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Sakura Tsukikage

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Posts posted by Sakura Tsukikage

  1. I also get mainly citrus and a very foody life-like rice cake note in the bottle, with a softer base of something deeper, which could be the dragon's blood, pine resin, bamboo, or florals, or a combination thereof, deeper and slightly sweet but not in a fruity or foody way. On skin, it's very much rice cakes and citrus, in a way that works surprisingly well to my nose. It's very much RICE CAKES and fruit, specifically juicy citrus fruit that doesn't exactly smell strongly of orange per se but does make me think of oranges, at this point, with a hint of a green, fresh, springtimey scent in and around it. As time goes on, the notes sort of meld together, with the rice cakes stepping back and joining that softer base to support a floral-fruity sort of sweetness, but they're still very noticeable as what they are--sticky rice cakes, not overly sweet, but definitely with some sweetness to them. As time goes on, the foodiness of it fades a bit to become a gentle, springtimey sort of fresh scent, but that rice cake note remains as a grainy, ricey base, for lack of a better term! I agree that this is a deeper, darker in some ways, richer take on the same fruity notes that are in other Chinese New Year's blends like Earth Rat--this is woodier, foodier, and greener, but still very much recognizable as in the same vibe, with just a hint of floral and dragon's blood sweetness behind the juicy fruits and those darker notes. I think it would be good for both cool and warm weather. It's not an immediate favorite, but I'm definitely going to be wearing it--I like it quite a bit! And it lasts quite a long while on me, though after about three or four hours it starts to hug my skin very closely.

  2. I love the smell of lilacs, but it's so hard to find a "true" lilac scent, something that actually smells like them to me--and that one does! (Since I love The Last Unicorn, too, I was thrilled.) I hope the milk works out on you, too. It sounds like you're going to have tons to try! Woohoo! :D


    I finally got to try both The Lilac Wood and The Last Unicorn and am currently in love with both blends! They're pretty different from The Unicorn, but both are such evocative and beautiful blends that I will probably be hunting down bottles eventually. c: I've found a new love for lilacs and while they're not as sweet as linden blossoms to me, there's this wistful beauty about them which I adore. Yay for discovering new loves! ♥



    I'm so glad you like them! Yeah, sadly they're not really the same, but they are lovely in their own right. I looove the lilacs in The Lilac Wood so much. :) I'm so pleased you enjoyed them, too!

  3. 1. Hellion V.2

    2. Our Lady of Pain

    3. A Thought From Propertius

    4. The Soul of La Traviata

    5. Coyote

    Based on those, can you think of some I should try? And what is your top five for us to base our recommendations on?


    For A Thought From Propertius, I found Siren to be a sweet apricot scent, though missing the pepper quality. Pandy (Fresh white musk, honeycomb, sweet apricot, elemi, orange blossom, and mischievous pink pepper) seems to have very similar notes, too. Xanthe, the Weeping Clown (Guava, orange peel, white pepper, spun sugar and apple blossom) and Tweedledee (Kumquat, white pepper, white tea and orange blossom) seem to have the fruit+pepper combo going on and they might also work. Katharina also has apricot (white musk with a trickle of bright, sharp apricot and orange blossom). I don't know about the others, I'm afraid!


    My top picks switch around a bit depending on my mood, but these always get along with me:


    1. Atlas ... Mallow, oak bark, coffee bean, hinoki wood, and khus.

    2. French Tobacco SN ... A very faint citrus-like twang and an almost animalic caramel richness.

    3. Black Pearl ... Coconut, Florentine iris, hazelnut and opalescent white musk

    4. Satan & Death with Sin Intervening ... Opoponax, benzoin, orange blossom, mahogany, karakarounde, white tea and vetiver.

    4. White Rider ... White leather and sandalwood.


    I think Baobhan Sith is sort of like a grapefruit version of Kumiho. White Rabbit is a nice clean tea as well.


    Haven't tried Feel-Better Flowers but I'd guess TKO or Fairy Bites might be similar. You'd probably like Capax Infiniti too.


    The Lilac Wood sounds very green and the most fresh, grassy oil I've tried is probably The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.


    Spirits of the Dead for Holiday Moon. Silence is really lovely if you can find it.


