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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Baudelaire

  1. Baudelaire

    Belle Époque

    Oh, I am in love! In the vial: Opium, Sandalwood, & Lily of the Valley; beautifully blended & soft. Wet: Ah here's the mandarin with a hint of vanilla! But I can still pick up the other notes in the background. Dry-down: The notes have all melded together into a gorgeous, lightly floral & smokey fragrance! None are overpowering the others. Surprising to me because my body chemistry usually latches on to vanilla like no tomorrow. 24 hours later: I'm still catching a faint whiff on my hands from touching my neck...mmm! There is certainly a full bottle or 2 of this in my near future!
  2. Baudelaire

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    Oh I really wanted to love this one, it seemed to have all the right componants, but actually on my skin ... not so much. *sigh* Allas it morphed itself into some horrible potpourri. What happened??? On to the next!
  3. hehehe I actually did try reading the first few pages, then I remembered ... "Ah! Ctrl + F!" The Find function is such a wonderous invention Otherwise I'm sure I would have a beast of a headache & eyestrain I will certainly check out your recomendations though! Whether or not I get a response. Thankyou so much doll!
  4. *sigh* I've scaned all 19 pages of this thread and not a single mention of Blackberry Bomb. Any and all suggestions as to what would match that will be greatly appreciated!