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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TheDarkMother

  1. TheDarkMother


    Well, from the description I have to wonder if this is going to work or not. The hubby is home sick today, and if this can raise his interests when he’s sick, then I’ll be really surprised and buy a gallon of it. In the Bottle: Queen is fairly minty with a chocolate sort of scent in the background. It smells really good! On Me: This is a lot more herbal than I thought. Its slightly acidic, like dandelion root or something like that at my wrist, but I still smell chocolate in the air. I haven’t been baking yet today, so I don’t think its that. What an odd combination, totally herbal on my wrist, but sweet and flowing off of it. Actually, the more that I smell it, the more that I can tell that it isn’t chocolate that I’m smelling, but its vanilla. That gorgeous, thick, gooey vanilla that I totally adore!! The herbal scent is turning into a musky floral now, but the vanilla is still only detectable in the air around me. Maybe its carnation that I smell on my wrist. Its hard to tell. I love the scent though, but the real question of the description of the scent is whether or not my hubby will like it. With him being sick, its really hard to tell, but I’ll slather it on and give it a shot anyway. OH MY GOD! It works!! I’ve finally found a scent that Beth makes that turns my hubby on, even though he’s sick! That’s a total surprise!! Well then, this is definitely a HUGE bottle! WOOHOO!
  2. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Thick dragon’s blood, which always ends up smelling like cherries on me. Not even a hint of the black pepper or cinnamon. On Me: You know, I’m starting to think that its dragon’s blood that turns to diapers on me. I didn’t notice any civet in the description. There seems to be a slight smell of cherries and cinnamon, but still in the background is that awful smell that just starts to turn my stomach, the smell of a potential dirty diaper. I swear, you could make it a mystery ingredient and I’ll pick it out every time. To my delight, this hasn’t turned, but its still a scent in the background, one that really overpowers the other scents that have seemed to have already disappeared. This doesn’t smell wrath-like at all, more like a stomach turning scent. No, I think that Wrath will be heading to the swaps. The dry down is pleasant, but its waiting for it that makes me nautious.
  3. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Green, herbal, minty, and sharp. Its enough to send shivers down your spine. Here's to hoping that the third time is the charm this morning. On Me: For some odd reason this makes me think of pine and holly. Its a little sweeter and minty to be pine, but its almost like a lightly sugar coated pine branch or something. This is definately something to clear out your sinuses. Its a fresh scent, not too different from Vick's Vapo-Rub, but once again, much sweeter. I envision a pine forest with a dusting of snow. In the clearing is a small house with more trees in the yard. The house looks perfect, but something isn't right. You don't understand it until you rub up against the tree abesent-mindedly and notice that it isn't snow, but confectioner's sugar. Then it hits you, the house in front of you is made of gingerbread. You turn to leave, but not before you hear the cackling of an old woman behind you and the gnashing of strong, sharp teeth. Oh yeah, its been a while since I've had that sort of response from an oil. This goes on my big bottle list.
  4. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Banshee is eucalyptus, peppermint, and either lemon or orange. I'm hoping that the lemon doesn't drown out the eucalyptus. On Me: Why yes...that would be lemons I smelled. BAH! I smell like lemon pledge. NO FAIR! I was really looking forward to the eucalyptus and mints. But Noooooooo! Instead my body soaks up the lemons in this and nothing else! It would have been soooo pretty! Now it has to go to the swaps....
  5. TheDarkMother

    Serpent's Kiss

    In the Bottle: Dragon's blood, cinnamon, and something a little more dark and sinister in the background. I like already! On Me: Hmmm....I think that there may be some civet in this one. Its just in the background, past the dragon's blood and yummy cloves, but its still there, that gnawing, disgusting, preemie baby diaper scent. Even though its not a really bad baby diaper, nasty bathroom scent yet, it's still there and getting worse all the time. Its drying to a little less diaper scent, but its still there. I think I'm going to swap it with someone that civet likes.
  6. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Thick vanilla with added honey....ohhhh! I can see why they call this O! On Me: *faint* The amber is warm and spicy, the honey sweetens it up, and the vanilla is just AMAZING! There is a slight anise scent in the background, and I can see why northernminx told me it smells like sex! I get honey and sex. Sex, sex, sex! I guess this is going to drive me crazy until the hubby is done recovering from our early morning excercises! Teehee!! A gallon of this!!!
  7. TheDarkMother


