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Everything posted by Zii

  1. Zii

    Leather and Pepper

    I really want to hunt down both VILF and the Soldier now! Spanked is also something I'v been looking into, but it's kind of hard to find.
  2. Zii

    Floral Haters Gonna Hate

    I would try all of the rider scents, white, red and black. They are great leather scents! I also second Fenris Wolf. It's a great woody, rich smell. I'd also put Jolly roger on your list. To me, it's strongly cedar and a little bit of the salt air note and it's just wonderful. I'd also try Lightning. Many of Beth's ozone notes have a very sharp lemon component on them that I really like.
  3. APPLY SPARINGLY!! I hadn't noticed a bit had spilled on the bottle and it got all over me. It is SUPER strong and sharp as a result. it does settle down very quickly, but the first minute or so was a bit much. This is mostly vetiver and smoke on me. Despite leather not being a note, there is something leather about this, which is nice. Not really getting much blood, but there is a little tang of something that is metallic. This scent is frankly a bit overwhelming, and I think I'm going to take it off. I think if applied more lightly, this won't be terrible, but I think this is going into my 'test on the boy' pile rather than a keep for myself pile.
  4. Zii


    This is utterly yummy. it's the same deep leather that I love from Black rider, spiced with dark pepper. I'm not getting much of the flowers, but I can smell the warm spice of sandalwood under the really dirty leather. This may in fact be one of the first perfumes from BPAL that is a bit too manly on me. I think I'm going to try this on my boy and see if it's nicer on him. it's a super sexy scent but it's just a bit too intense right now. Perhaps a rest will bring out the flowers to temper it a little. I am still very happy to have an imp of this. --edit-- this is just getting nicer and nicer as it dries down. it is still very much the pepper and leather from the earlier stage, but there is a sweetness to it as the black note of the leather backs down. there is still no obvious floral presence, but it might be part of why this has sweetened so much as it dries.
  5. Am I glad I didn't end up buying a bottle of this blind or what. My chemistry does not agree with this at all.... First off, there is absolutely no tea in this. None. At least nothing that smells like any black tea I've ever brewed. As for the dragon's blood, it is by turn roses and licorice. It is missing all the complexity I love out of Dragon's Blood, and is cloyingly sweet and bitter all at once. Not even giving this a chance to dry down. I don't need the headache.
  6. Zii

    Scent for Halloween?

    I think Zombi might be my choice.
  7. Zii

    Scent for Halloween?

    Jack, and most BPAL pumpkin, is the most horrid smelling thing.
  8. Zii

    Scent for Halloween?

    Thanks so much! I was seriously considering Graveyard Dirt, but I felt that might be too easy.
  9. Zii

    Scent for Halloween?

    Mictecacihuatl is one I have, but it smells very sweet on me, and I was looking for a darker scent, though I'll consider it.
  10. Zii

    Scent for Halloween?

    So I'm going as a character I am fondly calling Elanor, inspired by Edgar Allen Poe. It's black feathers, a great gothic print dress and ghost make-up. I was wondering what of the following scents seemed to be most fitting. Graveyard Dirt Zombi Placophobia Samhain Achulophobia Haunted Houses 13 (september) Dead Dreams of Days Forsaken Door 13 Lurid Library Also, feel free to rec other things, but the list is all things I own, and as Halloween is tomorrow, I won't be able to aquire anything I don't already have.
  11. Zii

    The Chicken-Legged Hut

    Thatching and honey. This is exactly like dried grass and honey, with a faint layer of walnuts and cinnamon. Way too foody and sweet.
  12. Zii


    My skin eats this, which is awful because I love the way it smells. It's a faint but sharp resiny pine with the fun kick of juniper darkened by the musk, but it has zero throw on me and I have to huff to get any smell at all... Might buy another imp of this just to see if this was a batch issue, because when I do smell it, it's right up my alley.
  13. Zii


