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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Mimsical

  1. Hi! I'm sorry I can't give any recommendations because I haven't tried a single BPAL scent yet, and I'm really new to scents in general, but this looks like a very interesting place to start. Would someone mind giving my personality a shot? =)


    I'm a 22 year old half Asian, half caucasian female with very long and straight dark hair. My mixed heritage is really evident by my eyes. I wear skirts and dresses whenever I can since they're so comfortable and easy to move in. I usually wear a little eye liner and the same simple pieces of silver jewelry every day. My friends consider me to be kind of cutesy.


    I'm currently attending university to study physiology and developmental biology, but immunology and ecotoxicology are also subjects I love. I'd like to say that I'm smart and hardworking, as I place a lot of importance on those qualities.


    I am intensely shy, introverted, and self-critical. I am terrible at lying and arguing, and I generally avoid conflict like the plague unless I am extremely close to the person in question. Once I finally make a friend, I can get really big sister-ish/motherly.

    Strangely, I do not have nearly as much of a problem with shyness when it comes to romance and academics. In these matters, I know what I want, and I go for it. I'm not afraid to be the one to ask for a romantic relationship.


    I have a very dry sense of humour. I knew that I had found my soul mate when I tried telling her all of my dead baby jokes, and she already knew all the punch lines.


    I love imagery of moons, ice, snow, and water, possibly because I'm such a night owl, and I have been a figure skater and casual swimmer, for most of my life. Things I have too much of are nail polish, stuffed toys, and fountain pens. My favourite animal and pet of choice is the rabbit, and my favourite colour is purple. I also love to bake and sing in choirs.


    I can't really give examples of perfumes I already like, but I can say that no smell is nearly as comforting to me as swimming pool chlorine. I wouldn't want to wear it as a perfume or anything, though. =P
