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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Teaker

  1. Hello everyone! So I'm relatively new to BPAL...I have about 20 imps and 3 full sized bottles of oils.

    A trend I've noticed when I'm trying bpal is that scents with a bouquet of notes turn very bad on me,

    the individual notes are mostly unintelligible and become very overpowering, usually resembling old

    fashioned strong perfume on my skin. However, bpals that have worked for me include Spanish Moss SN,

    French Tobacco SN, Shanghai, 51, Blueberry Picking and Peach I (2013).

    Now, I don't know if this is because my nose is untrained or just that I like simple, uncomplicated scents,

    but I'm hoping that based on the above preferences that you lovely bpalistas can guide me in the direction

    of winners! TIA!


    I've found the exact same thing: the best scents on me tend to be simple. I'd recommend Katharina (white musk, apricot, and orange blossom). If you like patchouli (or jut aren't sure about it yet) try Goblin (patchouli with coconut and benzoin) or Depraved (patchouli and apricot). I'd also third the rec for Velvet, which is a gorgeous sandalwood and cocoa scent.

  2. Perversion smells like gingerbread. It's spicy and almost foody, a bit like Shub-Niggurath. I don't get any booze in this whatsoever, and the tobacco was very well-behaved (it tends to take over on my skin in other blends). The leather is quite subdued too, it just gives a kind of cool, slick base for the sweet spicy top notes. I have no idea what makes this spicy, it smells like there's ginger or nutmeg in here for sure, or maybe cinnamon. It's a bit perfumey on the drydown, and kind of sharp.


    It's a nice scent, very surprising since it really doesn't smell like the listed notes. But I have Gingerbread Snake and Chimera for my spicy needs, and this isn't really special enough for me to keep around.

  3. I only know this because I just finished reading the entire review thread for it, but several people mentioned that Haloes smells like teak (despite it not being a listed note). The notes are: Oak, tonka, vanilla, white sandalwood, lily of the valley, white ginger, amber, and apricot.


    There are also tons of comments about its similarity to Glowing Vulva, and I noticed you mentioned that in your post as well. So I just thought I'd throw it out there. Plus this gives me another opportunity to talk about Haloes, the most beautiful scent ever created! :wub3:

  4. Well, I've found it. My personal bpal holy grail. There is nothing left to look for, I'm done. THIS. IS. IT.


    Haloes smells soft, warm, and golden. It's predominant notes on me are oak (distinctive, yet mild and not overly woody) followed by tonka and vanilla (the grown-up kind, not the foody kind). The ginger is so subtle, but helps tone down the sweetness. I don't smell amber, but I know it's in here due to the warm feel of the scent. I think its the amber/ginger combining with the vanilla that gives this such a "golden" feeling. I'm quickly learning that there is something very special about white sandalwood- I don't exactly know what it smells like, but so many of the really exquisite bpals have it as a component.


    I never pick up apricot, but there is just a hint of something at the edges of the scent that tells me it's there. It's like a spark of brightness, just a drop to lighten things and add a hint of freshness.


    I could go on about this for pages, it is just that good. I love every stage- the creamy sweetness when first applied, and the lovely drydown, where the scent of freshly blooming lily peeks through. My one wish is that it would have greater throw, it's very light. But that allows me to slather myself in it with no fear of over-doing things, so its all good!


    I actually know how this scent came to be. Antikythera Mechanism (bold oak and vanilla) seduced shy orange-blossom and apricot Katharina. Haloes is their heavenly baby. :wub3:

  5. This is all butter rum in the bottle, but dries to a gorgeous sugar cookie scent. Unfortunately I don't get any almond or orange rind, but it's lovely to smell like a cookie! This is actually similar to Eat Me, but less perfumey and more straight-up baked goods. This has a bit of an unpleasant middle stage on me (the lab's cookie/cake note frequently smells very dusty or stale on my skin, and that happens here) but it's not unbearable and the drydown is totally worth it. It ends up mild and not overly sweet, it just smells yummy and great!