    There's actually a whole thread dedicated to scents similar to The Unicorn! I think The East has its own thing going on but it does evoke a similar vibe. Same with Enchanted Wood Florist which seems to fit with your love of fresh scents.


    Yeah, I saw the Unicorn thread! I actually just thought I'd throw it in there because, well, it is a favorite of mine, and it sort of helps show what I like. I definitely need to try The East, clearly! I have Enchanted Wood Florist and love it. :D I'll put Fairy Bites on my list, too (I do love Capax Infiniti!). And I clearly need to track down Spirits of the Dead and The Passionate Shepard to His Love (and Silence, if I can)--they all sound up my alley for sure.


    1. Kumiho

    2. Lilith's Feel-Better Flowers

    3. The Lilac Wood

    4. Holiday Moon

    5. The Unicorn


    Kumiho - perhaps Aizen-Myoo or Theodosius (slightly sharper version of Dorian on me) would be nice!

    Lilith's Feel-Better Flowers - I'm not familiar with this blend, but you might like Gladdener of All Hearts, maybe.

    The Unicorn - I'm another Unicorn lover (in fact the one that started the unicorn thread mentioned by Balame!) Fairy Market has the same crystalline gorgeousness for me but it's possibly a blend that's even harder to find. :c If you're a linden blossom lover like me, Boober and Cottonmouth sound like they could be wins! I've read that All They Had Seen, and All They Had Lost has similarities to The Unicorn as well. I especially like the sound of Leanan Sidhe, Rosalind and The Wild Swans at Coole as well.



    Yes, I recognize you from there. :) Hi! Man, I really want to try Fairy Market, haha. Maybe someday! Do people think Cottonmouth with be coming back with Carnaval Diabolique when it returns? I do want to try Boober, though--I might have to put that in my next order!


    I completely missed The Temptation, might have to go poking around for that. Josie I think I tried and the floral notes amped to hell on me (yay). I just hope Aglaea never gets discontinued, since it's *the* peach scent that really works on me. :lol:


    Regarding your list, have you tried The East? To me it's got a very lovely true flowering-meadow-in-spring scent to it, might be another in the same family as The Lilac Wood and The Unicorn for you. =) Summoning Stone Play Structure was similar in feel as well.


    The Temptation's note list seems quite floral, but I really got the peach rice candy feel from it rather than anything else. It might also work as a semi-dupe for Tamamo-no-Mae, now that I come to think of it. In terms of peach scents--I haven't tried Belle Vinu, but it has osmanthus, which sometimes smells like peach, and peach, too. Still, Aglaea has that thick honey and wine thing going on.


    I clearly need to try The East! :) Hmm, Summoning Stone Play Structure sounds good, too. Thank you!


    I'm getting lots of great suggestions from this thread! I'd love some assistance with floral blends in particular. My top 5 are:


    Butterflies, Flowers and Jewels Attending


    Let Revenant




    I don't know if it would turn out this way on anyone else, but the soon-to-be-discontinued Peitho on me is really reminiscent of Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels--that same sweet base for a floral mixture sort of feeling. Maybe The Lilac Wood for Jingu? It's not exactly the same feeling, but it does have some of that light spring floral with a deeper base, too. It's not as complicated as Juliet, but Prague struck me as somewhat similar in feel? Some of the Dawn blends or The District might also have the sweet complicated floral feeling as Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels, but I have to admit I haven't tried them yet! :lol: Still, they seem to be a good place to look for floral blends. For Le Revenant--maybe The Ghost? Haha, okay, I mean, synonymous names aside, they both seem to be complex white florals.


    My top 5, in no real order:


    1. Ladon - dragon’s blood resin, golden apple, apple blossom, white musk and hyacinth

    2. Tobacco Honey

    3. Chanukkiyah 2013 - Olive oil, beeswax, glowing amber, sweet sufganiyot, pomegranate, and fig

    4. Thalia - Plumeria, pear and white champagne

    5. Gomorrah - ripe fig, date and currant with black herbs


    I've tried most of the GC apple scents, Poisoned Apple and Sjofn are my second favorites.


    I have to say, Ladon really really reminds me of The Fairies, the Bards of Ireland blend. They're very similar, though Ladon is a bit deeper and "redder" from the dragon's blood. And the Green Apple of Venus is a very sweet apple, not quite as fresh as Sjofn, but very much in the same bright sweet zone. Rapunzel in Ballpoint is more of a straight-up fresh appley apple, but it's also really nice. Those are all LE, of course!