    UhOh! Lemon Verbena and Lemongrass. Why do I get the feeling like I'm going to be scrubbing off my wrists here in a little bit? In the Bottle: Lemon Pledge. Yuck...but I should try it just to be certain. On Me: Yup, lemon pledge. I was hoping that the grapefruit would come through a little bit more to make it interesting, but nope. Just lemon candy/pledge. Off to the swaps.
  8. TheDarkMother

    Sudha Segara

    In the Bottle: Bright ginger. Have I mentioned how much I adore ginger? Mmm...want sushi now. On Me: Ginger and honey! Oh MY GOSH! Love it, love it, LOVE IT! The honey is coming out quite stong on me, and its a golden yellow color, a bright, sunny, and cheerful scent that is really invigorating! The ginger is in the background is absolutely scrumptious! My stomach is really growling over it! Must get a big bottle of this one!
  9. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Maenad is a dark poppy scent with a light fruity smell beneath it. Very nice! On Me: A very dry oil to rub together, Maenad is more of a poppy/carnation floral than strawberries on me. This isn't very fruity at all, and the carnation is really the most powerful smell there. This is actually really gorgeous on me, very feminine and fun, with a hint of seduction in the background. This is actually a very spirit-lifting oil! Very, very nice! A big bottle will be had!
  10. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Lime and Lavender. How is this supposed to be a masculine fragrance smelling so nice and pretty like that? On Me: Oh! That's why! This is rather strong, and the lime and lavender really are spicy and I can almost smell allspice in here as well. I was wrong, what smelled so feminine in the bottle is totally masculine on me. Happy girl! I like sultry, spicey, masculine scents. This is gorgeous! This is also VERY sexy! I want to smell it on my hubby, but I don't really need to in order to tell just how sexy this would be on him as well. Very, Very, Very sexy! Purrr! Yup, need a big bottle of this one too!
  11. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Jezebel is very sweet. I smell honey and sandalwood, so its a sweet smokey scent. On Me: Now the orange comes out slightly along with the decadent honey, and all three comes out on my skin with none really overpowering the other one. Oh my GOD this is a gorgeous fragrance! This is the embodiment of woman, sweet and musky, familiar yet mysterious, loving yet seductive. For some reason the song "Bitch" come to mind: I'm a Bitch I'm a Tease I'm a Goddess On my knees When you hurt When you suffer I'm an angel undercover This is the perfect oil to describe the complexities of women. Bravo!!!
  12. TheDarkMother

