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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Entries posted by Jenesis

  1. Jenesis
    He doesn't think about me at all. He thinks that a hug is a substitute for understanding me and paying attention to my needs. He never thinks about what I might want at all. But if I say anything, he acts like I've run over his dog or something.
    I don't want to end it and be alone but as time goes on it seems like I should more and more...
  2. Jenesis
    I really need to get my thoughts in order about this.
    I met the boy at the beginning of last year, as he's in my Physics class. We started going out in February. In about March (while we were still at Uni), his mum emailed him about his grandfather's 80th birthday event thing, which is today. She also invited me, in a "Does Jenny want to come too?" sense. I turned down the offer, for these reasons:
    - I hadn't even met his family yet, let alone got to know them.
    - I didn't want to intrude on a family event.
    - It's very selfish I know, but I didn't want to be the "outsider", where I wouldn't know anybody and everyone would be laughing at in-jokes and talking about people I don't know and whatnot.
    So I politely declined, saying that I didn't want to intrude. However, apparently all the other girlfriends/boyfriends/partners of the family are going. And I'm the only one who hasn't. So I seem like the unsociable scrooge who isn't interested in his family. What if they hate me forever because of this?
    I should also say that, having met them last month, I would definitely go to a family event if invited now. One of the cousins is getting married soon, and I'm hoping to be invited to that so I can meet some more of his family (if they're as lovely as his parents, I can't wait!), and also hopefully patch up this little boo boo.
    But anyway, I guess I'm confused. I felt justified in my decision not to go at the time, but I'm not so sure now. And it's too late anyway. So I'm beating myself up about it, because I'm worried that his parents won't like me any more, and they're such nice people that I don't want to upset them (and as I'm hoping they'll become my in-laws in the future, I definitely want to start on the right foot!).
    Any thoughts/advice..?
  3. Jenesis
    I think I may have to bite the bullet and admit that, for the first time in all my BPAL buying, selling and swapping, the Royal Mail has lost one of my parcels.

