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Everything posted by kawaiiferreto

  1. kawaiiferreto


    Hoggle was totally facsinating! When it was wet it really did have this sour/ fermented pumpkin smell prominent in the foreground. As it dried out it got a little more PUMPKIN!! and less fermented, but not so much so that it was overwhelming (pumpkin and I do not traditionally get along well. Jack eww eww eww... This was not aghastly sweet and buttery.) This really was rich, deep, and earthy after it really settled down. A hint of sweet and that interesting fermented smell from the pumpkin. It was a lot heavier/ darker/ more masculine than I'd wear but I liked this a lot and I don't think I have anything else in my collection quite like that fermented pumpkin note. And to add, since there are many comparisons to Misk U and Red Lantern up thread, I actually hated both of those on me but like this -- go figure! This was not hugely sweet/ foody/ syrupy on me.
  2. kawaiiferreto


    This smells like a sexy man. The fougere really is similar to the one in Dorian, but this is SO MUCH BETTER. Dorian was way too sweet and cloying for me, and the fougere was overpowering. I can't really individually pick out the other notes, but they all blend together perfectly to balance out the fougere. It's perfectly balanced. The throw seemed medium to light, but then again I don't slather. It is a little more masculine than I will actually wear, but I really really like this. If the boything were a scent wearing sort I'd slather him, but alas...
  3. kawaiiferreto

    Western Diamondback

    One me this is leather and snake oil, emphasis on the leather. It's nice, but not amazing. I usually like scents that are a little more complicated. On someone with the right skin chemistry maybe the leather would not amp like crazy and the other notes might come out to play.
  4. kawaiiferreto

    Raven Moon

    This is very dark, rich ,and spicy. And WHOA the throw. It smells a little like clove, but spicier (I assume the red chili and nutmeg are doing that together.) I think I was hoping for just at least a tad of creaminess or sweetness from the vanilla to round it out. This is lovely, but not really my style.
  5. kawaiiferreto

    Liadain and Curithir

    I'm having a hard time describing how this smells other than beautiful and I like it a lot. The saltyness adds a little sharpness that rounds out the scent. It's a little sweet, a little floral, and a little green? I guess you could say, and then the salt just ties it all together. For all that I can't explain it very well, I keep grabbing for this decant. I think I may just need a bottle.
  6. kawaiiferreto


    I'm not going to review so much for the scent, since I don't wear it for that. I will say that wet this smells crazy strongly herbal and not very pleasant, and dries down to something less HEEEELLOOOOOOOOO in about 15 to 20 minutes (herbal, but not WHOA.) As for the use: I was skeptic, but I've been having a lot of really emotionally upsetting dreams and I thought "hey, why not?!" I'd been wearing this to bed for the past week, and lo and behold, I stopped having the painful emotional dreams about my ex (which were a nightly occurrence.) I accidentally forgot to put this on before I went to bed one night, and that very night had another bad dream. I am not going to forget to wear this again -- it's nice to have something that feels like it gives me control over the one time I can't actively make myself stop ruminating.
  7. kawaiiferreto

    Queen of Sheba

    I used to love this one (3, 4 years ago?), but I tried this again and YECH. Sickly sweet almond cherry. I ended up washing this off. (To be fair -- I don't think this has actually morphed or changed in scent. I just don't like sweet & foody scents much these days.)
  8. kawaiiferreto

    Cheshire Cat

    This was there and gone SO FAST. Wet it was nice and tart and citrusy, but then it went poof gone almost immediately. I've never had my skin just eat a scent before! I couldn't really pick out the other individual notes other than the grapefruit.
  9. kawaiiferreto

    Candles Moon

    Candles Moon 2010, decant: Milk notes always make me nervous, sometimes they are AWESOME and creamy and delicious, but sometimes they are sour and yech (I'm looking at you Milk Moon!) Thankfully this behaved on me very very well. This was light and sweet and warm -- candles, with a hint of berry and other good stuff to smooth it out. I could really smell the candle wax, it reminded me of a lit beeswax candle, even though I don't think there is actually a honey note to this. This was definitely a skin scent on me, very light throw.
  10. kawaiiferreto

    Strings in the Earth and Air

    Wet and for the first hour and a half or so this was very lemony/ citrus. It is tart, but not so tart it's painful (sometimes super citrus stings my nose.) I think the rest of the herbs and flowers really balance out the tart. After that initial stage the citrus fades out and it sweetens up a lot. The more it dried the sweeter it got and less lemony. I tested this last night and I can still smell slightly sweet herby floral with just a touch of lemon if I huff my wrist. The throw on this was pretty light. It was stronger while the lemony top-notes were fresh. This was really quite lovely. I don't know that I need a bottle, but I will be keeping me decant!
  11. kawaiiferreto

    In The Forest

    When this is wet it is very potent. Like "I am manly trees and leather, hear me roar. RAAAR!" It reminded me a lot of Brom Bones. As it dries more the forest comes out to play and this really does evoke images of a sexy man in leather running around in a forest -- More nature-y outdoors dude than testosterone dripping I AM MANLY MAN HEAR ME ROAR like it was at first. I don't know that this is something I could see me wearing but it is very nice. I might play around with layering in something to make it a little more femme, because it is quite awesome.
  12. kawaiiferreto


    Wet: Fruity with a hint of floral. I don't smell any hints of Snake Oil at this stage. Dry - 1 hour: Sweet, floral and powdery, almost in a dryer sheet sort of way. I am barely getting the Snake Oil in there. It's really quite lovely and well blended, but a lot more floral than I like for myself. Dry - 1.5 hours: How odd. Very suddenly this went POOF and was almost gone. The super floral seemed to be where most of the throw was coming from and it just mellowed out a whole lot. I can still smell this if I huff my wrist up close. The Snake Oil is a bit more apparent but ever so light. I'm getting more of the vanilla from SN without the spice and oomph it usually has. Dry - 3 hours: As the floral fades even more this gets an odd plastic note to it. Snake Oil doesn't do that on me so I'm guessing it's the combo of Snake Oil w/ the blooms.
  13. kawaiiferreto

