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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Teaker

  1. This is such a nifty topic. I wish I could actually help others, but my top five are:


    1) Hermia

    2) Le Lethe

    3) Hygeia

    4) Thousands of Lights

    5) The Ta-Ta


    Le Lethe smells absolutely stunning and sultry on me. I've gotten compliments on it from strangers. My ex bit my wrist when I asked their opinion. Which might also have something to do with me shoving my arm in their face, but still.

    Since you are a big fan of Le Lethe you should try Bien Loin D'Ici. They don't really smell that similar, but they are in the same family. I find that they both have something weird and indefinable about them, plus they are both pretty heavy on the red musk. You might also like Sed Non Satiata. Sorry I have no recs for your other selections!

  2. Beaver'versary: It smells like thick, gooey vanilla cheesecake frosting! YUM. This is the foodiest bpal I've ever tried and I originally thought it was going to be too sweet to be wearable, but I was wrong. When I'm in the right mood, this is just delicious and comforting and a bit cheeky. I totally love it and will be hunting down a bottle.


    It does have an undertone that threatens to turn a touch plasticy, but never actually does. So if you turn scents to plastic you might want to be wary. Thankfully this works great on me!

  3. I'm not a fan. Maybe I was spoiled by getting to try Gingerbread Snake, which is sweet/spicy/sexy gingerbread, but this just seems kind of off to me. I smell incense, and a kind of thin reedy gingerbread scent with a touch of lemon in it. There's something unpleasant underneath it. It turned my stomach a bit when I first tried it, and every re-test since then does the same. Most of the Arkham scents I've tried have had a weird unsettling undertone that make them unwearable for me, and this one is no different. I'm jealous of all the people who get delicious gingerbread out of this, but I'll stick to hoarding Gingerbread Snake.

  4. This is what I wanted Samhain to smell like! It's fruity, but very autumnal. The fruit in here isn't bright and artificial, it's mellow and cool, but still crisp. There seems to be something in here that reminds me of a cool breeze, or fallen leaves. And I swear I can pick up just the barest breath of some kind of spice, maybe cinnamon? This is exquisite!

  5. I was so looking forward to this scent, but unfortunately it's just a big mess on my skin. It starts off smelling like empty beer cans and ends up like play-doh. The frustrating part is that I keep picking up these little hints of niceness underneath, something cool and earthy/fruity. But overall it's a no go for me.

  6. Kind of light and clean smelling. It has a warmth to it which surprised me, it must be the sage/bergamot/musk. It doesn't really scream of citrus, they are just the top notes overlaying this warm base. It's very soapy and I couldn't figure out why until I noticed there was rose in here. Rose turns to soap on me without fail. But this is such a beautiful soap smell that I almost don't mind! The musk gives it just a touch of a manly edge, so it basically smells like clean sexy man! If the lab is taking votes for new scents to make into soaps, I vote for Croquet! I'd buy a few bars. :biggrin:

  7. When first applied this smells like dirt, rich and faintly sweet. I'm not a big fan of smelling like soil but a couple of the labs earthier scents have been suprisingly lovely on me (thanks, Death Cap!) so I gave it a chance. I'm glad I did! It dries to a sweet warm perfume with the barest hints of spice and maybe vanilla? It's still faintly earthy, but no one who missed the wet stage would describe it as dirt. It stays close to the skin, but when I catch a waft of it it reminds me a bit of cherry vanilla coke. I don't know if I'd really wear this but it's one of the more interesting bpals I've tried.


    This would be a good starter for those who might want to branch out into more unusual perfumes. It reminds me very much of Jazz Funeral, but where that is fresh and joyful, this is more seductive.

  8. Much fresher and lighter than I was expecting! Fuzzy, comforting black musk with a hint of citrus. This morphs really quickly into a faint, close to the skin musk. Very unisex, and could be good for layering. Weirdly enough, it reminds me of Black Temple Burlesque Troupe, without the cocao.