    I had a bottle of Monsterbait: Ventriloquist Dummy on the way from lorajc. She shipped it on the 8th of May - nearly 2 weeks ago - and it still hasn't shown up. Every other purchase I made from the 7th - 10th of May has turned up apart from that one. That is in no way her fault or my fault, just the stupid Post Office losing packages
    I haven't had a problem before, but as I've bought literally hundreds of things off the Internet in the past few years, statistics indicate that at least one or two of them would be lost. Why oh why did it have to be a bottle of BPAL though especially a discontinued LE!
    I'm going to go and cry have a big cup of hot chocolate now
  4. Jenesis
    Why oh why do I have this incredible inability to get out of bed before 1030? It's really messing my work/revision schedules up. I guess it's related to my insomnia but I don't know where that comes from either. Oh joy of joys. (And before you recommend Somnus, all that did was give me a migraine .)
    More Shipping Thoughts
    I've had some more thoughts on the postage price hikes. This will not stop me buying BPAL altogether, as some of the other UK people seem to be rather dramatically going towards, it will just make me a little more thoughtful with my orders. Here is my reasoning (done in bullet points 'cause I'm a scientist and I like things to be simple):
    - Postage before was $9-$11, or about £6. This was an AMAZINGLY low rate for a Priority box from the US. I've paid three times that for things from within the UK.
    - Postage now is $22-$25, or about £14.
    - This is indeed double, BUT it's only an extra £8.
    - I can live with that, especially in a "large" order...
    - ...Because for me, a large order is between 4 and 6 items.
    - Thus, if we make a theoretical order using four items from the current catalog and compare the new and old prices:
    Old Postage
    1 x 5ml [A Carnaval Diaboliqe] $20
    1 x 5ml [A GC] $15
    1 x 5ml [A GC] $15
    Imp Set $19.50
    Total: $69.50
    Postage: $9 (four items)
    Total: $78.50 or about £40.
    New Postage
    Same order: $69.50
    Postage: $22.00
    Total: $91.50 or about £48.
    Also, bear in mind that I've probably overestimated the pounds part, by assuming an exchange rate of $1.9 = £1.00. It's actually more like $1.999 or even $2.00 = £1 at the moment.
    Now, this is an extra £8 on the order. Assuming that I could afford the previous price alright, all I have to do to afford the new price is not go drinking for one week or stop buying coffee for a week or something. (Or even save up all my coppers!) Certainly doable, especially if (like I already mentioned) I only order when I have enough wants to justify an order, which would be once every few months at the most. Also, I don't order lunacies or really Limited Editions (i.e. not long-term LEs) so there's no problem there. For this particular order mentioned here, that is a larger order than I've ever made with the Lab, and I think it would take about 8 weeks to save for that by putting £6-7 a week away.
    So there we have it an objective, scientific analysis of the new shipping costs as related to BPAL buyers in the UK. By the way, I am a student, so I know how being poor feels besides, if you save up for your BPAL rather than just buy it on a whim, doesn't it smell sweeter?
    ETA: Another thought. BPAL is a luxury. Maybe this will make me think of it as such and not just another thing I bought off the Internet.
  5. Jenesis
    Where to start..? Well, explaining the title for those who don't know would be a good idea! Yuggoth is the name given to the ninth planet (Pluto, to us) in the works of H.P. Lovecraft*. In some of his stories a race of monstrous alien beings from another solar system have a base in our own solar system on the ninth planet, as they call it, Yuggoth ...Not that Pluto is technically a planet anymore. While I do understand the reason for the reclassification (i.e. some asteroids are bigger than Pluto) it still tugs at my heartstrings a little. If Pluto had feelings (and indeed a personality and a brain etc.) it would be very upset. My Astronomy lecturer expressed the sentiment: "When I was young, Pluto was a planet!"
    Anyway, I guess introductions are in order! Hi there everyone, I'm Jenny and I've been a member of this forum since December of last year (06). I got into BPAL when I saw "BPAL" referred to on the Lush UK forums, had no idea what it was and Googled it, coming up with the Lab's pages! I was intrigued and placed a small order (Hell's Belle 5ml and a couple of Imps) before joining the forum. I began to buy on the For Sale forum to further my collection. I placed another Lab order in January and I've continued to be a BPAL addict since!
    My first order of Hell's Belle has since dropped off my "Likes" list, as my tastes have changed somewhat. I (now) love foody scents, especially fruit. Florals and I really don't get on; they go straight to "old lady nasty cloying soap" on me, and citrus and I have declared all-out war. I cannot wear a citrus blend without either gagging or spending the whole day with a nagging feeling I should have my hands in a bowl of artificial-lemon-scent washing up water. As I do enough washing up already as a student, this is a bad thing.
    I don't wear layered scents exclusively, but I do layer some of mine. As far as layering goes, I'll try anything once! My favourite layering is Vice with Velvet or The Candy Butcher - sweet cherries rounded by the dark cocoa. I also layer Shub and Xanthe sometimes. Thankfully, foody scents tend to layer well, and as 90% of my BPAL chest is foody stuff this works quite well for me!
    See my signature link or the link on the right for my current Top Ten, but suffice to say, I will crawl over hot coals for Imp, run through a lion's cage for Xanthe, and maybe suffer a small paper cut for Shub or Chimera. Well, I would, if I didn't already have bottles of them
    Thanks for reading this far, and keep watching for the updates of the BPAL-obsessed-physicist-gamer-violist-computer-geek!
    *It should also be pointed out that BPAL is soley and wholly responsible for my Lovecraft fandom. I looked up "Arkham" after seeing it on the BPAL site and the rest, as they say, is history!
