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Everything posted by elenore

  1. elenore

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    In bottle: mmm! Candied cherries! On, wet: Sugary and very candy like-but not too sweet; there's a tangy fruitiness that comes out more as I sniff. Starts to remind me of...Skittles! Drydown: a weird buttery scent came out for a while-is that the cream? kind of a dusty, nutty note I associated with the buttery-ness of some pumpkin scents that don't work on me...I thought uh-oh...but then it mellowed...became more like cherry vanilla ice cream perhaps? Dry: about 10 mins later: Very fruity. I'm surprised at how fruity this is. I hardly get any vanilla or cream. that's ok though. About 2 hours later: It's become a nice light fruity blend, still faintly there on my wrist. I like it. Good summer scent.
  2. elenore

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    bottle: i smell the mint but also a rich buttery smell that is different from lick it again. it smells like peppermint frosting. on: oh ,wow! minty like LIA but with that richness and creaminess. yummy! definitely vanilla here. drydown: getting a stronger mint.starting to smell more like breath mints dry, hour later: it gets a sort of woody smell-kind of the way the Tombstone smells on me. weird. a woody vanilla. not a bad thing, but if it ends up smelling like Tombstone, I kind of feel like, well what's the point? i wish it stayed with the frosting...
  3. elenore

    Thirteen (13): April 2007

    mmm! This smells really good. It smells like cocoa and orange. Like those chocolate oranges people get at xmas? Or an orange Milano cookie. (Only not that sweet.) As it dries on me the cocoa and spices come more to the forefront and the orange recedes a bit. Dry, the cocoa fades and leaves a hint of spices and orange. I love it. A keeper.
  4. elenore

    Monster Bait: Closet

    When I got this I was a little overexcited, having not recieved any imps in a while, so I barely smelled it in the bottle before putting it on. Instantly got a sweet whiff of cake. Held wrist over SO's nose exclaiming, "Smell this! It smells like CAKE!" He smelled cherries. I put it back to my nose and sure enough, there was fruitiness starting to come up under the cake! After a minute it smelled like cake with the gloopy frosting and fruit in the middle. YUM! OMG I LOVE this! Drydown it gets a little fruitier and the sweetness calms down, it gets a little more tarty. Some vanilla comes out. Yumyumyum! I'm such a sucker for the foody scents, particularly if they smell like dessert...
  5. elenore

    Pumpkin Patch III (2005, 2006)

    Pumpkin and pomegranate. ETA: I meant to say, this is the '05 formulation. Spring cleaning the BPAL stash; realized I hadn't tested this one out yet, so figured I ought to. in bottle: warm pumpkin. I tried it before I went to look up the review, so I couldn't remember which note it was supposed to be. On, wet: uh oh. Getting that nutty pumpkin smell that I got from Jack (which made me sick.) However, I've since learned with the pumpkin scents to ride it out a little and see what happens. drydown: sure enough, the overwhelming nuttiness is calming down. it's getting sweeter. still pumpkin. i smell something warm and spicy like cocoa-at this point i went to the reviews to see what it was supposed to be. oh. pomegranate? I guess the warm sweet thing I was smelling was the pumpkin. dry, 5 mins later: I am smelling the tartness now a bit, but unfortunately this one is fading fast, and I'm rapidly not smelling much of anything...just a faint sweet scent. Maybe I'll give this one more shot, and try really lathering it on...
  6. elenore


    In the bottle-cedar and something sweet. On, wet: bubblegum? with cedar in the background? hmmm. I like the vanilla but I'm not sure about the cedar. Hmm. It's very cedar-y. I don't know if cedar works on me. Drydown: now the sassafrass is coming out, and it's smelling a bit like rootbeer! (rootbeer bubblegum?) Still a very woody note though. I keep sniffing... Dry: faint rootbeer, cedar retreats a bit. hmmmm. This is a very interesting scent. I can't decide if I really like it. I mean I do like it but I'm not sure if I want to smell like it. Maybe I'll try it again.
  7. elenore


