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Posts posted by elenore

  1. Huh. WHen I first put this on, I thought for sure it was not going to be a keeper. Despite the lemon cookies, there is a pungent scent that right away turned me off-is it leather, books, herbs? not sure...but I was feeling very sad and disappointed. I keep trying these library/book scents in the hopes that they will work on me. I decided to wait a bit longer though, and after it dried, I suddenly realized a nice soft smell was drifting up-slightly sweet, still a little sharp but mellowed, somewhat dusty. and I can smell the incense now. It's interesting, and a real morpher. I think I'll give it another chance.

  2. Note: i have never eaten Pfefferneuse, so I don't have any preconceptions for this one.

    It smells nutty and sweet. Like cookies with...almonds? The nuttiness is strong on me for most of the drydown. I can smell the spices-cinnamon, nutmeg-they're all nicely balanced and no one dominates.

    Later the nutty note kind of went away and I was left with a soft sugary cookie smell. I want to eat my hand.

  3. Before I put it on, this smells very strong and fruity-not sweet, but kind of boozy, citrusy, and spicy.

    On, I can smell a lot of fruit-I'm not familiar with these foods that are listed, but going by what others have said, I can see prunes, maybe plums, rice pudding-maybe, but this isn't very sweet. I can see mead-that must be the boozy part. It's citrusy ,but maybe like a pomander ball with spices stuck in it. I think there might be a whiff of smoke keeping things balanced, but I wouldn't call it a smoky scent.

    Dry, it is a pleasant spicy fruit. I would try this again for sure.

  4. Whoa! In the bottle this one is so strong and boozy-sweet! It reminds me of something I can't put my finger on, which is driving me crazy. The goats-milk makes it more tangy and strong than a regular milk note. So I put it on. It's sweet and smooth, spicy and latte-like. Yum. Then my skin eats it. OH SKINNN!!! WHYYYY?? Why must you always EAT the foodies?

    Anyway. So I might have to slather it on. On days when I want to smell like a boozy eggnog latte.

  5. Wow. Before I put it on, this is very sharp, dark pine. Like a damp pine forest. Something dank and dark is definitely lurking.

    On, I get strong pine. I worry for a second that it will be like Pine-sol.

    But! Here comes the clove, warming it up and twisting it around. Wow! For a bit it smells cologne-y. This might be a good man's scent (for men who want to smell manly.) It's definitely not sweet.

    On drydown, it smells like a clove ciggy. For reals. But still not too sweet.

    I like it. I'm not sure how often I will wear it, but I like it. I would especially like it on someone else, I think...(someone I am kissing lots) :P

  6. This is a very pulpy apple. It's like walking through an orchard with overripe smushed apples fallen on the ground. Maybe there are some nuts around too. But mostly I get the fresh, strong apple scent. I like cider-y apple scents more than fresh ones, so I think I'll swap this one.

  7. First impression: smells like a cross between Punkie Night and Fearful Pleasure. Apple-y.

    On: At first, very Punkie Night. fresh apples. but with something else lurking n the background.

    On drydown, that starts to come forward. it's a tanginess, is how I would describe it. Like hard cider!

    Later, a soft sweet note comes up. It's definitely not sharp as it was, the tang of the apple has become more like apple pie. no longer fresh but baked and oozing with yummy spicy sugary stuff. mmm.

    I was afraid of the milk note but it's subtle. just creamy and sweet.

    I likes it!!

  8. This is really just what the description says. Cherry brandy. Soo yummy I want to eat my wrist. I was afraid that it would be like cough syrup, but it's not sticky sweet. Must be the brandy (how does Beth make a brandy scent, anyway?? ah, mysterious alchemy.) Unfortunately, it does fade fairly quickly on me, as these foody scents usually seem to.

  9. Definitely clove. Strong, slightly bitter clove, yes like the smell not of the clove ciggy smoke but the ciggy itself. Too dirty and dusky to be a foody clove. On drydown the mahogany peeks out a bit giving it a nice wood note, just mellows it out a tad. I feel like I get a little tobacco in there too-just a bit. I don't smell patchouli at all.

    I might wear this once in a while, like if I ever go to a goth club again :thud:

  10. I just swapped for a decant of this and while initially it was a very nice warm, cedar-y and slightly sweet pumpkin, i noticed a few hours later that I had a weird baby powder scent on my wrist. d'oh! It must be the honey...I don't want to give up on this one though, am considering trying to layer it with something to cover up the honey? (I'm hopeless)

  11. omg this is amazing. On me it starts out like a spicy Pu-Erh tea. Then cedarwood starts to amp up and it starts to smell a little like a cedar sauna. By drydown it's a cedar bonfire. love!

    It faded a bit but I will have no problem slathering this one on!

  12. When I got this, I think I tried it and then neglected to make a note of how it worked/was hoping it might change with age, or something. So now I'm trying it again, several months aged.


    In imp: soapy pine.


    On, wet: still smelling strong pine, but it's mellowed by florals...still smells kinda soapy on me. I'm not getting much eucalyptus.


    drydown: getting more and more floral on me.it's hard to describe what kind of floral-i don't usually do well with florals. it's kind of sharp and soapy.