  6. Jenesis
    Why can't she see she has a problem? Screaming at someone because they used the wrong roasting tin is not normal behaviour. She is my mother and I hate to see someone turn into a raging screaming maniac for something trivial happening. When pressed she shrugs it off and says "I've always had a bad temper." Hum, yes, an ordinary, everyday short fuse that turns her into a homicidal maniac I'm terrified to be around.
    I've had enough. I've done my best, I've tried to make her see a doctor, I've tried to remain calm while she's throwing things at me, and I can't take it anymore. I can't even make her get help, as I'd have to go with her, and she would kill me. (Only a very slight exaggeration there. When she goes into a rage I fear for my, and her, safety, she has thrown things at me and struck me before now, and she has severely hurt herself more than once.)
  7. Jenesis
    There are 5 of us in my house - me, my boyfriend, a guy (M) who my boyfriend knows and who is now my good friend too, and a girl (J) and guy (A) who are on our course. We are all friends. Or at least we were at the beginning of the year.
    I get on fine with M and A. They are nice, considerate guys. Usually I get on with boyf too, no major problems living together until recently. It's become apparent that he prefers hanging out with J instead of me. They like the same shows (I tend not to like the same shows he does), they have lively conversations that stop the minute I enter the room and they get on really well together.
    I have been crying myself to sleep for 3 nights in a row. It's blindingly obvious that he would be better off with her than with me, and it looks like he sees it too. I really thought he was the one. I guess that the temptation of watching Battlestar Galactica with her was too much for him. They're in her room now, with the door closed when she always props it open usually, and they've been in there for 2 hours.
    I am tempted to just walk out of the house and time how long it takes for him to even notice that I'm gone. If he doesn't call me within an hour or so (bear in mind my room is right next to hers...) I am going to confront him with this.
  8. Jenesis
    So my boyfriend went out with his mates last night. Without telling me. After I had planned a cosy evening in.
    I don't mind him going out with them (I don't like them very much, but who am I to tell him who to be friends with..?), what I do mind is not knowing about it. Is it wrong to want to know where your loved one is?
    Upon further questioning this morning, as far as he could answer questions in his hungover state, it turns out "Tim was around and I haven't seen him for ages". Alright, fine, he wanted to see his friend. That's fine, I'd like to see my friends if they came to visit too. What is NOT FINE is how he managed to stretch "just a pint down at Scholars" into "out for six hours, get paralytically drunk, then come home at 2am and expect me to be there to go to bed with". Um, NO WAY.
    What's so sad is that when he's with just me or with our mutual friends, he is fine and nice and polite and normal. It's just when he's with his group of friends that he gets swept up in their macho, sexist philosophies.
    I don't know what to do.
  9. Jenesis
    I feel like the worst, most useless human being in the world. I am a drain on society. My boyfriend could do so, SO much better than me if he took the time. I can't do anything right. I drop things. I break things. I managed to slice my hand open with a screwdriver while adding a case fan to my PC, how the hell does someone who isn't utterly stupid manage that?
    I want to crawl into a hole and seal it behind me and cry forever in the lonely darkness.
  10. Jenesis
    I don't want children. I don't ever want to be pregnant, to give birth, to take care of a baby. The idea of being pregnant and labour and looking after a baby is terrifying to me.
    I've felt like this ever since I started my periods at 11. When I first started, I asked my mother if I could have my ovaries removed. That was 10 years ago, and my view hasn't changed at all.
    However, I understand there are people who do want, and deserve, children and can't have them for whatever reason. I wish I could give my fully-functioning ovaries to them. I know there are egg donation programmes, I wish there was an ovary donation one!
    I can't give my uterus, as although it's in fairly healthy shape I suffered from Oligomenorrhea (highly irregular periods), although I don't think suffered is the right word as it didn't cause me any problems. Apart from wanting to stop ovulating and stop bleeding altogether, of course.
    I don't hate my own body. I just wish I had more control over it, and perhaps more relevantly, I wish that the NHS wasn't so closed-minded. They actually believe that every woman wants children. No exceptions. They won't even give me a consultation to have my tubes tied because I am OBVIOUSLY too young to understand the implications and I will DEFINITELY change my mind and start a family. I won't, of course, but all that matters to them is that I am young and without children. Therefore, their logic is that I will certainly regret it. Hah...
  11. Jenesis
    Oh for gods' sake. Why doesn't he just admit he wants to be with her instead of me. It's blindingly obvious he enjoys her company more than mine.
  12. Jenesis
    One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following diabolical device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small that perhaps in the course of one hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and through a relay releases a hammer which shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The first atomic decay would have poisoned it. The Psi function for the entire system would express this by having in it the living and the dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts. It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved by direct observation. That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a "blurred model" for representing reality. In itself it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks.

