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Follow My Nose

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Posts posted by Follow My Nose

  1. [No additional description given.]

    Wow, I've never been first to review before, but this one definitely deserves some love!

    It smells exactly like the description, a perfect blend of dark chocolate and sweet orange, slightly heavier on the chocolate. It is so rich and delicious-smelling, it reminds me of those chocolate oranges I always drool over at Christmas time. Just like the other Post bath oils I've tried (I usually use them as lotions), this is super-softening and soaks in to the skin quickly, leaving no greasy residue.

    I just slathered this all over me after my shower and am happily swathed in a cloud of moisturizing yumminess, craving sweets. Chocolate lovers, grab some of this!

  2. This sounded like such an interesting combination - icy/frosty notes with ambergris? - that I had to try a decant. It was instant love.

    In imp and wet on skin: icy notes with the animalic scents, pine & a hint of mint

    Drydown: I keep getting a whiff of something lovely and shoving my nose into my arm where I tested this; this is turning into something gorgeous!

    Dry: This ends up as a minty, slightly sweet snow note over a warm blend of ambergris, musk, cypress, and amber.

    A great translation of concept into scent, smells wild and powerful, sexy and slightly masculine. I would love to smell this on a sexy guy, right before I get him into bed.

    I still can't stop huffing my arm!

  3. As a diehard jasmine lover, I am in heaven.

    In the bottle and wet on skin - Straight up jasmine! Yes, this was exactly what I was hoping for.

    During drydown - more jasmine (does happy jasmine dance, it's very sensuous, there are veils involved)

    When dry - Jasmine, vivant! This scent stays true from start to finish, and it's such a lovely pure jasmine single note without being too heavy. It reminds me of the overgrown jasmine vines my mother has growing on her back porch.

    So glad I blind-bottled this, now I want to bathe in it. Winter Jasmine bath oil? Anyone?

  4. This is my ultimate autumn scent! Seriously, I need October Dusk perfume oil, hair gloss, and atmo spray, as well. Maybe next year?


    Maple is the predominant note, but is nicely balanced by the dry wood and a touch of honey. I'm not sure my nose recognizes saffron, but if it's in this, it must be lovely. The whole is such a cozy, golden-brown scent.


    This reminds me of growing up in Michigan and helping my aunt harvest sap from the maple trees in her woods and smell the rich brown sweetness come out as it got boiled down into syrup.

  5. This perfume is true to the description and doesn't change much at all in the drydown on my skin.


    Juicy, tart pomegranate with a soft, light incense adding a slightly smoky veil over the top. Sweet, rich, and sexy - brings to mind the image of dark red pom seeds in an antique silver dish.


    If you are a pomegranate fan, you'll want a bottle of this for your collection. Delicious!

  6. In the bottle: I get a strong "green" scent, with slight hints of floral and dirt, probably from the poppies and patchouli.

    Wet on skin: Vetiver is definitely the main note, the green variety with minimal smokiness. I can see where people are getting an aquatic feel from this, sort of fresh and watery.

    During drydown: Aha, there are the earthy notes coming out to play, especially sandalwood and a hint of something cedar-ish. I'm not very familiar with oudh, I wonder if it could be that. I also smell a faint hint of something like black pepper, could be the patch or maybe the ivy.

    When dry: The sandalwood blends all of the other notes together to make a smooth, lovely perfume that is green and aquatic on top with an earthy base, like a reverse of the sea-goat. It is almost an early spring woods feeling for this winter sign, like the first melt in a forest.

    This was a blind buy for me, since it's my zodiac scent. Naturally, I was hoping to like it, and vetiver and sandalwood are both great notes for me, but I was pleasantly surprised to really fall in love with it!

    Capricorn 2016 is quite unisex and uniquely sexy. It has nice depth while remaining soft, and there are many subtle layers to this scent, much like us Capricorns.

  7. This bath oil smells sooo delicious, I'm glad I blind-bought a bottle!


    I tested this as a moisturizer, since that's how I use bath oils most of the time. To my nose, the main note is sweet, buttery shortbread cookies, with rich hot cocoa as a backup player. The two compliment each other beautifully!


    Now I want to learn how to make homemade shortbread, so that sweet, buttery smell can waft through my whole house.

  8. Ahh, this is the perfect winter atmo I was hoping for!


    It smells like a fresh, snowy pine forest with a strong sweetness to it, probably from the sugar cookie. I don't pick up any cinnamon, but there is a light, almost fruity, floral note that I think is the heliotrope. The scent remains true as it dries on fabric.


    This has been on my pillows for the entire holiday - like BetteNoire said, it reminds me of childhood Christmases. :)

  9. With my bottle of Jólabókaflóðið, I got a paperback copy of First Rider's Call by Kristen Britain, a new fantasy author for me. I look forward to checking her out!

    In the bottle: I smell all chocolate and, interestingly, a light floral

    Wet on skin: the floral becomes stronger than the chocolate; it's a dry, papery, white floral, the candlewax makes an appearance, too

    During drydown: the mysterious floral note gets lighter and reminds me of perfumed paper, like a love letter; soft leather bindings make their appearance, making the scent warmer and deeper; the chocolate backs down a bit and the hearth smoke pops in

    When dry: I can pick up an even blend of smoke, candlewax, old leather-bound books, and chocolate

    This is so lovely, and a perfect scent representation of reading books by the fireplace while eating chocolate cake. I've found a new book scent to fall in love with!