    Dry: it faded a lot. slight hint of peppery soap.


    off to the swap pile with this.

  13. This is definitely a cider scent on me-apple but not overly sweet-rich and spicy. As time goes on I get something that reminds me of warm candle wax. Strange as that sounds, I find it very cozy. It perfectly evokes apples baking, cider simmering, and a warm fire. I definitely am keeping this one.

  14. Okay, so the '08 Hexannacht didn't work on me, so I as lucky enough to snag a sample of this one, 'cause I've heard how it's really different.


    First on: I smell the incense and a sort of boozy smell reminiscent of wine notes. Perhaps this is the skin?

    drydown: hmm. it's getting a little-not floral exactly, but must be the herbs-green, pungent. I think I smell the fir drifting around in there. the incense wafts in and out. I'm holding out for the bonfire smoke...

    15 mins: it's getting spicy. and a bit woodsy. mmm. oh no. it's fading away!

    it's faded to a light, spicy woodsy scent. I'm going to try it again in the hopes that I can make it last longer by applying more, maybe.

    I didn't really get the perfect wood smoke smell though. Am a bit disappointed.

  15. Yay! Got this as a frimp with my recent Lab order!


    On, wet: Super sweet fruit.


    Drydown: Candied fruit. Sticky and sweet.


    Dry: Candied fruit.


    20 mins later: oh, where did it go?


    It's probably too sweet for me...but I'm going to hang on to it for a bit (denial!) and see if it's any different at another time of month, or something...

  16. At first, this was fruity and sweet on me...but with an undertone of booze that came to the forefront in the drydown. It kept morphing pleasantly between something sweet and light and something more intoxicating until I felt like I was sitting on a terrace somewhere in another country (don't know why but it seems more romantic), in the summertime, enjoying a Sangria or something. Then as it dried it got a little...greener? Dirtier? Rough around the edges (it's nighttime now on a summer's night and we're prowling the clubs in an unknown city.)


    I like it.

  17. I am surprised at how different the 07 formulation is. I had a decant of the 05 and it was too sticky sweet on me-I had taken to layering it with Saw Scaled Viper (which on me is all cinnamon.) The 07 version is much more spicy, dark, and molasses-y. Warm and very much like fresh gingerbread out of the oven. It smells really really good on me. Hooray! long-lasting, too.

  18. I honestly haven't had much luck with the snow scents, so when I was frimped this I just assumed I'd be passing it on to my best friend along with her Snow Maiden, Snow Storm etc. that I got her for xmas. But I figured I'd try it on anyway. It surprised me. At first I smelled the fir and birch, and something almost peppery-like white pepper, in fact. After a while it started to warm up and the florals came through, but very faintly, which is good because usually I can't do florals.

    It seemed for a while there it was flirting the fine line into soap-y territory, but it never actually crossed over.

    Unfortunately, it disappeared after about 20 minutes. Hmmm. I might keep this and try again...

  19. A sultry and unruly blend that emulates the ambient scent of the markets in ancient Bengal: skin musk with honey, peppers, clove, cinnamon bark and ginger.

    I don't think I've reviewed this yet. Funny, it was in my very first imp order...and I've been coming back to it a lot lately and thinking it may be one of my very favorite scents. There is something so spicy and sexy about it. It's cinnamon, but not just cinnamon-there's a lot of other things going on here too, and spices...kinda like chai, yeah, a little bit creamy...the honey does something very nice on my skin. I don't think it's a very "foody" scent, despite the chai reference...there's something a bit more incense-y about it, it doesn't make me want to gobble my arm but it makes me feel very mysterious and worldly. I guess that's appropriate since it's in Wanderlust. This scent makes me feel like places I've never even been to.

    ETA the scent description.

  20. OMG...I really wanted this to work on me...It was one of my Holy Grail scents...I finally managed to get my hands on some...and...

    Delicious, cake soaked through with berry syrup but not too sweet, light and fluffy like a scone or buttercream...oh my...cake and berries and then...oh no! What is that weird smell...anise! Dismay...the anise amps up and then it swallows the cake and oh no...anise bad on me. :P

    I'm going to hang on to it and (desperately) give it one more try...but that's how it is sometimes...you covet a scent so much and then it disappoints! But there is so much fun in the anticipation...

  21. This is wonderful! I somehow missed it when I first ordered my Halloweenies, then read the reviews and d'oh! What was I thinking! Managed to get a decant in a swap. I love it! It starts out sweet pear...kind of makes me think of a fizzy drink for some reason. A pear soda? Is there such a thing? The sweetness is nicely tempered by the juciness and something else I can't put my finger on...Then later it becomes sort of powdery, but not in the usual bad way...it's sort of a dark, creepy smell with sweetness around the edges...almost a little boozy maybe? Like a pear gone deliciously wrong...

  22. O-M-G this is SO GOOD. :P


    At first I smelled light sugary...oranges? there was just a touch of something fruity. Just the slightest touch.

    Then...I got a little coconutty.

    Then...it smelled JUST LIKE MARSHMALLOWS!

    and it still does!


    wow, if I wear this with Boomslang maybe I will smell like a S'more!!
