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Posts posted by ACVail24

  1. Frimp Test


    To me, this smells like the lavendar honey cheesecake of Beaver Moon of 2011, minus the lavendar.

    it's got the same honey note, delicate & sweet, mixed with something slightly creamy & a touch of something slightly musky & sweet too.


    If I ever run out of Beaver Moon 2011, I am replacing it with this :D

  2. Tested a Frimp


    In the Imp:

    fresh green lillies - nothing else


    On my Skin, Wet:

    A burst of greenery with a touch of white lillies

    It's a very pretty light & fresh type of greenery.


    On my Skin, Dry:

    Almost only the fresh greenery.

    Mostly disappeared too.


    Over Time:


  3. Hmm, I really thought I had already reviewed this one....




    This smells like vanilla SN to me for several hours.

    After it's been worn for more than 4 hours, I can make the distinction between the amber & musk - but the effect is very soft & gentle.

    This is very comforting.

  4. Pink Moon smells a lot like White Chocolate and Strawberry with some floral notes. Out of the bottle and on my skin the white chocolate note is most prominent. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of chocolate scents :'( Sorry Pink Moon!


    I get the same impression from this Pink Moon, except that I do like chocolate scents :D

  5. There are so many notes that just shouldn't work in this blend.

    Yet, once it's on for at least 2 minutes, it is a very warm & comforting scent, that is also somehow clean & clear.

    Usually almonds give me a headache when they turn sharp & cloying, but they behave themselves in this blend for me.

    I really like this one, and just got a full bottle from the Lab.

  6. Pink Lace


    In the Bottle:

    Sugary, Watery Strawberry


    On my Skin, Wet:

    Simple Syrup Strawberries with a Splash of Vanilla & Heavy Cream


    On my Skin, Dry:

    Boozy Strawberry Sugar & Vanilla Cream



    I was actually looking forward to a stronger booze note, but this really is lovely regardless.

    It reminds me of the 2007 Beaver Moon with a splash of booze, paired with a delicate vanilla iced sugar cookie.

    I really like it!

  7. In February, black bears give birth to their cubs, nurturing and protecting them as the snow melts, the days grow warmer, and winter gives way to spring. Hazelnuts, acorns, black cherries, wild winter berries, and warm black fur dusted by moonlight, honey, and pine needles.

    In the Bottle:
    Berrylicious Honey

    On my Skin, Wet:
    Honey, Pine, Nuts & the sweetness of the berries, but no actual fruit

    On my Skin, Dry:
    Honeyed Berries with whiffs of nuts & woods

    This is very warm & comforting.
    the throw is surprisingly strong for such a delicate scent
    excellent job Beth!

    Red musk, carnation, myrrh, and honey.

    In the Bottle:
    Myrrh & red musk - with a touch of carnations.

    On my Skin, Wet:
    The Myrrh blossoms with a center of red musk.
    There is also a prominent honey note in this stage...like carnation infused honey.

    On my Skin, Dry:
    A very nice balance of red musk & Myrrh.
    The carnation infused honey adds a touch of flirtyness to this sensual blend

    this is a lovely blend indeed.
    very well balanced and with just the right amount of youthful girly-ness to an otherwise womanly scent.

  9. In the Bottle:

    Heavy use of BPAL's 'snow' note

    It actually smells more like a Yule blend than a Luper blend.

    To me, this smells like 2010's Winter-Time mixed with Nuclear Winter


    On my Skin, Wet:

    Still heavy snow and a very slight touch of pink blossoms


    On my Skin, Dry:

    Snow & Sandalwood




    very different for Spring!

    A very unique scent that embodies the transition from one season to the next.

  10. Water Dragon 2012


    In the Bottle:



    On My Skin, Wet:

    VERY STRONG ORANGE - there's very little else going on, sadly.


    On My Skin, Dry:

    Still predominantly orange, but there is a touch of coconut and sandalwood.

    It looses it's overall potency quickly, and the orange fades back somewhat, but yep - still a mostly orange scent on me.



    I was looking forward to this being a peony with coconut & citrus scent, but it's almost exclusively citrus.

    4 of 10 ranking


    (though I absolutely love the label art)

  11. Body, Remember


    In the Bottle:

    This smells like a Red Lantern bottle


    On my Skin, Wet:

    A blast of coconut with a creamy undertone, and something sweet.


