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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ChloeKEvil

  1. ChloeKEvil

    Hanerot Halalu

    When I was about nine, we lived in a tiny house in the country, and my uncle and his family lived in an even tinier house across from us- actually on the grounds of an old monastery. My uncle's business was making hand-dipped beeswax candles for churches across the country, which he did in another building on the monastery grounds. On some days, I was lucky enough to get to go and help him. The inside of the 'candle factory', as we called it, was scented with rich warm golden beeswax, almost winey smelling. It was always warm, too, because of the heat of the beeswax tank that he dipped from. Hanerot Halalu smells exactly like that building. It throws me right into the memory of helping him trim the wicks to the right size- and then standing by the shelf that sold his candles in church and just taking deep breaths and enjoying the beautiful smell.
  2. ChloeKEvil


    First off I get flowers- purple flowers, but still too floral for me. However, they start fading into juicy, creamy plum almost immediately until the plum is very dominant and delicious.
  3. ChloeKEvil

    Katrina van Tassel

    This is exactly what I wanted from this scent. It's a light, sweet, honeyed rose. Very girly, I think, and very clean. I'm going to enjoy wearing this after baths- when I just want to chill out and smell like roses.
  4. ChloeKEvil


    A very strong herbal smell that I like- it doesn't bother my nose at all, which is pleasant. I wasn't sure how much it helped until last night, when I'd gone to bed without putting it on and tossed and turned for a while (my usual routine before I got the bottle, I've been wearing it most nights since then) and then I got up and put on my usual slathering of Somnus and was asleep inside of twenty minutes. Somnus doesn't really help me get sleepy, but I had a bad habit of getting tired, going to bed, and then waking up too much to go to sleep. Somnus relaxes me enough to fall asleep, and then I stay asleep. It's nice. Oh, and it lasts just long enough to get the job done- sometimes I wake up to the perfume I wore the day before on my wrists, but Somnus is always gone. Very nice.
  5. ChloeKEvil

    Eat Me

    For some reason I've been catching whiffs of Eat Me around my computer area for like a week. It makes me hungry. Anyways, moving on, Eat Me is a warm white cake with currants and vanilla that dries down to sweet currants, a lot like my You Snap The Whip body butter from Lush. I like all stages of this a lot. It makes me feel warm and cozy, even when I'm not.
  6. ChloeKEvil

    The Dodo

    This smells almost exactly what I was expecting, which is strange. I guess I have a good idea of what sugar cane smells like, because that's what this is mostly on me, with lemon and mango and a bit of cinnamon on the side. It smells a lot like a jawbreaker, actually- very candyish. Nom nom nom. *attaches nose to wrist* This is very good. If I bought GC bottles, I would be buying this, but the imps last long enough that I don't need bottles.
  7. ChloeKEvil


    In the bottle: Soap. Huh? This shouldn't be soap. How illogical. On skin, wet: More soap! Not a hint of anything else. Ten minutes later: Hmm, I think that's the myrrh coming out a bit. The soap is retreating but not gone all together. Final verdict: Myrrh and soap. I have other myrrh blends that don't have soap. Maybe I will swap this.
  8. ChloeKEvil

    Hollywood Babylon

    Hollywood Babylon fades on me quite quickly. The dominant note is the strawberry here and it's quite pretty. I got some up in my nose when I was sniffing my wrist and I can smell the vanilla, too. I would say this is very pretty but I'm not a fan of things that fade so quickly. Update, 08/06/08: This smells like Snake Oil except with strawberry instead of vanilla. The resemblance is uncanny, and it doesn't fade as quickly as I thought. I like this.
  9. ChloeKEvil


    This one bit me the first time I put it on. I tried it on the back of my wrist and it left a slightly burny red mark the size of a Canadian dollar coin. It smelled fantastic, though- like cinnamon hearts, except spicier. I could feel my nose hair sizzle from the strength. I tried it on the back of my hand a few days later and there was no burning. I think I also put less on, as the smell wasn't as intense. I think I can suffer for my candy smells, though- I really enjoyed this one!
  10. ChloeKEvil

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I am confused by my Inez. I was expecting myrrh and musky vanilla and gold, not weird... dryer sheet smell. Has anyone else run into this? Is this a mistake with my bottle or does it need to age?
  11. ChloeKEvil

    The Knave of Hearts

    Ohhhhmigosh. Currants are quickly becoming one of my favourite notes. Considering how much I love tasting them (and how much I love You Snap The Whip body butter from Lush) this is not a great surprise. Masabakes, Eat Me, and now Knave of Hearts have all gained very highly-ranked places in my favourite smells. The first time I put this on it was nearly pure caramel, with juicy rose peeking out after a while- I thought it was an interesting combination and loved it. I put it on again today and the caramel was much less strong, with the currants having a firmer presence, and the rose hanging out in the background. It's divine. I would eat this. Compared to the other two currant scents I have, Knave of Hearts is more foody than Masabakes and sweeter than Eat Me. I'm more likely to wear it for a cold winter day curled up with fluffy fantasy books.
  12. ChloeKEvil

    Pickled Imp

    This reminds me a lot of the Body Shop's Vanilla Spice line that they have at Christmas time. This is not a bad thing at all- I covet that stuff madly. This is positively delicious, just the right amount of spice and vanilla to make me a very happy foody fangirl. Besides, I love the bottle art. The imp is staaaaring at me. It's so cute. I think it wants my soul. It may just have it. This is that good.
  13. ChloeKEvil

    Scent for Halloween?

