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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ACVail24

  1. ACVail24

    Halloween: New Orleans

    This one smells like sweet olives and air to me - it's very light and actually makes me think of summer
  2. ACVail24

    Peony Moon 2013

    Peony Moon 2013: I got married wearing the original release of Peony Moon, so all future releases will have some level of immediate love from me. In the Bottle: Sandalwood and florals, but the sandalwood is light & crisp, not heavy and thick. On my Skin, Wet: Dry, soft sandalwood and slightly sweet pink florals - I don't pull a distinct species out. There is a very slight fruity-ness to this stage, but it's really subtle. On my Skin, Dry: Still fairly sandalwood dominant, but it's still a light, crisp version. I still get some pink florals, but I still can't pick out a particular variety. The fruity-ness fades away, leaving a very airy memory of plums. Verdict: A very different version of my beloved wedding scent, but definitely in the same class of beauty. This one is just drier and not as lush as the original. Still a very appropriate spring scent.
  3. ACVail24


    I get a perfumey peach and jasmine from this blend. The jasmine seems 'green' though - I'm not familiar with a green smelling jasmine, but I will admit that my experience with jasmine is rather limited. It's a very nice spring scent.
  4. ACVail24

    Crow Moon

    This one is a little odd - it's definitely a half winter/half spring spring scent. it's very well blended, and not one note sticks out in particular. I do get trace whiffs of patchouli though - but it's an earthy & gentle patchouli, not a loud & dirty one. As i'm wearing this, I really like the fact that it's a half & half sort of scent. it's unusual but I like it for that reason.
  5. ACVail24

    BPAL for fancy, elegant and formal occasions

    Congrats on your upcoming nuptials! I wore a Lunacy for my wedding month (Peony Moon for a March wedding) I felt it was both appropriate and I *loved* how it smelled, that's a win-win My husband isn't big on wearing scents himself, but he is reminded of our wedding day whenever I wear Peony Moon now. Maybe there's a scent out there that you can 'designate' as YOUR wedding day scent? Congrats again! Many wishes for a long, happy marriage
  6. ACVail24

    The Vine

    The Vine In the Bottle: Pears in a bed of heavily sugared cream On my Skin, Wet: A blast of not-yet-ripe pears, along with a touch of cream and dark honey On my Skin, Dry: Equal parts not-yet-ripe pears, sweet cream, and dark honey - but it's as if it's only the impression of these notes, rather than a cornucopia of scents. it's the memory of the scent, as it were. Verdict: It's a soft, fresh scent for Spring not overly girly, though I have a hard time picturing a man wearing this. Lovely.
  7. ACVail24


    In the Imp: Strong spices & a thick, stinky musk On my Skin, Wet: A blast of sweaty red musk On my Skin, Dry: The sweaty musk dissipates, to reveal a nice red musk cast, with notes of spicy, slightly peppery cinnamon underneath. Verdict: Pretty once dry, but rather assaulting on the senses in the first application.
  8. ACVail24

    Alice's Evidence

    LOL all I get is cinnamon with a faint spicy carnation undertone. not a fan of this.
  9. ACVail24

    Scents for battles in life

    Witchblade for when I have something difficult to deal with Sara Pezzini just tends to make me confident overall Penumbra tends to unleash my strategic plot-making side O_O
  10. ACVail24

    Sweet lemony floral?

    If you can find it, try the Shunga blend "TEA" - Darjeeling tea, lemon verbena, star anise, and honeycomb. it's a sweet lemon tea scent, which you can probably layer with a light floral scent.
  11. ACVail24

    Against Idleness and Mischief

    Frimp Test To me, this smells like the lavendar honey cheesecake of Beaver Moon of 2011, minus the lavendar. it's got the same honey note, delicate & sweet, mixed with something slightly creamy & a touch of something slightly musky & sweet too. If I ever run out of Beaver Moon 2011, I am replacing it with this
  12. ACVail24

    The Queen of Hearts

    Tested a Frimp In the Imp: fresh green lillies - nothing else On my Skin, Wet: A burst of greenery with a touch of white lillies It's a very pretty light & fresh type of greenery. On my Skin, Dry: Almost only the fresh greenery. Mostly disappeared too. Over Time: Gone
  13. ACVail24