    On my Skin, Dry:

    Dark Coconut, Musk & Sugared Cream




    It's indeed very sensual without being heavy or overpowering

    It's an "up-close" scent that balances foody with sexy

  12. Paladin

    Frimp Test

    Of the RPG scents, this one was the one that seemed like the best match for my skin.

    After wearing it for a little while, I have to say that it just turned to a leather-esque version of potpourri.

    Sadly, I'm not diggin it :(

  13. The Phoenix At Midnight


    In the Bottle:

    Cool musky florals.

    it gives me a slightly watery impression as well.


    On My Skin, Wet:

    Water, Jasmine & clean musk.

    this is a very pure scent on me... very distinct ingredients and they play with my chemistry very well.


    On My Skin, Dry:

    Jasmine & clean musk - with some residual water notes.

    I'm not sure how to describe the water notes I'm getting....maybe very delicate wet greenery?


    I know! it's reminiscent of the Lab's White Tea note!

    so really it smells like jasmine, clean musk and a cup of delicate white tea :D



    This is my favorite Phoenix of this year's offerings so far (still need to try Phoenix at Dawn)

    it's very clean with a beautiful touch of of jasmine and I absolutely love the water/white tea notes that manifest.

    it's a very soothing and romantic blend.

    great job Beth & Labbies!

  14. Ondurdis


    In the Bottle:

    Crisp Cold/Snow


    On my Skin, Wet:

    Crisp Clean Snow, A Clear Wind & a Touch of 'Minerals'


    On my Skin, Dry:

    Crisp Snow & Wind, a Hint of Pine....and still a touch of 'Minerals'



    Lovely scent...

    It's very wintery but subtle.

  15. The Phoenix at Dusk


    In the Bottle:

    Smells very similar to one of the metal phoenix blends from a couple of years ago...maybe the Quicksilver Phoenix bottle.


    On my Skin, Wet:

    a very brilliant burst of bright floral and dripping wet fruits - to me it seems like I'm looking at the setting sun through a slice of a peach after a rainstorm while standing amongst wildflowers.

    It smells like peaches, gardenias & water in this stage.


    On my Skin, Dry:

    A powdery element appears - this has got to be the wisteria (it always turns to powder on me)

    so it's now wet peaches, powder and a faint background of wildflowers.

    There is also just a hint of sage too - this lends a cool, crisp feeling to the scent.



    This is lovely - and quite summery!

    I love that this has such a strong layer of wet peaches on me.

    and the touch of sage is just delightful.

    This is a gorgeous Phoenix!

  16. Leather Phoenix


    I'm going to do my best at actually identifying notes, hence the list:

    matcha tea, wild frankincense, champaca, petitgrain, star anise, aged oudh, rose taifi, narcissus, Himalayan cedar, 11-year aged patchouli, and black leather accord.


    In the Bottle:

    Old leather & stinky, thick patchouli.

    I don't detect anything else in this stage, just old & dirty.


    On my Skin, Wet:

    A blast of the leather & patchouli.

    after a minute or so, the leather & patchouli die down, and I start to pick up the cedar note.

    I am also picking up on the champaca & star anise, only faintly.


    On my Skin, Dry:

    I think the leather & cedar notes have done some kind of merger - it's a peculiar smell that is definitely NOT floral in nature.

    the star anise is still there, just barely detectable.

    the patchouli note comes & goes....I would rather that it left & stayed gone, as this is the version of patchouli that I really dislike.

    I don't smell any of the following notes right now: Matcha Tea, Wild Frankincense, Petitgrain, Rose Taifi, or Narcissus.



    OK, after a couple of hours more, I am getting hints of the tea & the florals.

    this is turning more interesting, but I'm still not really sure that the tea & florals will overtake the leather, patchouli & cedar.

    I guess time will tell....



    I was really hoping that Leather Phoenix would have a nice feminine & masculine balance.

    The patchouli isn't quite "in your face" but I would describe it as prominent.

    Black leather is the hard, slick variety, and is probably the biggest reason that the patchouli can't just completely overpower everything else.

    Cedar amps on me like crazy, so that's why I get such a distinct cedar note.

    and really, that's pretty much my experience on this one.

    I would love for other, softer notes to make an appearance in the future.


    Sadly Leather Phoenix disappoints me, but I still think that it was very lovely of Beth & her Labbies to create something so special for us to enjoy.

    Thank you Beth for sharing your creation with us!