  4. I seems to favour a somewhat different scent profile than most of the people already playing along, but what the heck:


    1) Spinning Multicoloured Metallic Pinwheel

    2) Embalming Fluid

    3) Boober

    4) Strawberry Moon '09 (with the grass and dandelion sap)

    5) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat


    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


    I also have to rec Kumiho if you like Embalming Fluid! I love both of them, but I love Kumiho slightly more, and I can't put my finger on why, exactly--maybe it just feels crisper to me. The recent Yule Eldritch Drunken Constellations was also fantastic in that vein if you like ambergris at all (it adds a sort of warm and salty foamy quality to the brightness of the tea that might be comparable to the warmth of musk). Herbert West is also very similar to Embalming Fluid, in my experience, with a slightly more astringent cologne-y quality that actually really works. And Shanghai is the sweet flowers and green tea equivalent.


    For Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat, Bon Vivant also springs to my mind, they both have that awesome champagne note. Twenty-One had it, too, to my nose, along with some of that herbal quality. And then maybe 51 (green and melony and fruity and fresh) or the (sadly) soon to be discontinued Ehecatl, which is tea and hibiscus and white musk with that zingy zesty quality of lime. For an LE in that vein, Tanuki no Hikifune has that warm fresh melony quality, I think! For Strawberry Moon, I found Self-Portrait With Puffy Stickers from the Tremulous Song update to have a similar . . . quality, I guess (and some similar notes).


    Anyone who likes sweet springlike candylike florals should probably check out Reflected Vulva from the current Shungas, too--it's very sweet, very sugary, very nice almost fruity spring flowers and SUGARY sugared cream. But sweet scents can sometimes be too much for me, and it wasn't. Lovers in the Tea House was also sweet and fresh and smooth and springlike and really nice, though a lot less sweet (still sweet, but more fresh and with other qualities).


    Here are my current (ever-changing) Top 5:


    1. The Unicorn (my ultimate grail)

    2. Whip

    3. Boo

    4. Hope

    5. Candy Phoenix


    For Whip, maybe Harlot? It's another warm rose scent with one other note to liven it up. For Boo, maybe Dana O'Shee--it's almondy, but also sweet and milky and comforting, though not as vanilla-sweet in the same way. Go To Sleep, Darlings from the recent Yules was also soft and sweet, though not in the same vanilla-cotton-cream way. I can't think of anything quite like Boo, though I feel like there are probably ones out there I haven't tried!


    I'm not as sure about the others!




    And just for grins, my top 5 at the moment:



    The Butterfly



    The East


    The Temptation was really peach rice candy to my nose. Not nearly as sweet or heady as Aglaea, but quite nice. Maybe Josie might work for Aglaea? I really haven't got a clue about most of the others!


    As for me, hmmm.


    1. Kumiho

    2. Lilith's Feel-Better Flowers

    3. The Lilac Wood

    4. Holiday Moon

    5. The Unicorn

  5. I agree that this is gorgeous! It goes on with yes, a touch of lemony amber with a hint of the freshness of tea and the light booziness of sake. It's a fresh almost chewy but smooth springlike scent with a very light incensey backdrop, but mostly bright and sweet, sugary-fresh but sticky ambery-jelly, which might sound a bit strange, but it's how it strikes me! On, I start picking up the amber incense and sandalwood together, almost lightly smokey, with a sweet sticky middle and that lemony bright sake and tea note over the top. It gets sweeter and rounder, fuller and almost a little creamy as it wears. It really makes me think of the inspiration--a teahouse serving sweets, tea, and sake, with all those scents in the air, with a slight tinge of incense and the fullness of sandalwood that make me think of the inhabitants of the place somehow. It fits very well to me, and I love the sweet creamy amber incensey yokan sense it gives me as it dries, light and sweet without being too foody. Thinking about it, the matcha is a very specific note and rings true to real matcha for me, with some of that foamy bitterness and thickness and almost powderiness it has, and it adds a lot to the scent, melding really well with the rest of it, especially the yokan.

