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Everything posted by tangygnat

  1. tangygnat


    Samhain 2013 I was hoping for a warm, bewitching cabin hearth nestled in a spooky, haunted woods. Instead, I got a child's Halloween journey, from the pumpkin carving all the way through the sugar crash. I shy away from candy scents, so this won't work for my skin, but I'm still excited about its potential as an atmospheric room scent. In the bottle: Clove and nutmeg vibrating over heady patchouli. Wet: Spices are very strongly at the forefront--they're a bit sharp, almost acrid, but softened by a sweet patchouli base. Whiffs of candle- warmed pumpkin poke through. Drydown: Patchouli grabs the reigns as the spices mellow out. There's an artificial sweetness now creeping in to the earthiness--candy vanilla, chocolate. Dry: We've upended the candy bag; Tootsie Roll chocolate takes center stage, buffered by tiny lingering licks of patchouli Fade: Sugar crash--the earthy, spicy goodness has completely vanished, leaving behind only the lingering, cloying odor of a stale Tootsie Roll