    Wings of Azrael

    In the Bottle: Wings of Azrael is cedar and violets! I'm in love!!! On Me: The violets and myrrh are very dominant in this one with the cedar in the background. All of a sudden, here comes the lilies taking the forefront. Its a very herbalistic scent, which reminds me of funeral arrangements that I would make when I worked at the florists. Such beautiful arrangements all for someone who will never see them or never smell them, all for the hope of pulling the family out of their grief and depression. This is gorgeous, really. And one day I just might get a bigger bottle of this, just for the beauty of the scent. But right now, its not something that I will wear a lot of. Its just too painful right now.
  13. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: There's that sweet almond oil that always turns my stomach, but there is something in the background that is making it a bit easier. I think its peppermint. Maybe just a hint of the lavender as well. On Me: Ugh, the sweet almond oil is still nasty, but it quickly left. In its place is peppermint, orange, and basil, I think. Its a spicey citrus smell that isn't too overpowering, and then once my wrist leaves my nose, I can get a good amount of peppermint as well. Not too strong, and not too light either. It certainly hasn't changed in strength yet, and that's a good sign. In fact, I really like this. Its nice and soothing. It makes me want to curl up in front of a fireplace with a good book and a big mug of peppermint tea. Why do all the ones that I really like have to be discontinued?? No Fair!!!!
  14. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Pride is a VERY rosey scent with just a hint of the narcissus. On Me: BPAL is the only place that seems to get rose right for me. Most of the time its totally overpowering or smells way too old for my tastes. In fact, my first words when trying BPAL oils for the first times was, "No Florals, and NO ROSE!" Ha! They proved me wrong again. This is a medium rose, not too light but not too strong either, with the barest of hints of the narcissus in the background. Most of the time with a rose scent I get the impression of being very girly and innocent, but not this time. This time its something that makes you want to stick out your chest, stick up your nose, and parade around the mall. Its a sophisticated scent, or at least that's what "it" would tell you. Its a highly feminine scent that reminds me of my husband's step-mother, and that's almost not fair to the imp. It's looking down your nose at something beneath you. Its sniffing when you hear them speak like you think that their words smell horrible. Its the flipping of the hair and the rolling of the eyes that you do when you think that someone lesser than you is trying to speak to you. Yup. Its my step-mom-in-law all right. Unfortunetly, the scent does start to fade quickly. I do like the scent, its very nice. I don't think I want to be reminded of that woman every time I put it on though. I think I'll use up the imp, but I don't think I'll be buying a bigger bottle. Not unless I can get a different impression of it.
  15. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Delicious white sandalwood! On Me: White sandalwood underneath a deceptively sweet floral. How truely evil! This is like walking through a garden of beautiful flowers and suddenly day turns to night and the flowers ash right in front of your eyes, heralding your own impending doom. The scent of the flowers fade and all that you are left with is the desolate smell of ash. Oh! WHY didn't I get a big bottle of this one when I had the chance? This is gorgeous, and very imaginative!
  16. TheDarkMother

    New Orleans

    In the Bottle: New Orleans is really nice and spicy with a hint of citrus. Mmm... On Me: Magnolias, honeysuckle, and some more slight florals on a hot and muggy, swampy afternoon in the Bayou. I think there's a slight cinnamon scent here as well, but very light and gentle. This is delicious, and a big bottle will be had as soon as I'm done coveting the imp that I have! Yummy!
  17. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Bacchanalia is yummy grape bubble gum. Mmmm:) On Me: There's a sexy anise smell to this in the background and something that I'm not familiar with in the foreground. The bubblegum smell is something that I get when my nose isn't attached to my wrist, but otherwise I'm not certain. Is that the smell of grape blossoms? Its very hard to tell. Of course, I just realized that my keyboard smells very thickly of a BPAL potpurri, so it could be interferring with my sniffing. After putting a little more on, I've been able to get the scent a little easier. Its orange blossoms along with the grapes. Living in Florida, its easy to get that one. The only problem is, it fades so quick. Blended, it smells lovely. I wish that I had a big bottle of this one. Update: EW! This one turned to light ode de brown toilet on me! Gross. Swap away.
  18. TheDarkMother

    Machu Picchu

    In the Bottle: Machu Picchu is a tropical paradise that reminds me of the beach around here on a hot steamy evening. On Me: Sweet florals of tropical flowers, maybe some passion fruit as well, hybiscus, oh so sweet! This is so lovely! I feel like I should check my room for a lei and a grass skirt and head out to a luau! I swear, if my hubby pumped this scent into a Hawaiian themed hotel room, put me in a little grass skirt, turned the lights down low, and played soft music, I would be in orgasm heaven! No kidding though, this is so sexy to me! This is like making love on a deserted beach on a drak steamy night where you have to go through the jungle underbrush to get to the sand. This is your own deserted island getaway! Oh a gallon must be bought of this one! A GALLON!!!
  19. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Megaera is a divine scent of grapefruit and a light floral. YUM! On Me: OOOOH! This has much more grapefruit in it than my beloved Shattered, and to tell you the truth, smells closer to King of Spades than Shattered. The only difference is that the background fruits and florals are brighter than King of Spades. Heavenly! This smells a lot like Darkswan's Great Gatsby! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
  20. TheDarkMother