  9. I'm sad this doesn't work on me, because the description is so fabulous! Who wouldn't want to smell like the devil herself? Me, apparently. Something about the combination of musk and spice with the citrus of the mandarin is really off-putting. I haven't come across oleander or magnolia before, and I think I'm not a big fan. When all the notes combine I get a powdery white floral with musky citrus. It turns my stomach a bit :wacko2:


    This could be a really intriguing perfume for someone, but not for me.

  10. I've been waffling over this scent since I got it. I know I like it, but it's very different from what I expected. This is a very "perfumey" scent, almost a touch cologne-y, but still extremely feminine. This smells nothing like a typical vanilla perfume, there's vanilla sweetness but it's expertly blended with the other notes. The vanilla is NOT foody whatsoever, and in fact it's not easily recognizable as vanilla. The floral serves to brighten/sweeten things a bit, but I don't have the faintest idea as to what kind of flowers are in here. I'd swear there's no rose though, as rose is always soapy on me and I never get any soapiness. The floral is just a background player here anyway.

    My issue with this is the smoke note. There is a chemical edge to Liz that almost verges on vinegar. I originally thought it was the leather, but then I ordered a perfume from another retailer that had a smoke note and it has the exact same sour/chemical smell on me. It's not terrible, it's just kind of distracting. I keep hoping this will dry to a simple vanilla/smoke, without the weird undertone, but it doesn't alter as it dries. It retains the odd sourness until it fades away completely, after about 3 hours. The throw is about average for most of my bpals.

    The overall impression of this scent is a hazy, sexy, smokey perfume that is still sweet. But it's almost a bit more complicated that what I was hoping for. I do like Liz and am really hopeful that aging will help improve the smoke issue. But for a "sexy vanilla with a twist" perfume, Snake Oil is still tops for me.

  11. Inspired by and created for my beloved Tedwin: my eternal, beautiful, wicked Dorian Gray. Refined, elegant, and lovely, with a noble bearing and seemingly gentle air. This blend is an artful deception: a sweet gilded blossom lying over a twisted and corrupted core. A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea.


    A musky, masculine cologne over sweet vanilla tea. It's a very warm scent, but it confuses me a bit. I'm not a huge lover of masculine scents, and this one is a bit too manly for me. But it's so sweet! It's a really lovely vanilla tea scent, and it pairs fabulously with the musk. I do find it can be a bit overpowering though, I wouldn't wear this one to work. I compromise by wearing it to bed, where I get to enjoy its sweet comforting warmth and not worry about smelling too musky/manly.

  12. I like Obatala a lot- it's a warm, sweet, soft coconut. It smells like coconut body butter. Nothing exciting, but very pleasant.


    It has very little throw on me, so I won't be getting a bottle. And I prefer Black Pearl for a coconut scent with a bit more depth to it. But I just adore the drydown on this, after a few hours my skin smells like sweet coconut milk and its fabulous. Very yummy and a must-try for coconut lovers!

  13. So pretty, and very unique! The main floral here is lotus, but it's not overwhelmingly sweet and bubblegum. It's quite mild and just adds a touch of sweetness to the base of smooth wine and tobacco. The chocolate adds the faintest dark undertone. It's a lovely pairing without ever reaching foody territory. It's not quite a floral either. It has a creamy/tropical/tangy feel.


    I totally forgot that there was honey in here, until a few hours after I applied and I got a big whip of play-doh. Damn you honey, you ruin everything!

  14. Havana has been on my wish list for some time, and I didn't act quickly enough to grab a bottle when the discontinue notice went up. So I am somewhat devastated. I would like to find something similar that smells like hairspray. A deliciously complex, sort of earthy aquanet-type hairspray. I think maybe it was the snakeroot that did that, or maybe the leather. Definitely yhe tobacco was nice in it too.....though I have tried several other GC scents with leather, the only one that comes close to Havana to my nose would be The Black Rider. It's a start I guess, but it turns very vetiver-y on me (not a bad thing at all, but Havana doesn't do that on me)


    I've never tried Havana, so this is going to be a really random and probably inaccurate rec, but have you ever tried Kali? The only note they have in common is tobacco, but when you mentioned hairspray I just had to bring it up. The first thing I though of when I smelled Kali was hair products: expensive, beautiful, earthy hair products. Like a really really high end salon conditioner. I think kali might be much sweeter than what you are looking for, but I just figured it wouldn't hurt to throw it out there.