  6. Sparkly, flowery, light and sweet are right up my alley! :wub2: Now I've just got to try those!


    Glasgow and Sea Foams Milk sound amazing as well. I haven't really tried a real milky blend before, so I'm pretty intrigued. Hopefully it works on me! I actually have an imp of Lilac Wood sailing over to me as a token from a lovely seller. *squee* I'm not sure I like lilacs since I haven't really been acquainted with them yet, but will know soon! It'd be amazing if it works, since I love The Last Unicorn.


    I love the smell of lilacs, but it's so hard to find a "true" lilac scent, something that actually smells like them to me--and that one does! (Since I love The Last Unicorn, too, I was thrilled.) I hope the milk works out on you, too. It sounds like you're going to have tons to try! Woohoo! :D

  7. Ooh thank you so much for those lovely recommendations, Sakura! c: It's always lovely to find someone with similar scent preferences. You've brought my attention to a great number of blends that I haven't actually looked at yet and I'm really excited to try some of them. I have am imp of Coraline Jones on the way and am more excited to try it than ever. I really like the sound of Leanan Sidhe as well, especially since it's a GC blend. I'm actually really hoping to find something I adore that will be a little more reliable / easier to find. I've also been tempted to try Aizen-Myoo, Roses, Pearls and Diamonds as well as Almond Blossom.


    I'm going to note down your recommendations now. ♥ Thanks again!


    Yes, it's always fun to find someone with similar taste! :) It makes sense that you want something a bit more reliable/easier to find. I think Leanan Sidhe is actually probably the closest; it has that dewy misty quality. I haven't tried Glasgow, but it seems like it might be in the same vein with more berry. I also really like the Sea Foams Milk for a fresh, light sort of scent, but the milk note doesn't work on everyone. It fills some of the same scent niche the Unicorn does for me, though, if that makes any sense.


    I really really love Aizen-Myoo and Roses, Pearls and Diamonds! They're so sparkly and flowery and light and sweet. Which tends to be my tastes ;). I hope you find something you really love that's easily accessible, too.


    It also struck me that if you like the smell of lilac at all, The Lilac Wood in The Last Unicorn collection is really lovely, and has a lot of that same misty/dewy/green grass feeling. I'm excited to find out if you find something you love!

  8. Soft and pink, yes, definitely. And SWEET. This scent is sugary, creamy, and gorgeous. The sweet pea is a very juicy, fruit sweet pea, but definitely recognizable as that sweet floral, while the cherry blossom is also present, though more in the background, a beautiful soft flowery pink note, and they're really very nicely mixed together. It's very, very sweet, this is definitely sugared cream, soft and creamy but also bright and girlish and very springlike. To me, this is pretty much exactly what the notes listed suggest, sugary cream mixed with the two flowers, and it's wonderful, everything I hoped for. It's sweet and happy, or makes me feel that way, and it has good throw and lasted quite a while on me. I'll probably get a backup bottle. :D Absolutely lovely!

  9. I love Shadwell, but it's not even close to Thai Tea. So sorry.


    Haha, fair enough! It was just a thought. :P I was thinking there probably isn't one that's too close--though a thick, milky sweet tea would probably fit that vibe, I can't really think of a scent like that that doesn't skew in some other direction. Maybe layering Dorian or another strong tea-scent with Obatala, or something. Something milky-sweet would probably fill that fit better than something strictly tea-like, since tea usually smells so fresh and bright in perfume.

  10. You seem to have pretty similar taste to me, too--I too, love The Unicorn and pine after more of it, and adore the linden blossom note.


    It's not quite as soft and delicate and fresh as the linden blossom, but I've also really enjoyed the lab's almond blossom notes. A little more robust and thick/waxy in feel, but I found both the recent Yule Almond Blossom and the Salon blend The Penitent Magdalen really lovely and soft in a similar "white" way to the Unicorn, though sadly not as fresh.


    Almond Blossom

    Almond blossom, hoar-frost, and snow-wind.


    The Penitent Magdalen

    Immortelle, lily of the valley, gaiac, amber, honey, white sandalwood, almond flower, blonde musk, and hyssop.


    The Halloween blend a bit ago, The Wild Swans at Coole, also reminded me a bit of The Unicorn:


    October twilight. Falling leaves breaking the stillness of cool water, with sweet autumn clematis, feather-soft orris root, luminous white chypre, and muguet.


