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Status Updates posted by waternight

  1. Hi Marlena,

    Could you please update me on the status of your end of our swap? I totally understand if life things prevented you from sending it out immediately, but I'd at least like to know if/when you did send it, or if not, when you'll be able to. I'm kinda in the dark here.

  2. Marlena,

    I hate to be a nag, but we're approaching 5 weeks for your end of our swap here, and I'm pretty damn sure you got my end in only a few days. I wouldn't mind so much if you would PM me once in a while to let me know the status of my package. I'd hate to do it, but if it gets to six weeks, I will report a swaplift. PLEASE let me know what's going on!

  3. Could you please update me on your end of our swap? I'm still waiting...

  4. Hey - just responded to your PM. Let me know if you got my response with all the info. Thanks!