  10. Immediately on my skin, I get cocoa-powder-dusted pine, a somewhat unusual combo but quite pleasant. Then the warm, sweet hazelnut comes out and starts blending and smoothing the other notes together. Like others have said, it's kind of like nutella, but the pine keeps it from being a straight-up foody scent. It's still yummy, though!

    Now I think the tonka is coming out and that can be unpredictable on my skin. We'll see what it does.

    After drydown, the tonka stays subtle, but adds some spice to the sweet hazelnut. This is a warm, yummy blend, great if you like sweet scents that are more complex than a straight gourmand.

  11. In the imp and when I first apply it, I mostly get straight-up rose. It's a powdery, light rose with a faint hint of something almost citrusy on the edges.

    After a minute, I detect a faint whiff of incense in the background, I think it's predominantly the frankincense.

    As it dries, I'm picking up a smooth, warm leather note hovering, but it's still fairly faint, while the incense is picking up strength. The citrus edge I smelled at first has disappeared. The rose note reminds me of a rose-scented powder I used to wear, soft and light and kind of old-fashioned, like a proper Victorian lady would wear.

    I was sad that the candlewax never showed up on my skin. There's a faint, "dusty book" feeling to it, but the leather just doesn't show up much on my skin either. After an hour, this is mostly a pretty, powdery rose on me, with light incense backing it up.

  12. Wet, this one is a slightly spicy, light sandalwood.

    The musk and vanilla come out very early and are noticeable supporting cast for the main sandalwood note, which gains in strength and depth. The musk is soft and "white," and the vanilla is dry and spicy rather than warm and juicy.

    After an hour, this is a steady scent from start to finish, no morphing on me, and is a lovely dry sandalwood. It has good throw and longevity and a nice strength to the blend, very appropriate for the Reaper. I am definitely reminded of ancient bones shrouded in shadowy robes.

    If you are a sandalwood lover, grab this one now!

  13. I had a similar scent experience as LiberAmoris above, a well-balanced pairing of rich chocolate and jasmine, with marshmallow and orange blossom as supporting players. The background notes made it sweeter and added a faint citrusy spice. This scent stayed true to the wet phase as it dried on me, and while it lessened in strength, it still lingered for a few hours and had a medium throw.


    I think this one may be my surprise favorite of the Lupers, since I adore both chocolate and jasmine and never thought of combining the two in one lovely, yummy scent! Definitely a bottle buy for me! <3

  14. After reading the comparisons to Skadi, I had to get a decant of this, since that is my favorite Yule scent so far.


    It's not quite a twin of Skadi, but as zankoku_zen said above, the scents are definitely close sisters. The pine note is the strongest to my nose, with a sweet citrus note and fresh snowy note backing it up. It makes me think of standing in a snowy pine forest while eating one of those tiny seedless oranges that come into season during the winter holidays.


    This is a perfect Christmas pine scent and I may have to spring for a full bottle to spray everywhere during Winter Solstice and Christmas!I LOVE it! :wub3:

  15. On my hair, this is all lovely, creamy gardenia. I'm not sure if I"m picking up any oudh, as I'm not completely familiar with that note. There is also something aquatic around the edges that just makes it quite fresh and "rainy"-smelling, if that makes sense. This scent reminds me of spring.


    This is a gorgeous white floral and my favorite of the Snow Queen hair glosses this year.

  16. I am so glad I picked up a bottle of this, it's just lovely! As other reviewers have said, all of the notes are incredibly well-blended.


    On first application, I'm mostly getting the amber and sandalwood and other resins, but a soft blend.


    As it dries down, I get more of the smoky frankincense on top and subtle vanilla and leather in the background to make the whole scent more complex but still smooth. I generally get a warm, golden feeling from this scent, not too spicy or strong, but with good staying power on my skin.


    Such a lucky blind-buy for me! :biggrin:

  17. This one is surprisingly light while being warm and comforting, perfect for my pillowcase.

    I'm picking up a softly sweet vanilla/honey note and also some light amber. The Golden Hour is so well-blended that it's difficult to pick out separate notes, but very evocative of the golden light of sunset. I think this one actually helped me sleep more peacefully!

  18. This one is more sinister than the other Crimson Peak atmos I've sniffed so far. I pick up the dusty woods and shadowy, spicy incense. The red clay note is very interesting, smelling earthy but moist and red at the same time. My nose picks up hints of what might be dragonsblood and something fruity, like black cherry, that both add to the richness of this shadowy blend.


    I must say I never would have guessed that I would find dark, chilly scents like this so appealing, but the CP atmos are beautiful!

  19. My first review for my first hair gloss, here goes:


    I expected to really like this, since amber, DB, and honey are three of my favorite notes, but I just fell in love with this on first sniff. After wearing it on my hair for a little while, it's even better! The resin notes blend perfectly with the sweet honey and nut and the whole thing is so warm and rich and spicy. There is just the right hint of sweetness without being overwhelming. People must wonder why I keep pulling my hair over my face all day. :biggrin:


    I will probably wish I had gotten a backup bottle when this is gone.