    Chaste Moon 2010 also reminds me of it just a bit! It's not very milky.


    Milky blossoms and soft cream touch the last buds of winter, coupled with crystalline, hazy traditional Lunar oils.


    In the GC, maybe Leanan Sidhe? It reminds me of both The Unicorn and Rosalind (another DCed love of mine).


    Her perfume is a crush of Irish herbs and flowers, Gaelic mists, and nighttime dew.


    There's also Coraline Jones (Dry grass, clean skin, and a little bit of mossy berry) and The Silver Stream (Like asphodel petals on moonlit water) in the Coraline scents.


    I don't know if there's anything quite like it, but those are a few ideas . . . .


    A few other personal favorites of mine in the BPAL catalogue are Kumiho (A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger--though this one might not be sweet enough for your taste? It's not that biting, though!), Roses, Pearls and Diamonds (Red roses, dazzling crystalline musks, and pearlescent coconut-tinged orris), and Aizen-Myoo (Yuzu, kaki, and mikan with cherry blossom and black tea). Just in case our tastes really are that similar! Though it seems yours swing a bit sweeter than mine!


    Also, a couple of the prototypes up on BPAL's Etsy site right now have been compared to The Unicorn! I have Dido v1 and I do think there's a similarity. The Empyreal Mist proto and the Gossamer proto might also work in that vein!

  11. Yes, I'm very excited to try all the gorgeous sounding Shungas this year. I really love tea in my perfumes, especially when it's dirtied up a bit with darker notes. I'm thinking Koito and Sashichi might hit that spot in particular with the tobacco.


    I have Eldritch Drunken Constellations on my wish list - it sounds lovely, especially since I have a weakness for ambergris.


    Another scent I'm happy to mention here: Nefarious Plan, a recent BPTP bath oil in the naughty/nice series. I wear it as a perfume and I'm *so* glad I took a chance with it because it's seriously sex in a bottle. The tea leaf is front and center. Smells exactly like the real deal but it's also warm and sugary and ugh. Amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a sugared, rich but raw sort of tea blend.


    I have to say, I loved Eldritch Drunken Constellations. Salty and warm with the ambergris, a sweet sappy note and then the bright freshness of the white tea? Kumiho is still my favorite BPAL, but Eldritch Drunken Constellations shot up there just below it, and I don't find them too similar at all--the same family, but definitely distinct. The ambergris makes Eldritch Drunken Constellations so different, and I think it's sweeter.


    I kept eyeing Nefarious Plan! That sounds just delicious, wow. It might be a little late to get some now, but there's always the forums, I suppose! I'm thinking about looking now. Maaaybe. You make it sound so good.


    Koito and Sashichi sounds so interesting, I agree! It's a really interesting combo. My initial round of buying was for Lovers in the Tea House--I'll try it soon and post a review! I'm also really eyeing Diversions in the Chashitsu and The Shining Dimple of Love bath oil from the Trading Post.


    I agree--there are so many exciting looking tea scents this year!


    In terms of smoky or Thai tea esque scents:


    Maybe Famine, for Lapsang Souchong?


    Sleek black tea, tobacco leaf, frankincense, lilac, and white musk.


    Maybe Ashlultum (from Carnaval Diabolique):


    Babylonian musk, vanilla tea, tonka, tobacco, coconut, hyssop, and lilac.


    I feel like there should be some others that aren't coming to mind.


    I haven't tried it, but Shadwell might mimic Thai Tea with the condensed milk + tea + other things.


    Roll-ups, mildewed raincoat, sweet tea, and condensed milk.


    Maybe Sudha Segara?


    Sweet milk and warm, healing ginger with a touch of golden honey and our blend of Ambrosia.


    I feel like Tea might also work, though it's LE:


    Darjeeling tea, lemon verbena, star anise, and honeycomb.


    Or Clemence (also from CD):


    Patchouli, Kashmiri tea, cardamom, black pepper, carnation, and clove. (Though that might be more chai tea.)


    I hope at least one of those works a bit, hmm. Now I want to go looking! Sadly I haven't tried Time's Infliction of Eternity, though I love both tea and dragon's blood!

  12. It isn't exactly a perfume or BPAL, but didn't the Trading Post have a bath oil in this vein?


    Yeah, here it is!