    Staged Moon Landing

    I've been procrastinating testing this since I grabbed it at Will Call last month; now that I tried it I'm so glad I picked it up! At my old work we had a storage room that smelled of faint smoke, vanilla/creamy must, and concrete. I LOVED how that room smelled. I was hoping this would be close to that smell, and it is!! It doesn't have that "someone smoked a clove in here years ago" smell precisely, but it does have that combination of a rocky earth smell with a faint creamy haze (not too sweet.) I love it!
  14. kawaiiferreto


    I like this, but I don't love it. When wet, this was strong tangerine and cypress. It was very tart and bright, but sexied up by the cypress. As it dried the tangerine mostly faded and the cypress was pretty much gone( NOES!) This is predominantly white musk after about 30 minutes, and still faintly the next morning: lightly sweet, and slightly powdery, mellow musk. If the wet and dry versions of this would blend, and all of the notes stayed around this would be amazing. Alas!!
  15. kawaiiferreto

    Faiza, the Black Mamba (2006)

    When this is wet it smells like it's going to be overwhelming floral dooms, but dry this stuff is AMAZING. Slightly fruity, slightly spicy, slightly floral, slightly herbal, complex, and perfectly blended. It's a nice, well-balanced, floral-ish oriental. Even my iffy notes in this play well on me (jasmine, black musk, amber, and ginger.)
  16. kawaiiferreto

    In Winter in My Room

    I tried this a few times in hopes that it would love me, but alas. I was hoping for some tartness from the fruits, as I prefer scents that have either a tart or spicy bite to them, (or both!) This actually starts out really strong on sweet sweet grapefruit, like grapefruit candy, and ends up as sweet citrus and slightly powdery floral. The resins in this don't really stand out. It is nice, and certainly warm and inviting, but not a standout scent for me.
  17. kawaiiferreto

    Peach Moon

    This isn't super peachy on me. It reminds me of a nice, but generic, shampoo scent, sort of like the original Herbal Essence smell, but a little lighter. I can't really pick out individual notes, but it's clean, light, slightly floral, and slightly fruity. It's nice, but I don't love it enough that I'd go out of my way to wear it.
  18. kawaiiferreto


    Starting out this was all rum, all the time, and it was NOT pleasant. After it dried it sweetened up, and really was reminiscent of rum-laced cookies, with the peppermint adding just a hint of minty coolness. It was a little foody for my taste, but if you like foody/boozy definitely give it a try!
  19. kawaiiferreto


    Hod is one of those things I really can't make up my mind on, both the original version and the 2009 version. In a certain mood I think I would love it, but most of the time I'm just indifferent. It does have a nice warm creamy carnation feel to it, and I do think there must be amber in there, as it is a little powdery. I, however, also get My Little Pony smell, or your other rubbery plastic toy of choice. I had a perfumed one once, and Hod is a dead ringer for it — plastic doll laced with a nice sweet, creamy, and unassuming perfume.
  20. kawaiiferreto

    Quicksilver Phoenix

    This is definitely not a "me" scent. It's sharp, herbal, sort of floral, sort of clean, and just generally meh on me.
  21. kawaiiferreto

    Iron Phoenix

    Sometimes ginger likes me (Shub!) Sometimes ginger makes me want to vomit. This is a case of the latter, unfortunately. I don't know if it's how the ginger is playing with the other notes, or if red ginger just tends to go bad on me (War...), but EWWWWWWWWW. Sweetly nauseating ginger. I couldn't really pick out anything else. I did put myself through the torture of letting this dry, and it didn't morph into anything new, a plus if you like the scent I suppose!
  22. kawaiiferreto

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    Wet: Like sweet fruity lip gloss or balm. It has a waxy artificial feel to it. It reminds me of a pina coloda Lip Smacker I had once. As it dries it gets less sweet, and smells even stronger of lip balm. This goes cherry chap stick in the freshly-dried stage. Long dry down: Faint vaguely fruity sweetness. In the prior stages this was cloyingly sweet and weirdly chemically. That's gone finally in this stage. It's sort of pleasant, but dull, and not something I could see myself wearing
  23. kawaiiferreto


    Cream, linen, and sugar are three things I like very much in other blends, but this was surprisingly boring on me. It's not bad per se, just dull, and a little more foody than I prefer. It's a sweet but not too sweet creamy scent. I think if this had a little musk or fruit or spice or something to darken or brighten it up a bit I'd like it a lot more.
  24. kawaiiferreto

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    I am so in love with this scent. This is fruity, but not edible or sticky sweet. It's a little tart, but not overly so. The coconut does not go buttery, disgusting and overly sweet, like it tends to do so on me in other blends. All of the notes are extremely well blended, and make this complex, rich, spicy, warm, and yet bright scent. I liked Mme. Moriarty, and this really does take some of the aspects of that scent, but in a brighter, lighter, and for me much more wearable scent.
  25. kawaiiferreto


    Wet this is DRY and sharp. I can smell sandalwood in there for sure. This is a dry woody floral on me. It's pretty, and almost powdery from the dry wood note, but overall is uninteresting. A plus though, is the champaca in this doesn't go gross on me. A first! Changing my verdict a bit: The long-dry down on this is slightly sweet slightly floral sandalwood and I love it. I wish I liked the beginning more, as this is quite lovely.