  6. A complex, sophisticated blend, elegant and lady-like. I can pick out a hint of the vanilla, but this is not a sweet blend. The grey musk has a bite to it that's dry and almost stings the nostrils. But the middle stage has a lovely wafting sweetness from the lily. At that stage I was reminded very slightly of The Raven, though I'm not sure why... they both have white sandalwood, dark musk, and a floral element, so perhaps that's what calls it up in my mind.


    The drydown on Lyonesse is all oakmoss and that biting grey musk. It's also a bit "perfumey". I'm not wild about it. I like the middle stage, but not enough to reach for it often.


    If you like The Raven, Lady Death: Savage, and Golden Priapus, you might want to give Lyonesse a try.

  7. Fresh lily, liberally dusted with the lab's snow note. I find bpal's "snow" goes a bit harsh on me, and often smells a bit like dryer sheets. I got this anyway because I love lilies so much! Unfortunately this seems to have lily and snow in equal amounts, so it does come off as a bit harsh to my nose. If you like the snow note, you'll be in heaven, though.


    Several hours after application the sugarcane comes out, light and very soft. It's very pretty. If this was just lily and sugarcane it would be perfect! Overall I really do like it, even with the snow.

  8. Wet this is all juniper, very sharp and bracing. As it dries it turns into a truly lovely vanilla. It's a bit dry and has incredible throw. Just a few drafts has gorgeous vanilla wafting all around me. Underlying the vanilla is just a hint of pine and what smells like freshly cut wood, which adds some freshness without ever smelling like pine-sol. The drydown is passingly similar to Dorian (I think the vanilla is the same) but with fresh woods instead of tea.


    I dislike the wet juniper stage, but love the drydown! lthough the pine smell can be a bit too sharp. I think I'll be keeping my imp, but will stick to Dorian for my slightly-masculine-vanilla needs. .

  9. Mmm, this is rich and dark and decadent! It smells like brown sugar and cinnamon and graham cracker. I don't get cheesecake or pumpkin, but that's fine by me. I was worried this would be too sweet, but it's not at all. It's rich and gourmand, but not sickly sweet at all. This lasts all day on me, without being obnoxiously strong. I'm a big fan!

  10. I'm such a noob, I wish I could help out on this thread, but I'm clueless.


    I would, however, take any recs anyone wants to offer, though :blush2:


    I freaked out for Morocco and Lyonesse both. Those 2 make me drool. Big bottles are already ordered.

    I also like - Dragon's Milk, Neutral and Scherezade.


    I'm wondering, would I like Haloes at all? (from what I understand, that one can only be found at retail locations? Not sure how I could make that happen.. There was one on the swap board that I noticed today but when I went back for it, it was gone. You snooze, you lose!)


    I generally like creamy, spicy, warm, I guess. I never thought I was a vanilla fan, but Morocco and Lyonesse really changed my mind.


    I have imps on the way of Dorian and Perversion, but obviously haven't smelled those yet.

    I'm also thinking about possibly, The Lion?

    And/or maybe Liz?


    If you like Lyonesse, you should try Lady Death: Savage. It's like a more complex, elegant version of Lyonesse.


    Since you like warm and spicy scents, you might like Bengal, and you should also definitely try Chimera. Chimera smells like cinnamon and creamy vanilla, I think it'd be right up your alley. And don't forget Snake Oil, if you haven't tried it yet!

  11. Hi, newb here! Hopefully I am posting in the right place. Does anyone have a suggestion for a violet scent similar to The Raven, without the black musk? I tried The Raven on right after my order arrived and it seemed perfect, with a whole lot of violet, but a week later I am getting a lot less violet and a ton of black musk. Sigh. I guess I understand why so many people wait a few days before trying their oils on.

    Right now I have Nocturne, Veil, Brusque Violet and Queen Gertrude on my list of imps to try.

    Thank for your help!


    I think out of your list, Brusque Violet is the most similar to the Raven. I found it a bit cooler (I think it might have a touch of mint?) but other than that they are very similar. Veil and Nocturne both seemed kind of pale and weak compared to the robust violet in the Raven. Unfortunately I don't have any recs to add, I've been searching for the perfect bpal violet and the Raven is the best I've found. I think you'll really like Brusque Violet, good luck!

