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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by darkwitchling

  1. Thank you so much everyone!


    I have tried a few of these already. Bewitched and Glasgow were both stunningly beautiful on me. For about 5 minutes and then I literally could not smell them anymore, and nor could Husband. Lampades, Persephone, Aeval and la Belle au Bois Dormant did not work on me although the first two were lovely on Husband and MiniMe respectively.


    I have had Morguase, Lady Una and Tatania on my list for my next imp order so I am glad to get confirmation on those.


    Any boy, did you all give me some ideas for others. I am going to be happily looking through the reviews for a few days :wub2: There are some on there I had never heard of.


    Rose is iffy on me, it's great in some blends and not at all in others.


    Super glad I asked! Thanks again :wub2:

  2. Hi :wub2:


    I am having a lot of trouble finding a GC scent that I love. Hoping some of our BPAL experts can help me. ;)


    Vanilla often smells plasticky, honey amps like crazy.


    What I love, love, love so far is Butterflies, Flowers and Jewels Attending. I know its fairly recent LE so I may have some luck buying on the forums.....

    Other LEs that work on me are; Winter Dawn, The Garden in Winter. Purple Snowballs isn't too bad either.


    From the GC, I quite like The Rose, Blockbuster and Morocco. I like my imps but I don't know if they are really bottle worthy. Ravenous smelled great on me from the imp but I bought a bottle and it is a fail, rotten orange.


    Any ideas?