  15. This was a lab frimp that was almost perfect! Drat that honey for spoiling things :(


    It smelled exactly like freshly mown grass and dandelions! So bright and cheerful, it actually made me smile as soon as I smelled it! I don't even like "green" scents but this was just amazing, like summer in a bottle. I couldn't smell any honey at all for a couple hours, and I was hoping it wouldn't show up. Alas, this dried to salty play-doh. Hello honey, we meet again.


    Started off perfect and unexpected and fun, then play-doh. Oh well, if you can wear honey and like scents like Roadhouse you will likely love this.

  16. Wow, this is gorgeous. It's woody, but so soft! I get a touch of something a but buttery, almost like shea butter? I'm guessing that would be the palm. The fig isn't prominent, it just peeks out to add a touch of sweetness in the middle stages. The cocoa is lovely, not heavy or chocolate smelling at all, it just adds a kind of fuzzy warm softness.


    This reminds me a lot of Velvet, but it is even softer. I mean that in both the throw of the scent, and also the feel of it. It's like a fleece blanket wrapping around you. Warm, dark, fuzzy... I really really like this one.


    Fans of Velvet and Black Temple Burlesque Troupe will likely love this one.


    Edit: This occasionally smells too buttery for me, and the black palm is a very odd vegetable-like note that doesn't always agree with me. So no bottle of this, but I still like it.

  17. Oh drat! This one is really not for me :cry2:


    It's starts off very interesting and sweet, like Coke or Dr. Pepper. When I put it on my skin it just gets unpleasant. I can smell amber, and not an enjoyable amber. It's amber, combined with powdery floral, whcih gives it a really unfortunate "old lady perfume" association for me. It still has that thread of soda-like sweetness running through it, which makes me a bit queasy.

    I'm also getting incense, but really powdery incense (I guess orchid isn't my friend when it's a heavy dose like this). The first time I tested this I got just a touch of a coffee bean smell, but that seems to have skipped off to hide from the powdery/ambery/incense mess that's happening.


    This is really just not my kind of scent. I'm going to let it age til the summer before I attempt it again, and if it doesn't work out I'll get rid of it for something more my speed.


    Edit: After just a week to age, I'm liking this much better. It's still quite powdery/incensy, which is not my thing. But I'm getting something a bit sweet/buttery with the faintest hint of coffee. It's like drinking a caramel latte while incesnse burns right next to you. It's very different. I'm undecided if I'll keep it, but I'm interested to see what some more aging will accomplish.

  18. This is a very fresh, pretty floral. It has an almost green feeling to it, like a branch that was just snapped. I think it might be from the lilac, the first thing I thought of when I sniffed it was branches freshly snipped from a lilac bush. It's not as sweet as I was expecting, and I get a touch more peach blossom than cherry.


    I like it, but it's not very exciting. I'm hoping aging will bring out the red musk and maybe some more sweetness.


    Edit: After a week to settle down, I'm liking this better. The amber does become prominent as it dries, but there is still that touch of very fresh floral to keep it from going to straight amber on my skin. I'd say this is a lilac-heavy amber/floral, sophisticated and refined.

  19. I got this as a frimp and it was a fabulous surprise! This is definitely unisex, and would be absolutely fabulous for a man who wants to smell like fruit, but not sweet or feminine.


    It's mostly cherry when I put it on, but has a strong, solid wood note. I thought maybe it was mahogany, but I see it is rosewood, which surprised me. It is fruity, and very fresh and light smelling. Not sweet at all, just kind of refreshing.


    As it dries the cherry slips away and I'm left with a light wood and musk scent. It's quite faint. I don't exactly get lavender, but there is a touch of a herbal note. My imp is extremely fresh so I'd expect the musk and lavender to get a bit stronger as it ages.
