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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Valtiel

  1. How are you? This forum confuses me!!!!! @.@

  2. Thank you! I'll be sure to let you know! Trust me on that one @.@

  3. Oh! Okay, I get it now, thank you!

  4. Exactly what is a decant circle again....? X.X

  5. Same, plus Samahain/Winter Nights costume x.x Oh, and bills! It's great lol

  6. HIIIIIII Ze Poisoned one told me that you're friendly and I could say hello... So Hi!

  7. Hope the move went smoothly hun! *hugs*

  8. No need to worry about it! Long drive? Hours? Eeeek x.x It's like when I moved from MA to VT or even, Bremerhaven to Amerika @.@

  9. Being new too huh? It's fun, and a very addicting habbit it seems Q.Q I wish you luck on your ventures!

  10. Hello! Welcome to the asylum...The lunatics have taken over!

  11. Thank you so much! It arrived @.@ And they all smell so yummy. You must tell me what you'd want! Imma send you something too!

  12. Hallo, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize v.v I just fail!

  13. How be you be dear? O.O

  14. HIIIIIIIIII! *waves* Not signing into FB and getting distracted, gonna watch Coraline soon. No mail Q.Q

  15. Yup O,O Free day off! Snow storm <3 hehe You?

  16. Is the messenger thingy working? Also, hiiiii!