    In the bottle: spiced orange tea. on: at first i get mostly the satsuma and cherry blossom. then it gets a little more spicy. cardamom and tea come to the front. cardamom! mmmmm! smell cinnamon lurking in the background. it gets a bit stronger as it dries but never overpowering. I love the tea smell. Love it!! As it dries, it almost smells a little like chai. but not too strong. Soo glad I got some of this!
  8. elenore

    Pumpkin Patch I (2005, 2006)

    First on: Apples and...uh oh, there's that weird nutty/buttery pumpkin note I've gotten in every pumpkin scent. Maybe it will go away (it does with Pumpkin Queen and PP4!) Drydown: still nutty...oh dear...and the cider smells soo good! go away, nuts, you make me ill! Few minutes later: Hooray! It went away. All that's left is yummy apple cider and spice. Very warm, with almost a pumpkin pie smell underneath. Yay! Keeper.
  9. elenore


    In the bottle and first on, this smelled like coconut, sweet and creamy. The shea butter came out once I put it on, making it smell a bit like suntan lotion. Then on the drydown the water started to come through. It's fresh water but I swear I smell something almost salty (just a little!) and sandy (that's my interpretation.) Dry, it's well-rounded, with the coconut, shea, and water all balanced, no one dominating. I put my wrist up to the SO's nose to sniff, and he said "It smells like the beach." Sure enough, it does! Beth is an amazing alchemist; how did she get the smell of a summer beach in a bottle??
  10. elenore


    In bottle: Pine, sharp, green. First on: Sharp, definitely a green piney smell. Wondering if this may be a room scent for me... Drydown:Begins to warm up...now it's getting spicier...I think some of that cider-y smell is poking through. Now I can smell the berries, and it's still very spicy and rich, with a bit of woodsy pine lurking in the background. Very intriguing. Dry: I really like the spicy smell-almost cinnamon, but with some other stuff thrown in...wilder and woodsier. And definitely a berry smell, but not bright berries like summer. Definitely a winter berry. There's something it reminds me of that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's mulling spices. Yum.
  11. elenore


    In the bottle: cinnamon, paired with something spicy and alluring. Mysterious. On, wet: Cinnamon candy! yum! Drydown: Still smells like sweet cinnamon. I love it. After about 10-15 mins, a touch of incense starts to get stronger and stronger. It's starting to remind me of the cinnamon "incense matchbooks" I used to pick up from the head shop as a teenager. (Sounds hippie, I know, but the cinnamon was my fave because it was the least incensey-smell.) Dry: the incense smell fades a bit. The cinnamon is holding strong. The sweet is rounded out well by the spicy. Throw: good. Stronger than most of the other scents I've tried so far. Final verdict (for now): Cinnamon-sugar-incense. I love it. My new fave. Oh, and I held out my wrist for my SO to sniff, and his response was to try to chomp on my wrist (he's been doing that a lot lately, with all the foody scents I'm trying)
  12. elenore

    Jacob's Ladder

    In bottle: very orange, but with a strong perfumey scent that reminds me of samples you get in magazines. (that's not good.) wet: hmm. It might be calming down a little. drydown: still very perfumey. getting sharp-is that benzoin? (I don't know what that is) dry-getting warmer, but still too strong. Unfortunately, there's something in there my nose just does not like. It's too perfume-y. Off to the swaps.
  13. elenore


    Wow, I love this!! It's spicy and sweet. At first reminded me of cake, and I couldn't stop sniffing my wrist. Then it started to get more mysterious and the wine came out...grape-y and spicy...very sexy!
  14. elenore

    Lick It Again

    Oo, my very first review! In the bottle it's very strong peppermint. Very sharp. It's like that when it first goes on too ,but then the sugar pops up right away. I smell like a candy cane! Yummy! Joyfully sniffing my wrist for the first hour or so...got more sugary but the mint was still there. Then forgot about it for a while, went to sniff again in another hour or so and it was very vanilla, not much mint anymore, but still nice. Unfortunately it faded quite a bit after that. I love this one, but it does fade fast on me!