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Everything posted by Killypumpkin

  1. Killypumpkin

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    Thank you, everyone! I have an imp of eat and drink me on the way. Sprinklecake fades fast on me also, but man do I love it. Totally my night time behind the ears comfort scent. I'm going to check out detestable for sure. I don't know how I missed that one. I'm also going to get an jimp of cockaigne. I'm a BIT afraid of that one because of the wine. Anything alcoholic scented turns my stomach. Not a drinker. Ha. It might not come out on me though so you never know. Thanks again!
  2. Killypumpkin

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    So I, of course, fell deeply in love with sprinklecake I have one bottle that won't last very long at this rate. I'm new to this, can anybody reccomend something close to sprinklecake that is still for sale on the website? Not LE or swaps just for sale? I need to know I can buy something easily. Thanks!!!!