    I will be wearing Vinland tomorrow for Canada Day, although I don't know if my family is really celebrating.
  14. ChloeKEvil

    BPAL Patchouli - there's nothing else like it

    I'm a little nervous about patchouli. I tried Aureus, which a lot of people said was heavy on the patchouli and it made me sick and now I'm shy of trying anymore lab blends with patchouli in them- and there are tons of them! I don't want to cut myself off from so many smells. I tend to amp sweetness a lot- honey tends to go a little sickly and some things are just too sweet and make me sick. What are some blends with patchouli that probably won't do that?
  15. ChloeKEvil

    How to make a paypal order.

    I've made a few Lab orders before but they've always been straight from my bank account. This time, though, I had a balance in my paypal account and I made an order that was over that but combined with the money in my bank would be enough. Is that okay or did I do something wrong? I was pretty sure it was okay as I thought I'd seen other people talk about doing it, but I'm having a sudden attack of nerves as it said 'echeck from suchandsuchandsuch' and no mention of the Paypal funds.
  16. ChloeKEvil


    I felt like I've been neglecting my bottles, poor things, and so I decided to go through and try a few of them again. Which means I wore Midway yesterday, and it was delicious, and then I couldn't resist putting it back on today. I'm not really sure what it smells most like, but it's sweet but not sticky- fresh and clean, instead. Not in a soapy way, but in a way that gives it a bit of an edge up on most just candy scents. I love this to tiny bits, I can't believe I was considering swapping it before.
  17. ChloeKEvil

    Love's Philosophy

    Mmm, pretty. This scent is almost totally vanilla on me, smooth and cool, but there's a slight deepness to it that confuses my nose. I waffled on liking it but I have come down firmly on the side of 'yes'. It's the purest vanilla from the Lab that I've tried and it's so smooth. I don't need a bottle right naaaaow but I would definitely like one.
  18. ChloeKEvil

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    Snake Oil with acai berry, amber, cardamom, neroli, and smoked vanilla. I ordered this because I like berries and vanilla and Snake Oil and I am not at all disappointed. When I first put it on, it's very berry, with a bit of the Snake Oil feel. Later everything blends together and it weirdly smells a lot like Perilous Parlour on me, but then the Snake Oil takes over a little, but still with some sharp berry in there. It's gorgeous and I am going to need to hoard this.
  19. ChloeKEvil


    I love this smell. I've been putting it on all day and I just... wow. It's lily of the valley and pear, and it's crisp and light and clean without smelling like soap. I think I'm getting a little bit of rose. But this is the most floral scent I've tried, and it's making me less nervous about florals in general, because it's not bothering my nose at all! Score! In conclusion: I need a bottle! STAT!
  20. ChloeKEvil


    This one smells yellow to me. Murky yellow, not bright. It's spicy- I keep swearing I smell cinnamon, but my nose isn't well trained yet. It also smells like grapefruit, especially close up. It isn't a happy scent to me, it's got an edge of sharpness. I'm going to wear this as the scent of my Malkavian LARP character. It just seems appropriate.
  21. ChloeKEvil

    El Dia de los Reyes

    Three words: om nom nom. I can has wrist nao? I smell delicious, like hot chocolate with a piece of cinnamon toast on the side. I tested this the day I got it (I couldn't resist) and it was glorious. It smells very warm, even though I spent a lot of that day cold. It went through a stage of being chocolate, then switched to a very good mocha, then chocolate and cinnamon, and settled on chocolate and sticky, glorious brown sugar. And it lasted for ages upon ages. I wish I had another bottle of this. I don't know how I am going to deal with just having one.
  22. ChloeKEvil


    Mmmm. I really like this one- hot, spicy leather, with more throw than a lot of things have on me. It smells heavy, heavier than almost anything else I wear, but it'll be good for going out. The leather is definitely present the whole time it's on, blended with spiciness that I think is the myrrh. I don't really get musk here, but I don't mind. I definitely love this and will use my imp when I'm going clubbing- at some point, I'll get a bottle but I don't know when.
  23. ChloeKEvil

    Water of Notre Dame

    I bought this one because I can be very anxious and worried and it sounded good. I just put a dab on so I'm not sure how much effect it will have, but sniffing it does make me feel better- it smells like anointing oil my church uses! Except better! It's very clean and very pure to me, a little bit soapy but not too much. Not exactly floral, but definitely plants of some sort. I'll have to try it more tomorrow- I need to go apply for a job. We'll see how it works there. Edit: I asked my mom what she thought it smelled like and she said 'incense'. She's right, it smells exactly like some of the incense they use at church, not oil. It's very gorgeous- and I applied some before going LARPing and it was very effective. I was quite relaxed right up until it started and even then I got into the swing of things quickly.
  24. ChloeKEvil

    Scent for Halloween?

    I wore Snake Oil to the NYE party I went to last night. Ended up getting my wrists molested by drunk boys, both of whom proclaimed it the best perfume they'd ever smelled and demanded the address for the Lab. I think I'll wear El Dia de Reyes or The Snowstorm to our Christmas services- my family celebrates on the Julian calendar, so we have Christmas on the seventh.
  25. ChloeKEvil


    Incubus is almost pure caramel on me, but it's so delicious that I don't really mind. I hate eating caramel, but love smelling it... mmm... The caramel is blended with the mint and musk at first, but over time it arches into a pure caramel zone for a long time and then back into smoky, musky caramel goodness. I need a bottle.