    Dank Tarn of Auber

    A gloomy, morose soak. Bog bean, oakmoss, bog myrtle, water hyssop, calla lily, water snowflake, bulrush, and marsh marigold swirling in dark, still water.


    I mean, it was 2011 and so probably expired/impossible to find anyway, and I don't know if bathing in it rather than uh, wearing it is even what you want, ;) but it still seemed relevant, somehow!

  13. The light but sweet sweet flowers, vanilla, musk, and spice of Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels on me is most like the (sadly) soon-to-be discontinued Peitho, out of the general catalogue--they have a very similar vibe on my skin, light and girly but also interesting and flowery and sweet. (Lusty myrtle and jasmine with red sandalwood, stargazer lily, and clove over an opulent, rich bed of warm musk and bourbon vanilla.) The vanilla might be an issue, but it doesn't stand out to me at all, and strikes me as really similar to the vanilla component of Butterflies . . . Attending. Sacred Whore of Babylon might also be a bit similar (sweet florals with some spice), though it strikes me as a bit more sexy (unsurprisingly :lol:).


    The Garden in Winter struck me as being nice because of the warmer floral of the poppy with the cool lilies. In that vein, you might like Languor? "Paperwhite and black narcissus, three lilies, black poppy and tuberose and a hint of hypnotic opium den haze."


    Others that come to mind are:


    Avenger (Plush vanilla bourbon and rum accord with pink pepper, patchouli, clove, pikaki, golden amber, caraway, tuberose, and jacarandá-da-bahia.)


    Dawn: Mourning Victory (Red sandalwood, night-blooming jasmine, white tea, hyacinth, rosehips, and tuberose.)


    La Belle au Bois Dormant (Plumeria and white pear, Damascus rose, tuberose, magnolia and evening dew.)


    Lady Amalthea (A luminous white winter musk with lilac, wisteria, white chocolate, white mint, and tuberose.)


    Florence (Elegant iris, bright berries, gilded amber and velvety spices.)


    Mama-Ji (Spices, cardamom, nutmeg, and flowers.)


    (though I haven't tried most of these)

  14. I wonder how the Lupers with tea this year will compare to other tea-type scents! It looks like we have:


    Diversions in the Chashitsu

    Green tea, yellow sandalwood, apple blossom, and white bamboo.


    Koito and Sashichi

    Green tea, tobacco absolute, and agarwood.


    Treasure Ship Coming In

    King mandarin, green mint, green tea leaf, and white musk.



    Black tea, bergamot, red patchouli, peru balsam, and bourbon vanilla.


    Lovers in the Tea House

    Sake and matcha tea with amber incense, golden sandalwood, and yōkan.


    And at the post:


    Female Beauty in Spiderweb Kimono Home & Linen Spray

    White fig, tea leaves, oakmoss, and lilac blossoms.


    A Peculiar Game of Shoji Bath Oil

    Rosewood, red currant, green tea, and caramelized sugar.


    Prelude to the Bath Bath Oil

    White tea, golden apricot, and orange blossom.


    The Shining Dimple of Love Bath Oil

    Vanilla orchid, vanilla absolute, and black tea leaf.


    Wow, that's a lot!


    I also really enjoyed Eldritch Drunken Constellations from the Yules this year--it's not really tea-like, but it does have that bright freshness I enjoy so much from the other white tea blends like Kumiho, only it's saltier, softer, and sweeter in some ways; I get both the sense of a fresh bright sort of sap and ambergris/ocean saltiness along with the crisp white tea. It didn't unseat Kumiho as my favorite tea blend, but it's really nice.

  15. I know this isn't helpful at all, because it's pretty rare/a prototype, but the Tilt-a-Whirl proto smells like pink sugary cotton candy to me!


    Other than that, I found Capax Infiniti to be a sweet, sugary lavender, like if you had lavender flavored vanilla ice cream or cotton candy. I also noticed that Nymphia had spun-sugar listed as an ingredient, though I think the overall impression is a combination of freshness/florals/sugary fruit, and springlike more than anything. Sprinklecake is super sweet and sugary, but it's more icing over white cake! Deliciously sugary, though.


