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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by littlefoot76

  1. Mmm. Out of the bottle, this one's like a warm fuzzy blanket on a rainy night. The sweet pea and tonka give a nice, comforting sweetness. The sage keeps it fresh, but the musk makes it warm.


    Wet on my skin it reminds me a bit of an perfume from the 1940s. It's complex and feminine. I think the sage and tonka drop back a little bit and the musky floral takes center stage. This is a perfect scent for a lovely dinner at a quiet, romantic, candle lit restaurant. :D


    I'll post the dry effect in a couple of hours.


    ETA On dry down, Aevel becomes less sweet, I think, and less floral. Interestingly enough, I kept thinking, "What smells like Philosophy's Amazing Grace?" I then sniffed my wrist and thought, "Oh, it's me!" I don't really think it smells like that, now that I realize it, but for some reason, that's the connection that my brain made. :P

    I think the sage is the strongest note on dry down. It's really quite yummy!

  2. Alright, let's start with the smell straight from the bottle. I imagine a jack-o-lantern waking up the day after Halloween. He's been out all night at an outdoor party in the middle of a pine forest. The remains of a large bonfire are smoldering a few feet away. Mr. O'Lantern is foggy. He's starting to hit peak ripeness, having been carved a few days earlier. The patchouli incense that had been burning in his empty shell is out (because, no cool pumpkin burns candles, anymore, don't ya know :P ), but the fragrance lingers. He gets up and stumbles home for a shower, but not before taking in all of the heady aromas.


    Wet on my skin:

    Whoa, there's an almost immediate rush of...not pine, but close. The pumpkin almost immediately departs and I get herbaly, woody notes, with a hint of sharpness. It's almost as if Mr. O'Lantern has taken a shower and is now breaking out the pine oil to start cleaning up the place. The morning dew is evaporating off the ivy and giving off wafts of tartness. The bonfire's totally out by now and the smokiness has pretty much dissipated.


    Dry on my skin:

    To be added shortly

    ETA - Okay, this one dried to the smell of dry leaves. Maybe there was a tinge of sweetness? Like a leaf pile being burnt? Sadly, it faded a little quicker on me than other BPAL blends.


    All in all, I find it a lovely scent with food ingrediants that ends up being not at all "foody". It's darker & heavier than I expected, but in a good way. I quite like this scent.

  3. In the bottle, this scent has a very sweet rose scent. It's almost as if someone had dipped rose petals in sugar and placed them on a plate in front of me. I almost get a hint of spice, too. Just a teensy hint, though.


    Wet on my skin, it's as if someone took those rose petals and crushed them. I can almost feel the smooth, bruised skin of the petal. The rose stands out even more on my skin, but there's still a hint of sweetness to it.


    Sadly, this one doesn't last as long on me as others. That's not to say it doesn't last a while, though. :P


    I would definitely recommend this to any rose lovers, as well as those who find heavy rose scents to be overpowering. The sweetness really does lift this scent up and make it much more clean and airy than a traditional rose scent.

  4. Alright, this is my first attempt at a review. Spellbound was the first BPAL fragrance with which I fell utterly in love. :P I love the smell of roses, and that smell just jumps out at you at first whiff. Straight out of the bottle it smells like roses on a hot, humid summer night. The musk and amber add just the right touch to make this fragrance complex and not just a simple floral.

    On my skin the musk & amber come much more to the forefront. The smell gets darker (in a good way :D ) and more mysterious. I'll update as the day progresses and the scent changes.


    ETA: After a little over an hour, the amber and musk are still prominent on my skin. I did put a drop onto a piece of paper for side by side comparisons, and the paper has much more rose to it. It's a spicy rose, but definitely primarly rose. On my skin, the rose is fading to near nonexistance.
