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Status Updates posted by waternight

  1. Hi Marlena,

    Could you please update me on the status of your end of our swap? I totally understand if life things prevented you from sending it out immediately, but I'd at least like to know if/when you did send it, or if not, when you'll be able to. I'm kinda in the dark here.

  2. Hey - just responded to your PM. Let me know if you got my response with all the info. Thanks!

  3. Could you please update me on your end of our swap? I'm still waiting...

  4. Marlena,

    I hate to be a nag, but we're approaching 5 weeks for your end of our swap here, and I'm pretty damn sure you got my end in only a few days. I wouldn't mind so much if you would PM me once in a while to let me know the status of my package. I'd hate to do it, but if it gets to six weeks, I will report a swaplift. PLEASE let me know what's going on!