  12. Something in this does not work on me at all- I think either the lilac musk or watermelon accord. It's kind of indescribable. A bitter/sour/plastic smell. If there's anything sweet or ethereal in here, it's completely masked by the nasty bullying note, whatever it is! Too bad.

  13. I love Death Cap so much. It's soft, sweet, and comforting. Earth and something that smells like marshmallow, or maybe a very light coconut. The more it dries, the more the earthy smell fades, and what's left is the sweetness. It ends up being a touch perfumey. Divine! I wish the Trading Post would make a soap or bath oil out of this, it would be so good!

  14. Warm amber and dark musk. Maybe a very faint touch of leather? Also a hint of sweet dried grass. This is a bit perfumey as well, but definitely unisex. It's kind of snuggly and comforting. I really like this, but it's just not something I'd wear. I'm glad I tried this, it's great!

  15. I was slightly apprehensive about this due to the "incense smoke", as incense tends to overwhelm on me. But this smells sweet, creamy, and light. It's not exactly orangey, but I think I can pick up a bit of sweet light orange. It's definitely a floral, but nothing I'm familiar with. It's slightly similar to lotus (I almost get a bit of a bubblegum association). It's very unusual, and a pleasant change from more typical floral perfumes.


    I'm not sure what gives it the creamy feeling. Another reviewer mentioned orange and white chocolate, and I think that's fairly apt. It doesn't last long on me, but is great while it lasts. I'll be keeping my imp for sure.

  16. This is gooey, sticky strawberry filling! Actually made my mouth water. Just like real strawberry filling, this is tooth-achingly sweet. As it dries the powdered-sugar and donuts smell starts to come in. It is incredibly realistic. I love this, but it is very sweet so if that's not your thing you might want to steer clear.

  17. This is more mature and grown-up than I was expecting! I thought it would be a little-girl scent of vanilla and sweet pea. It does have vanilla, but there's also a soft, comforting base of sandalwood. The amber adds a mature, warm element to the scent. I've never been an amber fan but it is really lovely here! The sweet-pea is not heavy at all, there's just a sweet floral edge to this. It's more of a sweet amber perfume than it is a vanilla floral. Quite nice!


    Edit: After aging my imp for a bit, the amber is very, very heavy in this. It always gave me a mature impression, but now I'd say without a doubt that this is a grown up, womanly, amber perfume. I'm not getting vanilla, just sweet amber with a very slight floral edge from the sweet pea. I like it, but it might be too heavy on the amber for me.

  18. Very soapy, unfortunately. I'm thinking it must be the leaves. If I really huff, I can pick up a touch of sweetness from the vanilla-infused cocoa, but overall this is just leafy soap. Beautiful soap, but not great as a perfume. This does seem to have a silky quality that is really lovely, though.

  19. Watermelon candy with a touch of smoke. Plus something that smells like cool air at dusk. Very different than what I was expecting, this smells so clearly of watermelon that I half expected to see it as a listed note! The smoke is very well-behaved here and adds a fuzzy, darker quality that makes this more mature and interesting than just a candy sweet scent. I quite like it, but won't need more than a decant.

  20. Very strong tobacco, layered with a mature, rich orange. This smells dark, and kind of... regal? I'm getting a very opulent, kingly association and I'm not sure why. Its darker than I expected, but simple and lovely. It started off pure tobacco but the orange showed up in short order. I'd say it's about 50/50 orange and tobacco. No hay to be seen, but I'm thinking age might help bring that out.

  21. A light, delicate fougere, with a hint of lime. There is also something vegetal, which I think is some element of the fougere and that I hope will disappear with some aging. The vegetal element burns off quickly and I'm left with lovely myrrh, with a green, bright edge from the limey fougere. I would never have put those notes together, but it works so well and is so alluring and different! I can pick up just a touch of sweetness as it dries, more from the myrrh than the vanilla I think. Very unusual. I'm definitely looking forward to trying this again in a few weeks once it has settled more. My overall impression is of a soft and refined scent, with both warmth and coolness to it.
