gorgeous--I didn't want to rip it open! It makes the soap look so fancy. Love the little brimstone logo on the soap as well. I'm very particular about my soap.....I have been using only Lush for about 5 years now. But I knew that these ones would be just as good and they are. It is a nice, substantial sized bar, and it will last me a long time. It lathers up really easily, and makes nice, fluffy suds. It rinses away completely clean too---no residue. My skin felt very soft and clean but not stripped. I am so happy at how moisturizing it feels. Love the spices and ginger...I am going to have to get the actual oil version. The scent does linger ever so faintly on my skin....I didn't want to put on lotion afterwards so that I could keep the scent around. Also, as far as storing it goes I just dry the bar out on a regular soap dish (with a drain) until it's completely dry then keep it in a ziploc baggy. That way I can rotate my other BPTP soaps w/o them getting icky. I think it preserves the life of them a little better.
  20. Eemia


    This starts out very sharp---a mixture of strong lavender and herbs. In this stage it smells similar to Somnus to me. It has that slightly medicinal, acrid smell. Not unpleasant at all, but it does feel more like a relaxing sleep inducing blend than a cosmetic fragrance. As it dries it becomes less sharp and much more powdery. It has a softer scent, something perhaps creamier? I almost want to say vanilla but I'm not sure. It is a little bit sweet too. Very nice. The lavender has calmed down and is much more appealing. I'm glad that the sharp stage only lasts a few minutes, but even if it stayed like that I would still enjoy it as a nightime aromatherapy blend. It's much prettier when it's dry though. The throw isn't very strong, and it only lasts on me for two hours tops. Not a problem though b/c I like reapplying alot anyways.
  21. Eemia


    This is mostly amber on me, with whiffs of saffron and musk. I don't smell rose or mandarin at all. It's just a warm, slightly spicy and musky fragrance. It stays close to my skin and isn't overpowering or overly strong. It does have amazing lasting power--I put it on last night and when I woke up today I can still smell it. I do like this but it isn't wonderful or memorable on me. And it does have a masculine tinge to it that prevents me from wearing it again. It will probably smell much better on my boyfriend.
  22. Eemia

    Crow Moon

    I almost passed on this b/c of the evergreen boughs. That read as "possible pine" to me and I can't stand pine. But I went ahead and got it anyway b/c the other notes had possibility. Glad I did b/c this is beautiful, even though I put off even trying it on b/c I was afraid it would turn into a foresty nightmare. Thankfully, the evergreen/foresty notes only appear lightly for a split second in the wet stage. And it's not overwhelming or incredibly strong where I am put off by it. It's just enough to give a chilly nature type feeling and then it's gone and it becomes much more interesting. Drying down this smells very much like a classic perfume. Darkly floral without a hint of green notes. I can identify the violet (I *love* violet) but it's not a soft or sweet violet. Much deeper and heavy than other violet BPAL fragrances I have tried. I am liking this alot. The barest tinge of cedar.....but I am not sure how to place the other notes on my skin. All I know is that it makes me think "perfumey." Perfect winter fragrance even though I wouldn't necessarily associate this with cold. To me this is classic. I am not ashamed to admit I was so wrong about this one and I shouldn't judge a BPAL in advance.
  23. Eemia

    Pink Phoenix

    This is like strawberry shortcake! But much, much sexier of course. It's not quite as foody as I would have thought (even with the shortcake comparison). Maybe b/c the vanilla gets kind of musky when it's drying down. The strawberry is very sweet and syrupy, and is the most prominent note throughout the duration. I couldn't picture enjoying strawberry on my skin but it's gorgeous and sweet. The vanilla and honey is beautiful too.
  24. Eemia

    White Rabbit

    I received a full bottle (unsniffed) as a gift from my dearest mom. I've always loved the Alice stories and she knows I have an affection for the White Rabbit. This smells exactly like black tea to me...unmistakable. Very natural, crisp and extremely light on my skin. I'm amazed that it can actually smell like a real cup of tea. I can't sniff out the vanilla or milk at all in the beginning stages but there is a faint bit of lemon. This is just so clean. I can finally smell the milk and honey after it's dried down. It's very soft and just hints at being sweet. Nothing sugary or syrupy about this one. That linen note is wonderful. This is so airy but grand at the same time. This absolutely captures the essence of the rabbit.....what a magical interpretation. I love it!
  25. Eemia

    Fire Pig

    This smells like a warm fruit mixture. Nothing tangy, sharp or bitter.....just a batch of soft, overripe fruits. It smells sunny and very mellow. I love the lychee especially....it's very distinct. I don't really notice any spicy type notes but there a slightly deeper and muskier drydown. Maybe that's the resin peeking out in the final stages. Whatever it is, it's very nice. I'll wear this one alot more in the summer than I will now though.