    A paradoxical scent experiment! - tangerine, sugared lime, pink grapefruit, oakmoss, lavender, zdravetz, and chocolate peppermint.

    No cats were mistreated during the formulation of this paradox, or in the process of creating this perfume.

    First off, let me say I am a cat person. Very much a cat person. I've already named the three cats I'll have in my home when I move out.

    I got this from the Lab when it was new, and I didn't like it much then (too sharp and lemony). However, I broke it out again today for my Quantum Mechanics exam, and I was delighted to find that it has aged wonderfully in the few months I've had it!

    The main thing I can smell is sherbert lemons. I can only assume this is the sugared fruits coming in to play. For the first half-hour of wear, the Kitty is very nice and light and bright (never fear, citrus-haters, it's very sweet). After that, the bright, citrus top notes disappear leaving a sweet, but not tooth-achingly so, musky undertone. I can't get any lavender out of it at any stage. I guess the musky drydown is the oakmoss and chocolate.
  13. Jenesis
    The Night of the Witches. In the Teutonic calendar, April 30, not October 31, was the night that the witches congregated to celebrate their Work through ecstatic dance, wild music and revelry. The witches fêted with spirits, fairies, and a bevy of otherworldy creatures atop Brockenberg peak in the Harz region of Germany, where they lit an enormous bonfire and cavorted naked until midnight... at which point they donned their robes, boarded their brooms, flying rams and sacred goats, scooped up their cat familiars, and sped off into the night. In later days, it was believed that on this night the witches conjured the devil, who would then select one of them for his bride. This perfume is the scent of the witches' revel: German fir and forest herbs, incense and bonfire smoke, infernal flora, glowing amber, and the wet, glimmering scent of skin warmed by dance.

    I definitely get the fir from this when I first put it on. It's a sharp, bright, "clean" scent when wet.
    The fir mellows after a few minutes to be much warmer, and less artificial. It's a very pleasant "green" scent at this point.
    It stays like this for a half-hour or so and then... disappears. All that's left is a light, slightly musky scent which is hard to place.

    Odd behaviour, but very nice!
  14. Jenesis
    Warm cinnamon, husky clove and white pepper.

    I was lucky enough to acquire a bottle of the Resurrected incarnation.

    In the vial and wet, this is all CINNAMON. Spicy spicy spice with no sign of the clove or pepper - it's like I upended a pot of cinnamon onto my wrist. As nice as cinnamon is, it's very strong.

    On the drydown, the overwhelming cinnamon thankfully fades a little. I can detect a whiff of the clove, and the smooth pepper is coming out to play.

    Dry, this is a stunning scent. The cinnamon and clove are still there, over the smooth sweetness of white pepper. So glad I managed to get a bottle!
  15. Jenesis
    For some ridiculous reason, to which, however, I’ve no desire to be disloyal,
    Some person in authority, I don’t know who, very likely the Astronomer Royal,
    Has decided that, although for such a beastly month as February, twenty-eight days as
    a rule are plenty,
    One year in every four his days shall be reckoned as nine and twenty.
    Through some singular coincidence – I shouldn’t be surprised if it were owing to the
    agency of an ill-natured fairy –
    You are the victim of this clumsy arrangement, having been born in leap-year, on the
    twenty-ninth of February;
    And so, by a simple arithmetical process, you’ll easily discover,
    That though you’ve lived twenty-one years, yet, if we go by birthdays,you’re only five
    and a little bit over!

    Alas, poor Frederic the Leapling! -- bound to the merry Pirates of Penzance until his twenty-first birthday.

    As his birthday comes around only every four years, so does his scent!

    Victorian whimsy and piratical romance: a reluctant seaman’s chypre sloshed with a mix of bay rum, patchouli, amber musk, dark woods, tea rose, and red currant.

    The whole thing just screams manliness and sophistication. It is indeed quite dry, with woods and spices, and thankfully completely free of the sickening "Lynx effect" sweetness that so many masculine scents unfortunately have.

    Although it is manly, it retains a touch of femininity with the spices and the hint of rose (I normally hate rose, so don't worry, fellow haters, the rose is not prominent at all!). In general it evokes the same feeling as Geek - although the scents are completely dissimilar apart from the woods, it has that same "manly but feminine" feel. I love Geek too, so this is right up my alley!

    Looking at the notes, I can't smell any rum at all and I have no idea what chypre is, but the musk, woods and patchouli all make themselves known. The rose and currant show up after the drydown as quirky extras, stopping this from smelling too much like aftershave.

    I absolutely adore this blend. I have the one bottle, and I may have to find another as this is just too nice to only get one of, and I bet it'll age fabulously!
  16. Jenesis
    Well, again, my Mum got my order She confessed she's been trying them all on! Go Mum

    European Order! Ordered: 25th OctoberCnS: 14th November
    Delivered: 20th November
    Perilous Parlor
    Gingerbread Poppet
    El dia de Reyes
    Vampire Tears
    March Hare
    Imp pack #1
    1. Schrodinger's Cat
    2. Katharina
    3. Event Horizon
    4. Embalming Fluid
    5. Iago
    6. Sudha Segara
    Imp pack #2
    1. Bastet
    2. De Sade
    3. Fire of Love
    4. Goblin
    5. Whip
    6. Incubus
    ...and (from the sound of my Mum's email) about twenty frimps! Hoorah!
    It's not actually my birthday until Dec. 14th, and I won't get these smellies until Dec. 1st, when Mum brings them up with her when she comes to my concert. I need my Samhain!
  17. Jenesis
    As I'm at University at the moment, I get my BPAL orders (the Lab ones, at least) sent home, for a couple of reasons, mainly the shipping time fluctuations, but also housemates here are useless and never answer the door for post so I'd have to collect it from the PO every time. So every time a Lab order arrives home I get a bewildered email of "Some Alchemy potions have arrived for you"

    European Order! Ordered: October 30thCnS: November 14th
    Received: November 19th
    Black Forest
    The Lurid Library
    The Snow Storm - with a picture label, as far as my Mum described it to me.
    ...and seven frimps! (Namaste, Vampire Tears, Villain, Juke Joint, Seance and Oberon.)
    My Mum said that she liked The Snow Storm, and that it "smells wintery". I won't get to smell any of these until December 1st, when the parents are coming up to see my concert and bringing a few things, like a warm dressing gown, and smellies!
  18. Jenesis
    A tribute to the opium den cum bawdyhouses of Shanghai in the 1930's. Golden amber, blonde tobacco, Sudanese black coconut, rich caramel, black currant, white opium and delphinium laced with a sensual blend of Asian spice.

    I have no idea whether this is the 06 or 07 version. I think it may be the 06 as the label isn't "shiny" and it looks a little weathered.

    In the bottle, this is incredibly sweet - think along the lines of the overpowering caramel of Creepy.

    First on my skin, it retains this caramel-sweet whoosh, but I can detect the coconut in there too.

    Drying, I get a slight "burnt sugar" smell. I hope this doesn't last.

    Drying after a few minutes, the sugar has faded to the background, leaving a smooth amber-coconut scent. Very strong, so use sparingly, but going well so far!

    Dry (10 mins): I'm not getting any opium, spice or delphinium out of this. It's just a smooth, slightly "sticky"-smelling scent. Definitely pleasant!
  19. Jenesis
    Tristran put down his wooden cup of tea, and stood up, offended.

    "What," he asked, in what he was certain were lofty and scornful tones, "would possibly make you imagine that my lady-love would have sent me on some foolish errand?"

    The little man stared up at him with eyes like beads of jet. "Because that's the only reason a lad like you would be stupid enough to cross the border into Faerie. The only ones who ever come here from your lands are the minstrels, and the lovers, and the mad. And you don't look like much of a minstrel, and you're - pardon me saying so, lad, but it's true - ordinary as cheese-crumbs. So it's love, if you ask me."

    "Because," announces Tristran, "every lover is in his heart a madman, and in his head a minstrel."

    Dust on your trousers, mud on your boots, and stars in your eyes: redwood, tonka bean, white sandalwood, lemon peel, patchouli, rosewood, coriander, and crushed mint.

    Although nice, this scent is "meh" for me. I love woody scents and I was hoping this could be a new Geek, but it doesn't have the complexity.

    Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely scent, but on me it's just straight "wood", with no mint, lemon or anything else to spice it up. It fades quickly. I really can't pick apart the various woods.

    If this was a regular price GC I'd go for it, but at $25 a bottle it's a little pricey when there are nicer woody blends for the same price tag (The Smiling Spider).
  20. Jenesis
    A base of cocoa absolute and white chocolate with thirteen baneful and beneficial bits including vanilla bean, white ginger, orchid, golden peach, massoia bark, clove, honey, and starfruit.

