WANTON, seraglio, snake oil
IN General: well aged Patchouli, Sandalwood, Amber, Musk, Earthy scents are most favoirte, then there's Tuberose, Magnolia/Acacia, Sweetgrass, Lilly of Valley, Lotus, Ylang Complete, Vanilla, egyptian kyphi,
Profile Information
Love talking about & reading metaphysical topics, read tarot from my first RyderWaite Deck I got when I was 13, astrology charts, music, music, music of all sorts, BBC's Lawrence L. Bowen (reow), clothes, shoes, badmitten (it's freaky and fun), tennis, love going out for drinks and more good music, travel is key:favorite place so far is Jamaica but I also love the whole bonfire/middle of nowhere type getaway. I love movies, meeting new friends, my2cats, my Jack Russell Terrier aptly named Spencer, talking till the sun comes up, or goes down:whichever comes first, making candles and bath salts
Astrological Info
Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon in 6th house, Mercury in Gemini 9th House, Venus in Taurus (lucky me) in 8th house, Ascendant Libra, Jupiter in Leo 11th house, Uranus in Virgo 12th house.
born at 2:45 pm