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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Valtiel

  1. Is the messenger thingy working? Also, hiiiii!

  2. Yup O,O Free day off! Snow storm <3 hehe You?

  3. HIIIIIIIIII! *waves* Not signing into FB and getting distracted, gonna watch Coraline soon. No mail Q.Q

  4. How be you be dear? O.O

  5. Hallo, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize v.v I just fail!

  6. Thank you so much! It arrived @.@ And they all smell so yummy. You must tell me what you'd want! Imma send you something too!

  7. Hello! Welcome to the asylum...The lunatics have taken over!

  8. Being new too huh? It's fun, and a very addicting habbit it seems Q.Q I wish you luck on your ventures!

  9. No need to worry about it! Long drive? Hours? Eeeek x.x It's like when I moved from MA to VT or even, Bremerhaven to Amerika @.@

  10. Hope the move went smoothly hun! *hugs*

  11. HIIIIIII Ze Poisoned one told me that you're friendly and I could say hello... So Hi!

  12. Same, plus Samahain/Winter Nights costume x.x Oh, and bills! It's great lol

  13. Oh! Okay, I get it now, thank you!

  14. Exactly what is a decant circle again....? X.X

  15. Thank you! I'll be sure to let you know! Trust me on that one @.@

  16. How are you? This forum confuses me!!!!! @.@