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    In the Bottle: Sacred Whore of Babylon smells like almond oil and vanilla. On Me: I must confess, I'm not too fond of sickeningly sweet almond oil like this. Its too sweet and overpowering, like too much air spray in the hopes of covering up something nasty. Its literally turning my stomach, yuck. I'm not waiting for this one to dry down, its off to the swaps.
  21. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Shroud is a yummy soft white floral with a hint of citrus. How odd. That really doesn't sound right. On Me: There's the sandalwood, and a lovely white sandalwood at that! Soft and bright, like a nice wooden coffin would smell like. There is a sweetness that is beginning to show through as well, the scent of florals. But then, its gone. All of it. On my wrist I smell nothing, but I can still smell the sandalwood and light florals all around me. Its light and airy, like a whisper thin linen shroud that they lie over the face of the dead. Its gorgeous, simply gorgeous, and I will end up getting a big bottle sometime soon, but with the things that are going on in my life, I certainly don't want to be reminded of a funeral everytime I smell myself. I still love it though, just not for use right now.
  22. TheDarkMother


    In the Bottle: Despair smells light and salty, like tears, with a light floral scent behind it, like a fading woman's perfume. On Me: Wow! There is a very sharp wood scent to it, not really cedar but close. There's also some sort of scent which I can only describe as "mint-like". It makes my sinuses clear and my eyes feel like there's wind on them. Yeah, I know, I come up with the weirdest ways of getting my point across. Its calming down now, and that salty tears/perfume smell is returning, albeit faintly. This seems to be one of those fragrances that wants to fade out on me too quickly. Its a sweet smell though, and I do like it. I'll probably use the imp, but I'm not certain if a big bottle will work for me or not. Perhaps if I slather it a little more, then I'll be able to make a better decision. Its kinda hard though, because the perfume is extremely appropriate to what is going on in my life right now, and I'm not sure I want to be reminded of that.
  23. TheDarkMother

    Les Fleurs du Mal

    In the Bottle: Le Fleurs Du Mal smells more strongly of a thick rose with lilac, with just a hint of wisteria to put an edge to it. *shiver* On Me: Very much like an old, Victorian purfume. The lilac is just subtly changing the rose, and once again I get a vision of a small room papered in golds and reds, with beads on the pillows and a small table with a large crystal ball in the center of it. There is smoke around the room, and the scent of roses from the clarvoyant's purfume and the roses on the table are heavy, to entice the dead back in order to speak with the living. And the heaviness of the rose is like bread crumbs to follow back home with. The spirits come, following that scent, and speak with their loved ones and leave again, only to be enticed once more, again and again, until the mystic herself is spirit with them. Oh yes....big bottle for me.
  24. TheDarkMother

    Embalming Fluid

    In the Bottle: Embalming Fluid is a sharp, tangy tea scent, a lemon tea scent, maybe with a hint of a sharp floral behind it. I'm a little worried about the lemon overpowering this, though. On Me: Wow, this is really beautiful! The tea scent comes through really nicely, and I smell more of a floral than the lemon, like usual. This is simply gorgeous! I love tea scents, and this one is quickly becoming my favorite. The only problem with this scent is that it fades Way too quickly. Within 20 minutes I'm having to reapply. No fair! :pout: Oh well, I have no problem with reapplying. This scent more than makes up for that. I'll have to get a big bottle and bathe in it.
  25. TheDarkMother

    Black Annis

    I got Black Annis in a swap with Chupa, and I have to say, I am a little intimidated about it. I forgot that it had civit, which I think is the scent that turns to (ahem) feces on me when I wear it. I'm hoping that the other scents drown it out. In the Bottle: Chocolate and black licorice. I hate black licorice candy, but I simply ADORE the scent. Mmmmm! On Me: The moss really comes out a lot more than I thought on my wrist, which smells slightly floral, but the strng scent of chocolate and black licorice comes out everywhere else! My wrist smells slightly medicinal and herbal, while all around me is the mouth watering scent of chocolate and licorice. I smell sex and candy!! And so far, it isn't a scat film either. In fact, there seems to be no hint of civet, if that's the one that turns on me like that. Just in case though, I won't slather it on until I've tested it for a few hours. I don't want that toilet smell creeping up all over me. Ewwww. No, no toilet smell, just yummy, sexy, and mouthwatering. Big bottle of this!