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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by IambicDearie

  1. IambicDearie

    To a Woman

    The patchouli slammed straight into me and didn't stop. I got a little of the cassis bud and and the rose otto, but for some reason it turned into something acrid and not-entirely-pleasant on my skin. This one's not for me, alas!
  2. IambicDearie

    Looking for foody fall scents!

    It's not particularly autumnal, but Halfling from the RPG collection is foody in the extreme. Smells like fresh baking and warmth and all those fun things!
  3. IambicDearie


    I get mostly hibiscus and lime and a lot of staying power. I used up my imp in about two weeks because I was wearing it as much as I could! It's perfect for hot summer days, very crisp and just tropical enough without seeming muggy or humid.
  4. IambicDearie

    Scents for dreaming

    I tried Baku and Somnus, both of which gave me some intensely detailed dreams. Nothing particularly good or bad, just more vivid than my usual fare. Baku lent itself more towards 'searching' dreams; the two nights I've used it thus far, I've dreamed of looking for something. Not a nightmare, but a little stressful to be classified as 'good'. Somnus came screaming out of left field and gave me an 'audition' dream. Not 'I'm auditioning and forgot my monologue' or 'I'm auditioning naked' or any of the common tropes, but simply a long, drawn out, true-to-life dream of auditioning for Comedy of Errors.
  5. IambicDearie

    The Best Mint Blends

    I agree regarding Humpback Whale, definitely. It's a warmer scent that remains ocean-y without becoming abrasive.
  6. IambicDearie

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    Does anybody have any thoughts on what scents they identify with OUAT (Once Upon a Time) characters? I mean, Poisoned Apple is a given for Regina, as is Jolly Roger for Hook and Rumple's even got one bearing his name (my personal favorite), but are there any others that people associate with them?
  7. IambicDearie

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Salve! Wow, you sound similar to me. I majored in Classics and I love the same books as you. Gonna have to echo others before me and say Athens and Yorick. I also feel like tobacco blends would suit you. I definitely recommend Wolf Spider (Tonka bean, patchouli, bourbon vanilla, Cuban tobacco, coconut, clary sage, galbanum, white musk, and chamomile). I think #occupywallstreet might work, too (This is a filthy friggin' patchouli, dark, deep, rooty, and strangely sexy, with cocoa absolute, tobacco absolute, and bourbon vanilla). Thanks so much! I'm not a huge tobacco person, but it's always worth a shot!
  8. IambicDearie

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    First may I say : hi & welcome, you sound seriously awesome :x As for recs, I'd definitely second Bonfire Night, and if you can track it down also St. John's Eve which is much gentler but has a real scent of old England about it, like being in a manor house kitchen at night after everyone has left with the fire just dying down. GC-wise, and in an entirely different vein, I find Athens is very much what I reach for when I'm having ancient Greek moments these days I've just got an imp of Ekhidna and although all the notes led me to believe it would be dark and nasty (in a good way), and it is, to me it smells of nothing so much as theatrical makeup - evil theatrical makeup :x & if you like Rumpelstilzchen you might also like Agnes Nutter for similar smoky goodness + bonus Pratchett reference<3 Also seconding what other people have said - Yorick, Black Annis and Voodoo would all be things I'd have recced as well (I have quite a lot of Potter-based possible suggestions but they're all more in the line of 'I've spent way too much time thinking about which house this perfume belongs in/who would wear what' than actual...useful...anything :x That said, if you can wear coffee scents (which I can't, so this one never worked on me, but others love it very much) I'm pretty sure Miskatonic University is a good place to start for Hogwarts :x) I hope you find something new to love! Funny thing, I'm off to Athens in a few days! Agnes Nutter and Ekhidna look right up my alley and I'll definitely have to check out the others, thanks so much!
  9. IambicDearie

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    I have a feeling I'd love Bonfire Night, thank you so much for the recs! I have an imp of To A Woman, but haven't touched it as of yet.
  10. IambicDearie

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    My boss is a playwright. I went in to visit with him yesterday and noticed a calendar hanging on the wall behind his head. "YORICK" in giant letters was the image of the month. I see BPAL everywhere I look. ...for the Shakespearean actress who's unafraid of oddity in a perfume... YORICK Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? Grave dirt, bone, decay, angel's trumpet, and moldering scraps of shroud: the essence of finality. Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet with Yorick as a skull. Thanks very much, I'll keep that in mind!
  11. IambicDearie

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    First post on the site, whee! Hello, everybody! This looks fascinating and I wanted to give it a shot. Okay, so: 20 years old, 5 foot 2, plain old brown hair and eyes, 122 lb. College sophomore, theatre major/classics minor. Lover of Old, Middle, and Early Modern English. Shakespearean actress. 8 years of Latin, 2 of Attic Greek and I can read both with some facility. Fan of Discworld, A Song of Ice and Fire, Potter, Tolkien, Hitchhiker's Guide, Homer, Beowulf, Chaucer, Marlowe, and Shakespeare above all else. Snarky as all hell, loyal to friends and family, passionate about learning and working hard, usually isolated but not by choice, quick to anger and slow to forgive. My absolute favorite BPAL scent is Rumpelstilzchen, which suits me to the point of being 'creepily fitting', according to a friend. In that same vein, if you want a good picture of my personality, think of a slightly toned-down version of Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold from Once Upon a Time. Minus the magic and murder. If anybody has recommendations, I'd be more than happy to hear them!