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Posts posted by Jenesis

  1. Are there any GCs like Geek? My Geek bottle is getting very low (just a few applications left) and finding a bottle is basically impossible these days.


    Talk about some post necromancy :lol: but I am down to about 1ml of Geek left and bottles are basically unavailable even on eBay now. (Hint Lab for a resurrection. Guaranteed seller!)


    Earlier in this thread I saw that some consider Nemesis to be an equivalent for Geek. Anyone else have this experience? Any other recommendations?

  2. Found an old decant.


    First on: An odd vaguely plasticy scent, like those "scented" toys they used to sell.


    Drying: A smooth, light floral, definitely pink! Very sweet.


    Dry: The carnation really comes out.


    Verdict: Not really me but if you like sweet florals, this should be up your alley.

  3. First on: Boooooozy almonds. If there was such a thing as almond liqueur (is there?) it would smell like this.


    Drydown: Much better. Pineapple and peach, with a sugary note over the top - brings to mind Xanthe a bit but it's not as bright or citrusy.


    Dry: I'm usually impressed with the Lab's ability to replicate non-perfume scents and this time they've managed to make a cocktail smell! A pretty, sweet, fruity scent with a boozy undertone, much like a Sex on the Beach. While I do like the smell it's a bit too "night before" to wear in most situations, questions might be asked of my health if I wore it to work ;)

  4. Dug up some old Imps.


    First on: I get a whiff of vetiver but not too strong. I understand why some say menthol as I get a whiff of that as well. Smells like new wood.


    Drydown: A slight leathery note over the wood. Hardly any throw at all.


    Dry: Surprisingly complex and hard to classify! A comforting, warm scent, like a wood-backed leather chair. Very little throw though and it's fading already so this one won't last on me, I think. Edit: After a while the leather comes out more.

  5. Digging up some old Imps, found this decant. Here goes...


    First on: Dirt with a light hint of bananas. I'm genuinely impressed with how good the Lab's "dirt" note is, it really does smell like soil!

    Drydown: The soil goes a bit manky, the banana peel is rotting now.

    Dry: Better balanced, certainly "dirt and banana". An intriguing scent but I don't think it's for me.

  6. Couldn't make this one work for me (but then if you examine my previous reviews you'll see that light, girly scents rarely do!). Quite a "yummy" scent, if it was a fruit I'd eat it, but too sweet and cloying for my taste. My skin does weird things with lavender and apple blossom so I think it's probably that making it not work.

  7. Haven't reviewed a scent for ages, so here goes... This is a surprisingly complex blend. I can smell the vetivier in the background but it's just "there" rather than being the overpowering cat-pee smell that it usually is. The sickly sweetness of carnation is beautifully balanced by the earthiness of the fig and the green tea, while a delicate smell in itself, works well here to round the blend off. The opopanax (possibly my favourite note) grounds the whole thing.


    A gorgeous dark, mysterious scent. A keeper!

  8. Wet - WAAGH booze! I smell like I should be at an AA meeting.


    Drydown - Whew, booze has gone! This smells like Schrodinger's Cat's younger sister, prancing about in pink glitter. Sweet and citrusy and light, but sweet. This may be worth a bottle.

  9. Not sure I like this, which is a shame as it's the first LE I've tried in ages! The anise and vetiver go POW when I first put it on, they stay strong and sharp for about 5 minutes, and then... it goes. Totally gone. Not even a whiff of scent.


    How strange...

  10. stupid question perhaps, but i've never made an order before. i emailed the lab at answers, inquiring about ordering (counted and there were 13 bottles and i'm international), so i wanted a shipping quote or a paypal invoice, and i think a couple of the scents i ordered are coming down today or tomorrow. if i don't get a response from the lab before then will i still get the bottles i want or do they close if you've not made payment yet? i don't want to mess with my order since i've already emailed them, but i might have messed it up so i'm really not sure. i mean, should i estimate shipping and pay first? that seems like it would be a bother to sort out, but i would like my snake charmer: resurrected, plz!



    If you emailed the Lab at Answers they should respond to you quite soon, their customer service has always been excellent for me. I imagine they will send you your order even if the scents come down before you pay - they always have some left over, and you have asked for a shipping quote before the scents came down.

  11. Wow, this is like covering your arm in candyfloss and blackcurrant sweets!


    I'm not an expert with sugary scents, so sorry for lack of technicalities and expertise here. Candy Phoenix reminds me a lot of Midway (I think it's midway... a very "pink" sweet candyfloss fruity one?). It has the same fruity, sticky sweetness, but for some reason it isn't as sharp and cloying. I get a lot of blackcurrant and pomegranate.


    To me, this is nothing like the boozy, creme-brulee, caramel-esque sugariness of Sugar Skull and Smut

  12. I agree with what has been said upthread. Some sort of email confirmation from the Lab itself would be very nice, I think, and as well as peace of mind it would allow mistakes and problems to be spotted much earlier. cam is right; the PayPal receipt (I've only ever used PayPal) only proves that you sent the money, it doesn't prove that the Lab got your order.

  13. Has anyone ever had that thing where Paypal refuses to process your payment? I called my credit card company and it is fine. I called my bank and that is fine. So, I called Paypal. Apparently the system is stopping my payment to the lab because my payment pattern is different. I have done payments up to $24 and now I am trying to send a payment for more than $100 and it is stopping me. And Paypal can't lift the freaking thing off of the system. Their answer? Wait for a couple of hours. AHHHH! And if that doesn't work the advice is: submit half the payment in one transaction and the other half in another transaction. Arg! I don't want to do that to the lab! I am so sick of paypal I could just scream. But, I have no choice because I am in the UK and that is all that we can use!


    I've never had that happen to me, and I use PayPal all the time. Are you Verified with PayPal?


    In either case, I would email the Lab ASAP. They'll probably let you send two smaller payments, as PayPal suggest, while they sort out the spending limit thing.

  14. The scent is indeed vanilla (which, as always, is lovely and sweet on me) and lavender, with the traditional sharpness of lavender essential oil tempered by the sweet vanilla.


    Even if it doesn't make me actually sleep, it's a lovely, soft, relaxing scent that makes me feel calm and will hopefully ease my falling-asleep process. I go through phases of bad insomnia, and frankly even prescription drugs don't help me sleep then, so it looks like TKO will at least ease the anxiety I feel every evening when contemplating the restless hours ahead. :P

  15. I got this from the Lab when it was new, and I didn't like it much then (too sharp and lemony). However, I broke it out again today for my Quantum Mechanics exam, and I was delighted to find that it has aged wonderfully in the few months I've had it!


    The main thing I can smell is sherbert lemons. I can only assume this is the sugared fruits coming in to play. For the first half-hour of wear, the Kitty is very nice and light and bright (never fear, citrus-haters, it's very sweet). After that, the bright, citrus top notes disappear leaving a sweet, but not tooth-achingly so, musky undertone. I can't get any lavender out of it at any stage. I guess the musky drydown is the oakmoss and chocolate.

  16. I was frimped a sniffie of this, and I must admit that I'm glad I don't like it. All I get out of it is "feet covered in hair dye". Don't ask me where I get that from, but to me I can smell sweaty-feet-stink with the pervading chemical tang of ammonia-based hair dye. Oh well!

  17. Although nice, this scent is "meh" for me. I love woody scents and I was hoping this could be a new Geek, but it doesn't have the complexity.


    Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely scent, but on me it's just straight "wood", with no mint, lemon or anything else to spice it up. It fades quickly.


    If this was a regular price GC I'd go for it, but at $25 a bottle it's a little pricey when there are nicer woody blends for the same price tag (The Smiling Spider).
