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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by Jenesis

  1. So, here I was, surfing along, having been BPALing for..a bit now, and I decided, "Hey, I should check out some blogs" at random, and I fell upon yours, & read a few entries.


    Take this w/ a grain (or a bin) of salt, since I do not know you, or him, or the situation - except as you've described it, but it sounds like you're ALREADY alone, just not "officially."


    Luck and love to you.




    Thank you for your kind words. Since I wrote those entries, I have talked it over with him and he seems to be understanding my feelings better now. However, I still value your support - it's possible he'll "be good" for a few weeks then things will go back to how they were. I hope not, but it's always possible.

  2. If they hate you for that, they're not a nice family at all! I'm sure they wouldn't think ill of you. But the person planning the party was thinking to include you so you wouldn't feel left out. There's no harm in not going...or changing your mind if you DO want to go. My husband went to a lot of family things with me when we were dating, and there weren't really that many inside jokes or anything...I often don't know what to say to my family. So having a different person there (my husband is really talkative) made it easier for me. If you don't feel comfortable going to a big party, I wouldn't feel bad. Although, in one sense a big party might be easier to go to...then there's not as much attention on you, since it is for the grandfather after all.


    If you don't want to go, maybe write up a nice card to give the grandfather to send along with your bf, something of a congratulations on reaching such a milestone? Or maybe you can sign your boyfriend's card?


    Families can be stressful but I honestly don't think they will think badly of you if you declined graciously. Or if you do now want to go, I'm sure they would be happy to welcome another person. What does your boyfriend want you to do? Does he mind if you don't go?


    I'm afraid the party has been and gone - it was this morning/afternoon, by UK time. And by the time I had changed my mind about going, last week, I thought it was too late - I thought they wouldn't appreciate a) another guest so suddenly, and b ) another person to fit in the car!


    I may send a card to his parents myself, saying how sorry I was not to be there and wishing the granddad a happy birthday, maybe...

  3. Just wanted to say :eek: and I know how you feel! I fight with my mother when I'm at home too. I'm afraid I don't have any experience or advice to offer you, but your parents will still love and respect you even when you think you've disappointed them. Suddenly blurting out that you're moving to a new state won't help matters, explain to them that you need new opportunities in life and independence, and bring into that the fact that you're moving.


    Just my 2c :hug:


    Good luck!

  4. Don't give up hope! 2 weeks is not unheard of for international parcels. I've had parcels inside the US take 2 weeks to get across a few states. And with Mother's Day and the postal increases, things were kind of busy. If it hasn't shown up in a month I would say it's lost but I don't think it's been too long yet. I really hope it shows up for you soon!


    Thank you for the encouragement! The big sad clincher is though that I'm leaving this address permanently on Saturday 26th, as the Uni term is ending. If it does come before then I'll be very happy. If it comes after I've gone, I don't think it will be returned to sender - I can ask my flatmates to return to sender if anything comes for me but they're not usually very co-operative about nice gestures like that (and not using other people's food and crockery... but that's another story :hug: ). If it doesn't come at all then it's lost in the void that is Royal Mail.


    I'll hold off the PM until Saturday then, but after that I'm really going to have to consider it lost forever.


    ETA: I did ask the PO about mail redirection, but I need (apart from my passport, which I don't have here) a utility bill with this address on it. As it's a Hall of Residence, I obviously don't have any bills or official documents that would be considered proof of address. Grrr :eek:

  5. Ooh I applied for Hertfordshire :D I'm at Aberystwyth though. It's great for Astronomy as we have our own dome telescope (not as good as an observatory :wub2:), plus there's very little light pollution in the middle of bloody nowhere! Not to mention that Aber's main research is ironically solar studies; Aber was a major player in the STEREO satellite project, and they built some of Beagle II (not the bit that broke though! :D).


    I haven't had any exams yet, no resits so far either, three exams total including this one tomorrow :wub2: aww and I bet you did fine :D :wub2:

  6. This is a great post, and a great way of thinking about orders and economising and organising for BPAL ordering. I too will not be put off my purchases-I will partake in group orders and US CPs (maybe will-call ones?) but that won't stop me buying myself, I still am a Lunacy lover and will continue getting those, but they will probably come with lots of other bottles instead of just two others. And yes, I too am a student so I'm in the same boat as you, money-wise!


    Thank you :D I'm so organised it scares me sometimes! (Seriously, I have notebooks full of lists for everything :wub2: )


    Of course ordering is down to the individual, but yes I agree - maybe if I just want one bottle I'll go for a group order, but for 3-or-more item orders I'll do it myself. Plus I get to have the BPAL box in my front door :D


    ETA: :wub2: to fellow Astrophysics student! My course is called Physics with Planetary and Space Physics. I have a Classical Physics exam tomorrow that I should really start revising for :wub2:
