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Everything posted by sarahj

  1. sarahj


    Velvet My first review! In the vial: lovely high-quality cocoa, with a hint of vanilla. I could sniff this all day long! Wet: now the sandalwood and myrrh are peeking out, and as it dries the cocoa gradually disappears. Drydown: the cocoa is completely gone and the sandalwood has taken over, highlighted with a hint of myrrh. Four hours later: I smell only sandalwood, very faintly. Verdict: a nice scent, but probably not for me. I wish the cocoa had stayed! I will hold on to this and try it at least once more before deciding to swap. I may also try it as a room scent. ETA: I tried this again with very similar results. The vanilla stayed more prominent this time and mellowed the sandalwood, but I don't think this is the scent for me, so this will be the first imp to go in my swap pile.