    To me, this was wet, fresh cut grasses with touches of white florals on the drydown. It was surprisingly strong, too.
  14. ACVail24


    Hmm, I really thought I had already reviewed this one.... HAUNTED This smells like vanilla SN to me for several hours. After it's been worn for more than 4 hours, I can make the distinction between the amber & musk - but the effect is very soft & gentle. This is very comforting.
  15. ACVail24

    Strawberry Moon 2012

    This is so good! I get juicy, sweet strawberries paired with a very small hint of fresh greenery and a soothing, creamy note that just reminds me of strawberry mouse. if all the previous Strawberry Moons were like this, I totally missed out
  16. ACVail24

    Pink Moon 2012

    I get the same impression from this Pink Moon, except that I do like chocolate scents
  17. ACVail24

    Dragon Moon 2012

    This is a very soft blend - I usually amp cedar, but this is a gentle woodsy, resiny floral. it's very delicate and mellow.
  18. ACVail24


    This is a lovely white petal aquatic. It's gentle and soft, with the aquatic aspect being more like fresh cool water rather than the usual slightly tangy,salty aquatic. I really like this, despite it's quick fade.
  19. ACVail24


    There are so many notes that just shouldn't work in this blend. Yet, once it's on for at least 2 minutes, it is a very warm & comforting scent, that is also somehow clean & clear. Usually almonds give me a headache when they turn sharp & cloying, but they behave themselves in this blend for me. I really like this one, and just got a full bottle from the Lab.
  20. ACVail24

    The Reaper and the Flowers

    This is generic soapy florals. Not a fan.
  21. ACVail24

    Pink Lace

    Pink Lace In the Bottle: Sugary, Watery Strawberry On my Skin, Wet: Simple Syrup Strawberries with a Splash of Vanilla & Heavy Cream On my Skin, Dry: Boozy Strawberry Sugar & Vanilla Cream Verdict: I was actually looking forward to a stronger booze note, but this really is lovely regardless. It reminds me of the 2007 Beaver Moon with a splash of booze, paired with a delicate vanilla iced sugar cookie. I really like it!
  22. ACVail24

    Blackbear Moon

    In February, black bears give birth to their cubs, nurturing and protecting them as the snow melts, the days grow warmer, and winter gives way to spring. Hazelnuts, acorns, black cherries, wild winter berries, and warm black fur dusted by moonlight, honey, and pine needles. In the Bottle: Berrylicious Honey On my Skin, Wet: Honey, Pine, Nuts & the sweetness of the berries, but no actual fruit On my Skin, Dry: Honeyed Berries with whiffs of nuts & woods Verdict: This is very warm & comforting. the throw is surprisingly strong for such a delicate scent excellent job Beth!
  23. ACVail24

    Reindeer Poop

    Frimp! Yes, as others have said - chocolate, pine & spices/spiced coffee. I can see where the molasses association comes from....but my chemistry keeps the pine hanging out too strongly to venture into the 'foody' classification.
  24. ACVail24

    Before the Snowy Window

    In the Bottle: Heavy use of BPAL's 'snow' note It actually smells more like a Yule blend than a Luper blend. To me, this smells like 2010's Winter-Time mixed with Nuclear Winter On my Skin, Wet: Still heavy snow and a very slight touch of pink blossoms On my Skin, Dry: Snow & Sandalwood (WTF?) Verdict: very different for Spring! A very unique scent that embodies the transition from one season to the next.
  25. ACVail24

    Water Dragon

    Water Dragon 2012 In the Bottle: VERY ORANGE On My Skin, Wet: VERY STRONG ORANGE - there's very little else going on, sadly. On My Skin, Dry: Still predominantly orange, but there is a touch of coconut and sandalwood. It looses it's overall potency quickly, and the orange fades back somewhat, but yep - still a mostly orange scent on me. Verdict: I was looking forward to this being a peony with coconut & citrus scent, but it's almost exclusively citrus. 4 of 10 ranking (though I absolutely love the label art)