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Everything posted by gythja

  1. gythja


    This was a frimp, and I am so glad the labbies gave me this one!! I absolutely love it. It is a lovely, true rose that STAYS TRUE on me, which lots of rose scents don't--they usually end up smelling like slightly damp kleenex, and get washed off rather quickly This gorgeous rose is supported by resinous and sweet undertones that get stronger in the drydown. So, wet, it is very single-note rose to me, then the rose fades slightly after a while and becomes balanced with a sweet incense, and what lingers is more like incense, with rose undertones. What a lovely experience!
  2. gythja

    Dwarven Ale

    Serendipitous happiness! I tossed an imp of Dwarven Ale into my recent order just for the heck of it, and--oh frabjous day!--it turns out to, on me at least, to be a near-ringer for Gluttony!! (Which I am down to my last precious drops of). They both have the creamy, foody butterscotchy-ness with just a hint of sweet earth underneath, but Dwarven Ale has spice notes that are lacking in Gluttony, and Dwarven Ale lacks the bitter cocoa/coffee of Gluttony in the drydown. Still, it's the closest replacement I've found for a discontinued scent that I loved, and even better that it was totally unexpected Bottle time!! NB I get no ginger at all in Dwarven Ale, zip, zilch, zero. Quite a hit of cinnamon, tho', especially when it's wet.
  3. gythja


    Other, more experienced noses than mine have covered this one quite well, but I'd like to add that on me, this one goes sweet,sweet, SWEET!! Almost a cloying floral (the heliotrope, of course) yet it keeps some intriguing sharp under-tones and a base of nice musk to ground it, which remain once the heliotrope calms down. I do like it, and wear it, but cautiously. Chaotic *is* wonderful for a certain assertive mood, and is fun to play around with for layering, as long as I keep it away from the blends that also tend to go sweet on me--notably Dwarf, Elf and Evil. Combined with any of those, Chaotic becomes a painful nasal assault! I find that it does play nicely indeed with Orc, Mage, Rogue.
  4. gythja


    So, I didn't order Orc when I splurged on a bunch of RPG imps; who would want to smell like even the *concept* of Orc? But the Lab, in its infinite wisdom, decided I needed Orc as one of my frimps. I'm glad they did, just to prove that old saw about books and covers and all that... It took me a while to work up the 'nads to try Orc, but it was a very pleasant surprise. Wet, it is a very aggressive bitter-green with metal and harsh leather under it. It's totally in your face. Then, suddenly, it mellows into a lovely musk, with sweet green and leather notes. Quite gender-neutral (on me, anyway) and it plays VERY nicely with the more sweet "class" and "attribute" categories of the RPG line; I especially like it layered with Mage, Chaotic, or Evil.
  5. gythja


    Body chemistry is an amazing thing! Reading these other reviews is an eye-opener. On me, Dwarf starts out wet with a strong stone and metal, with something bright-green and floral-spicy under it. No leather at all, no soot, just really awesome stone, metal, spicy herbal. It's a strong throw when wet, more subtle when dry, and after an hour the whole thing is gone, except for a lovely warm, powdery-spicy floral that lingers close for many hours. However, when you layer Dwarf with some of the other RPG's (like they were designed to!!) something magic happens when you get the right combo! Thieve's Rosin, Lawful, Ranger, and Mage all combine with Dwarf (on me) to make a wonderful, unique, long-lasting, wrist-huffing experience. With the oils in the RPG line that tend to go sweet on me, like Chaotic, the result is pure Eau de Urinal Cake, and must be removed immediately. So, experiment!
  6. gythja

    Thieves' Rosin

    On it's own, this is an odd little scent; wet, on me it's pine rosin, straight out of your violin case, with bright green herby notes on top and something sweet and musky below. It's sharp. Then some spice emerges, and the pine fades away. On drydown, it becomes more and more a mellow, sweet amber, soft and spicy. Reminds me a little of The Lion. Not a huge throw on me, but a very long last, hours and hours. The best thing about Thieve's Rosin, however, is what it does to the other blends in the RPG series. Layered with Dwarf, it becomes...something spectacular. Seriously. I call it Thievin' Dwarf. Dwarf tends to go very sweet on me, and fades too soon. With the Thieve's Rosin layered over, Dwarf has MUCH more staying power, and the sharp resinous notes counter the sweetness of Dwarf, and the whole thing fades into a delicious amber/spice/wood that lasts forever Layered with Orc, Thieve's Rosin is another win. The blend is VERY sharp at first, but mellows to a beautiful resinous, musky leather, with bittergreen high notes, then a long drydown to glowing spicy leather. I can't wait to try this with other RPG scents! [Edit] Now I've tried this with Elf and Half-elf, and it's still full of win for me. With Elf, TR initially amps up the sweet piney-woods of Elf, but then morphs into a delicious, lingering vanilla note that I really like. Lasts all night! With Half-elf, TR jazzes up some spicy resins and wood while it's wet, but the drydown is a very masculine musk; very long-lasting, quite pleasant, but too butch for my taste; oh, well!