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Posts posted by ACVail24

  1. My bottle of Apple Pie HG, to me, smelled VERY strongly of cinnamon....I got very little apple and even less 'pie crust'

    I was really hoping that this one would be heavy on the apple, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with warm cinnamon.

  2. Black amber and jasmine tea with 7-year aged vanilla bourbon absolute.


    This one turned out pretty flat for me.

    All I smell is a very dark booze - nothing romantic about it.

    I was hoping to get a floral tea with resiny vanilla undertones. Sadly this did not happen.

    It also has almost no staying power for me, after 20 minutes I can not detect it anymore.

  3. Hmmm....

    This is the Hair Gloss version of Peach Moon on me.

    Not much in common with Peach Moon as far as listed notes go, but really, that's the only thing that comes to mind when I smell this gloss.

    So Cubeb is some kind of pepper, but this gloss has zero peppery traces for me. It was the only note that worried me. Clearly unfounded fears.


    Since I love Peach Moon so much, and this gloss might as well be made of Peach Moon, its a definite WIN.

    Probably going to get a backup of this one before Lupers disappear in April.

    love love love!




    Rose Red gloss is like walking into a gloriously healthy rose garden after a rainshower.

    The rose is true and elegant.

    The greenery is fresh and vibrant.

    The 'dew' is soft and refreshing.

    This is a fabulous accomplishment by the Lab & Post!

    If you can release this every Yule, that would be phenomenal!

  5. Winter Lily & Sugar Cane


    This is a surprise winner for me!

    The lily is subtle, the snow - just the right amount of 'coolness', and the sugar cane just makes this scent glow.


    It's a perfectly sophisticated scent, and very subdued.

    Perfect for a 'stuffy' office setting or if you just want a soft, delicate scent.

    absolutely lovely!

  6. Frosty Silkybat


    I did not try the original Silkybat HG, so there is no point of comparison.


    This is a gorgeous wintery scent!

    It's soft and mellow but noticeable.

    If patchouli isn't your thing (it's certainly not mine ^_^*) you can still try this and love it.

    I think the snowy notes and vanilla give a perfect balance to the patchouli, and it probably helps significantly that the patchouli is 'sugared'


    Excellent work BPTP & BPAL!!!

  7. Boo Hair Gloss is AMAZING!

    It's a glorious sweet - but not too sweet! - vanilla with just the teeniest touch of linen.

    It lingers all day without being overpowering or subtle, just perfect!


    I thought I would be safe from backup purchases this Halloweenie - but Boo HG is seriously making me reconsider

  8. Patchouli, aquilaria aguillocha, and Manuka honey.


    Oh my, being first is gonna be tough >_<

    I have the original release of the Tricky bath oil, and love it!
    The bath oil is quite strong to me so it's used sparingly, though.


    I detect more honey than patchouli in this hair gloss, and the throw is more subtle and lingering.
    The aquilaria aguillocha apparently is some kind of Agarwood or Oud (according to my limited Google-fu). Normally I find Oud overpowering and avoid it, but not here!
    The gloss itself still does wonderous things for my mane - and I am BEYOND THRILLED that the throw is more subtle than the Bath Oil, because it means that I can wear it at my conservative workplace without worry!

    Great job Puddin' and the Labby Goblins!

  9. Devil's Night 2011


    This one is quite bold.

    it's definitely boozy and sugary.

    I do get a blast of musk when I first apply it, but this fades into a super sugary shot of whiskey (or, it smells whiskey like to me anyway)


    it's actually quite nice and definitely brings to mind a mischievious October night.

  10. Honeyed camellia and bergamot with sweet honeysuckle and sugared columbine.

    This is a very subtle fragrance, and just dances in the hair with very soft kisses of delicate florals, honey and a faint touch of earthiness.
    It's absolutely lovely, and is reminiscent of a butterfly garden in summer.
    Thank you Beth & Puddin' for such a lovely product!
    I'll be wearing this a lot!

  11. I was hoping that this would smell more like the candy 'marshmallow pumpkin' moreso than a marshmallow and a pumpkin - sitting side by side.

    For my nose, this is nearly all raw pumpkin and nearly zero fluffy sugary goodness that i would expect from a Marshmallow.

    Sadly, this one does not really work for me as a "soak for hours" bath oil.

    It does work better as a soft additive to body lotion - literally 2 drops in a quarter sized amount of lotion.

  12. Pink Phoenix


    I've had this scent since 2005 but I don't seem to have ever reviewed it....


    This blend is definitely silly and pink.

    it's a perfect sugared pear and strawberry scent - just lovely!

    it's also quite sweet, which is probably the honeycomb.


    I love this one so much that I bought plenty of backups recently :D

    now I can wear my original more often :D