    Maybe My Happy Day? "My Happy Day—Plum sugar, blackcurrant bud absolute, pink jasmine, effervescent elemi, purple carnation, honeysuckle nectar, and champagne grape." The jasmine wasn't very jasmine-y to me, it smelled like a bright sparkly purple sugar candy in my mind's eye. Similarly, Love from the same update was a marshmallowy strawberry-rose sweet dessert/candy type scent to me.


    None of those are really cotton-candy per se, but those were the sugary scents that jumped to my mind!


    Oh, and Good from the RPG line, is quite sweet and sugary! "Shimmering celestial musk with vanilla, white honey, acacia, and sugar cane." I like it a lot, though I think a lot of people found it too sweet. Then again, the honey might give it a different impression than the one you're looking for.

  16. Even though the list of notes may sound scary, I swear Butterflies, Flowers and Jewels Attending is the prettiest thing you'll ever smell. It's too well blended to smell like particularly one thing, so everything pretty much plays nice. It's like walking through a butterfly garden in the fae realm while fresh honey is pulled from the flora by magic bees.


    Totally seconded! Everything about this is true to my experience. Perfect description, too. ;)

  17. This starts off very very green and herbaceous on me, which I recognize as carrot seed. Very vegetabley, which I like, and brings to mind a more grayish green, or something like the green leafy soft parts of carrots in a garden under rain. That fades and brightens quickly though and becomes fresher and not quite so sharp. On my skin, it begins to soften into a soft but clean green, light floral that doesn't read to me as either jasmine or iris in specific, but if I think about it does strike me as a mixture of the two, still with some green notes hanging about and the teeniest hint of spicy-bright sweetness from the frankincense. It's clean and sweet and also makes me think of a garden (an herb or vegetable/kitchen garden definitely), and the sense of cold gray days or grey melancholy rain that Aviatrix mentioned, still with that slight carrot-seedy bite. It's a great fit to the concept, just perfect, in my opinion, and I really enjoy it--a lot more than I expected to at first, even!


    It's unusual, sweet, clean, and yes, a little sad and gray and green. It's really nice, and I just ordered a bottle, because I figured if I didn't I'd be sad not to have it.

  18. Now, I'm not really a vanilla, amber, resins, or oudh sort of person--I like sweet resins in blends and vanilla just fine, but it's not something I seek out, really. But I really do love this blend! In the vial I get a deep, rich, almost vanilla extract vanilla with something woody and almost spicy supporting it that I know is the oudh. I don't really smell the amber in the vial as much as I do on my skin, where it comes out very warm and rich and golden when first applied, almost thick, with the vanilla and oudh supporting it. There really is a thick, rich bourbon-ness to the vanilla, and the oudh is sweet, the amber deepening the whole blend. I agree with the comparisons to marshmallow, a sweet cloud of amber and vanilla with a tinge of almost spicy sweet oudh, but also that there is something sparkling and light about it, something that gives it lift and almost a brightness as well as warmth. I think that's the quality that makes me love it so much. Warm but almost dark vanilla, rich golden amber, and spicy sparkly oudh. It does smell both sweet and sophisticated, and is a lovely warm, sweet, but grown-up sort of scent. It's pretty gorgeous!


    It has very nice throw on me for the first four hours or so, but even now, nine hours later, I can still smell it on my wrists and as I move my arms.

  19. This is very soft and sweet--I really do think the description is amazingly accurate. Soft cloud of spun-sugar snow, that somehow feels both sugary and like snow, and warm (like a kiss, I suppose, as per the description) and cold (the sharp aftertaste, almost, of snow, is something I actually do get a sense of from this--I think this is the same thing people are describing as play-doh, though it never exactly reaches that point of association for me) at the same time. Mostly it's just very sweet, but not overpoweringly so, a soft creamy almost cotton candy sweetness, but white, not pink, and it is somehow soft and snow-like. It's actually pretty strong on me, and lasted all day both times I wore it so that I could smell it even with my hands in front of me, but it seems like this is actually pretty common for me compared to others. I don't get a strong sense of coconut at all, but there were a few moments during the day where I got an impression of something white and coconutty, not the smell so much as as sense of it somehow. I also get a tiny hint of mint, but mostly it's just sweet, and not at all a sharp mint.


    I'm actually surprised by how much I love the simple sweetness of this! My bottle was a gift, and I debated another one, but I think the one bottle will do for me. Still, it's very lovely.
