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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Heatherzilla

  1. I like this way more than I thought I would based on the reviews. I've been wearing this the last 2 days and it has been great in the summer heat. On me it's an earthy floral, but not an overpowering headache inducing one. It doesn't really smell like dragons blood, but it's got the same sort of earthy floral feeling to it. I'm not really a believer in voodoo, but I have definitely had an awesome few days while wearing this so maybe it's doing something.



    Edit: This definitely works for me. I have had great luck and felt amazing wearing this. I need a bottle.

  2. On me this unfortunately smells a bit chemical, kind of like acetone or rubbing alcohol with a hint of vanilla. I'm going to leave my imp to age and hopefully it'll turn into the deliciousness the reviews imply it should be.



    Retested a week later because damnit this stuff sounds like it should be good and lo and behold it works this time. I don't know if my skin was just being weird last time or what but this is delicious vanilla-y goodness now and there's no chemical smell at all.
