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BPAL Madness!

Anne M.69

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Status Updates posted by Anne M.69

  1. Is anyone here familiar with the billing policies of energy companies in NSW? Partner signed up with unnamed company at the end of June, usually there is a billing period of 3 months, but 2 weeks ago we got a disconnection notice saying the bill was overdue. I thought he had rung up and sorted it out. Fast forward to tonight when we get a call from them saying that nothing had happened. Apparently the bill came out in early August, which we never received, and she couldn't explain the billi...

  2. After all the recent terrible tragedies that have happened and are happening, this world needs as much kindness as it can get.....I'm participating in this Pay it Forward initiative: the first five people who comment on this status with "I'm in" will receive a surprise from me at some point during this calendar year- anything from a book, a ticket, something home-grown, homemade, a postcard, absolutely any surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I...

  3. FB tag game. In your status write a list of 10 books that have stayed with you. They don't have to be the 'right' books or great literature. Don't take more than a few minutes, or think too much about it. Tag 10 friends, including me, so I can see your list. Kate Woolard, MunRo Gorey, John Mulligan, Anna Hinsull, Anna Jacks, Annamarie Stanton, Victoria Setephano, Sophie Hinchliffe, Gemma Donaldson, Chris Dick, Jodi Manis.My list is:Snugglepot and Cuddlepie by May GibbsHedgerow Tales by...