    Wet: Strangely, I can smell no chocolate at all. Although it is making my stomach rumble. May be subconscious?

    Drydown: This smells very "department store perfume".

    Dry: Yum! I smell edible! (I love foodies...) The chocolate has come out, but it's thankfully not overpowering (a la Candy Butcher) like I thought it would. The whole scent is rich and smooth - sweet cocoa over the rich fruit and vanilla. The scent reminds me of those special edition hot chocolate flavours that Cadburys released a few months back.

    Dry (10 mins): It is official: My skin eats white chocolate. This reminds me quite a bit of Xanthe, with the bright fruits and slight "perfumey" tang. Perhaps a slightly less liberal application is called for. 13 isn't a top three scent for me, but it is a top ten! (Seeing as I only have thirteen bottles...)

    Verdict: Slightly "perfumey", but a nice smooth fruit blend with something rich and creamy underneath.

    Rating: 4/5

  21. Jenesis
    Snake Oil with vetiver, black coconut, vanilla, and opoponax.
    Bottle: Snake Oil with a whole coconut dumped in.
    Wet: An odd, dark, slightly bitter coconut. Coconut amps to ungodly proportions on me so we'll see how that pans out!
    Drydown (first): It reminds me quite a bit of Brown Jenkins, with the coconut bittered by other notes. I can just about smell the vanilla struggling to get out, but it's mainly slightly bitter coconut.
    Drydown (later): Wow, what a morpher! This has gone very sweet now, with what I think (and hope!) is the murky opopanax in the background.
    Dry: The scent has balanced. On me it's a murky, slightly dark vanilla blend with a dollop of slightly bitter coconut balancing on the top. There is a little dark opopanax underneath. I can't detect any amber or spices (in other words, no Snake Oil) or vetiver in this at all.
    Dry (later): It hasn't changed much from the earlier drydown. It's murky and sexy while still being sweet - very "me" in other words A clear winner here, Beth! This has replaced Saw-Scaled Viper in my Top 10, because it doesn't blow my sinuses inside out for the first five minutes of wear.
  22. Jenesis
    The left hand of God, or shelldoo as everyone else knows her, responded to my ISO! A bottle of the Adder will be winging its way to me tomorrow. I'm very excited about this one actually.
    I didn't like Snake Oil when I first tried it, because it was just so bland on me. It was slightly sour vanilla, not unpleasant, but very bland, and too strong - I got a headache from sniffing my wrist too hard! (But then I get scent headaches very easily.)
    Lately, after finding that I actually quite like vanilla (helloooo, Dorian!), I have considered giving the Snake another try. However, I'm (obviously) not willing to make a Lab order for one Imp, and I don't want to buy a bottle, have to wait a month, pay $13 shipping and find it doesn't work. Same logic for the Swaps forum, I know how awkward it can get when people only buy single Imps! I also forgot to add an Imp of SO to my 13 order. D'oh...
    My solution? After trying and (mostly) liking Saw-Scaled Viper, I started investigating the Snake Pit more closely. You know how when you first get into BPAL and have tried your first few scents you go through the catalogue and think "That will never work on me"? I did that with the Snake Pit at first. I thought that since SO was bland, any scent based on it would too. Thankfully, I got SSV as a frimp in a swap because it was late (aww!), and found a new love for the vanilla of SO! So I looked through the Pit and checked out the notes. I'm terrified of florals as 99% of floral blends turn to rank old-lady-soap on me, but the one that got my attention was Death Adder: Snake Oil with vetiver, black coconut, vanilla, and opoponax.
    The key attention-grabbing note there was opopanax. I LOVE opopanax. Before I got into BPAL I wore Dior Poison, in which the base note was opopanar, and my favourite BPAL ever is Geek, which has opopanax listed as a main note. I love the sultry, sexy, musky smell of it, and it smells faaaaaaabulous on moi! The fact that the Adder has vanilla and coconut only (literally) sweetened the deal. I was a little worried about the vetiver, which is a rather finicky note on me; it can be lovely and tangily refreshing, or it can smell like fag ash, but then it occurred to me that without it, the blend would be so sweet that even I wouldn't be able to wear it. And I have a sweet tooth the size of China.
    I really hope that after all that I like it!