    This is all patchouli, vetiver and pine, plus a dash of lime. The almond was super strong at first, but died down quickly. Myrrh, which doesn't tend to agree with me, is showing it's head in the dry down, but it's playing second fiddle to the incenses I prefer that are in this blend. I miss the lime from the wet stage, but it's lingering around the edges quite nicely. It's a very warm rich scent.
  14. Zii

    Maison En Pain d’Épices

    This smells more like an actual loaf of gingerbread to me. It has a very rich caramel, probably the burnt spun sugar, and there is also a little something that's a bit creamy and candy like. As it dries, I'm getting more of the spice drops, which isn't awesome. In fact, the dry down is getting more and more candy like, which is a shame, because I loved the spicy gingerbread when it was wet. It's just too sweet for my taste, though it's not a bad scent.
  15. Zii

    The Gilman House Hotel

    Musky, decaying plants. That is exactly what this smells like. It's very, very green on me like I was hoping, but there is this wonderful complicated, almost ozoney thing hovering around the edges of this scent. It isn't super aquatic on me, but rather more of a marsh dirt scent, with the decaying grasses, mud and just hint of water. A winner for sure!
  16. Zii

    Door 13

    I was really worried because at first I got Downey drier sheets, but as soon as this went on my skin, it became a bright citrus ozone. It is very light, but is a sharp and heady light. It doesn't seem very floral to me, but I can see how some folks might think so. It has a metallic edge to it, like the way your hands smell after you've held pennies and is just a totally yummy, crisp scent.
  17. Zii

    Wild Dandelion

    OH. MY. GOD. Wild Dandelion SN is the most evocative single scent I have ever smelled. Not only is it spot on for the SN, but I am transported to wild fields during the summer trips to the islands in Maine. I am sitting here, a little melancholy, because this was the first summer I wasn't up there and this scent makes me miss those lazy summers.
  18. Zii

    As Above

    This is very strong with the bitter almond. It has almost a bakery feel about it, but that's quickly tempered by the patchouli and oak. The jasmine made me nervous, but it is amazing in concert with the almond and doesn't go to my head the way it often can. This is very sweet and dark all at once, and while it isn't something I'd wear all the time, it would be a great going out scent. The one let down is that there is no leather, though I think that might start to show as it dries because even in the short time I've been wearing it, the floral and almond have backed down so the patchouli and oak get to come out a little more. Maybe that warmth is the leather? Maybe? But at any rate, it's not as punchy as I was hoping. --edit-- The leather has arrived at the party and this is now stunning! It's leather and jasmine of all things and is super sexy and interesting!
  19. Zii

    Dead Dreams of Days Forsaken

    This is a patchouli orgasm for me. The almond is doing something amazing to this and what I assume is the patch and the frankincense are making this a heady and spicy incense that is just unexpectedly stunning.
  20. Zii


    Hello patchouli! Good thing we're friends because that's all I'm getting. There's a creaminess that must be the coconut or maybe benzoin, though I don't know that note well. This is just a wonderful spicy earthy patch on me.
  21. Zii


    A good sharp, home made butterscotch! As it dries, it gets sharper, but still retains the yummy candy scent to it. Not something I would wear enough to need more than an imp, but boy is this a good one!
  22. Zii

    Marquise de Merteuil

    Bitter florals... Something about all the dark notes makes this perfume smell sour to me, like cheap perfume after a night clubbing where the sweat mixes with the scent of flowers and patchouli. Not my thing at all... Also, there is peach in this? No peach at all to me.
  23. Zii


    On me this is a dupe for Graveyard Dirt, which is NOT a complaint! It's the spicy dirt note that I love, sweetened just a little by the rose.
  24. Zii

    John Barleycorn

    Honey, dried grass and alchohol. A lot less boozy than I was expecting, given how strong Beth's booze notes can be on me, but there's this cloying sweet note that reminds me of cheap honey bear. Passing on this one.
  25. Zii


    There's a strange sweetness about this that I'm not really digging. I was hoping for more incense, but it's just a powdery sweet head shop scent on me. Unremarkable and not my speed.