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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by aiobhan

  1. Oooh Titania and Fae sound lovely! So do Glasgow and Bathsheba for darker scents. It's not like I already bought 5 bottles in the last month or anything. Maybe in November I'll make a strictly GC and imps order.
  2. Thanks for the recs!! I'll have to go read all the reviews on these guys. I actually did try Morocco, and didn't like it at all. It got weirdly saccharine, which I think was because of one of the spices, since it happened with Snake Oil too. A lot of these sound lovely. I'll be pretty busy researching them when I get home tonight.
  3. So I generally DETEST floral perfumes. So far the only BPALs I've tried with any hint of a flower was Prunella (which gave me a migraine) and Peach VIII from D*C this year, which just ended up smelling like weird jasmine old lady couch cushions (sad!) - otherwise, I haven't tried anything with a floral scent. I did take a small sniff of Against Idleness and Mischief and the honey/chamomile put me off enough to not skin test it. That said, if anyone can do a floral that I would like, it's Beth and her minions. I'm not adverse to jasmine or rose, but they generally amp on my skin and I can only smell those notes. Otherwise I love warm, soft, cozy scents! Are there any floral BPALs out there that would be a good place to start for someone who generally dislikes them? Your recommendations are so appreciated and I love you guys.
  4. aiobhan


    Initially, it's sugary and vanilla and there's an almost medicinal scent to it. After it warms up it gets more smoky, the sugar dies down a bit, and the vanilla darkens. Now that it's been a few hours I can barely smell it at all - just a touch of vanilla.
  5. aiobhan

    The Butterfly

    It really is fuzzy and warm and brown. It smells of mostly amber and bergamot when wet, but warms to a gentle soft, smooth, warm sweetness with just a hint of bergamot. I can definitely smell the tonka more as it warms, which is lovely.
  6. I also have a bottle of Decadence for sale! I've seen it around
  7. aiobhan

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Clearly I need to get my hands on Samhain. Well! Better start saving now. Weenies are going to kill me.
  8. aiobhan


    In Bottle: Weird - like tart cherry liquor or something. Definitely spices and buttercream, too. Wet on skin: Immediately calming down to a very tart orange-spice smell, with some strong buttercream. Not much almond or pumpkin yet. Dry, after about an hour: Okay, so I smell like almond cake with orange-spice buttercream frosting. Oh mah gah. After like 8 hours (or all day): I STILL smell like orange spice, but there's a really soft, smooth pumpkin in the background, and the almond and cream are rounding it off nicely. I smell like autumnal baked goods! I LOVE THIS. This is amazing.
  9. aiobhan

    Mother Shub's Squamous Sea Salt Caramel Cookies

    In Bottle: Buttery, caramelly cookies. Very reminiscent of Butter Rum Cookie. Wet on skin: Definitely caramel cookies, and the salt is there. Also a gentle aquatic note! Dried, after an hour or so: Gorgeous baked cookies - dark caramel and very buttery. Love. I came home after wearing this for 8 hours and my husband just kept exclaiming how good I smelled. I can still clearly smell the caramel note, even after this long. I LOVE IT. But I only have a half-bottle!
  10. aiobhan


    In Bottle: Sweet, light black tea, a little cream, some light florals On Skin: Still creamy, a little sweet, and some black tea. Florals are slowly fading and musks are appearing (which is consistent with my skin chemistry). Something a little lemony, too. After about an hour: Sugared black tea and fresh, soft florals. I love this.
  11. aiobhan

    Detestable Putrescence

    In bottle: Buttery, warm vanilla - a little fake smelling. Wet on skin: Still super buttery, but it's starting to smell less like fake vanilla and more like buttercream frosting. Dry, after about an hour: Definitely more mellow and creamy. Still a little butter, but mostly just cream and vanilla. Final thoughts: I will probably layer this scent with others to sweeten them up, or maybe use a little bit of it in my unscented hair products to get them a light fragrance. It's pretty, but not something I'll wear a lot of on its own.
  12. aiobhan

    Peach VIII

    Bottle: Peaches, cream, and definitely jasmine. Maybe a whiff of frankincense? On skin: More peaches! It's basically peaches and jasmine at this point. I hope the jasmine calms down a lot and the peach, cream, and frankincense comes out more once it warms up. Dry, after about an hour: The jasmine has calmed down considerably - it was so strong for a while that I was tempted to wash it off. Thankfully, now I smell like peaches, a little cream, a little jasmine. Still no frankincense, really. After a few hours: Tart, ripe peaches, a whiff of jasmine, and a slight creaminess. I can finally smell a little frankincense and vanilla orchid, too! It's mellowed out a lot, but is decently strong, and I expect it will last a long while. Final thoughts: It starts off pretty strong, but be patient, because it warms nicely. Very fruity and floral, but light and fresh. The cream balances it out well. Unfortunately, my skin just isn't a fan of this jasmine accord, and it's being amped over the lovely peaches and cream smell. I'll have to send this off to someone whose skin likes jasmine! If you're a fan of fresh, sweet fruits and light florals, give this one a try! It's really very lovely. Like fresh cut peaches, cream, and a vase full of jasmine flowers.
  13. aiobhan


    In the Bottle: It smells like oat cakes - a little sweet, a little buttery, but lots of wheat/oat. Wet on Skin: Pretty much the same as in the bottle, but I can definitely smell more honey, and the milk is making it very creamy. Dry, after about an hour: The wine and honey have come out more, but the oats are still very strong. Overall, it's a kind-of-sweet, wheaty, grainy smell. Not foody, exactly. I like this scent - it's very warm and comforting. It's a very accessible oats and honey scent that's not overpoweringly cookie-like or sweet. I'd recommend this for someone who's interested in trying a foody scent, but not a fan of super sweet.
  14. aiobhan

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    The Harvesters is AMAZING and reminds me a lot of early fall. Sweet and warm! I love it!! I can't wait to try Autumn Cider next
  15. aiobhan

    The Harvesters

    In Bottle: Wine, pears, and a touch of oatmeal. Wet on Skin: Oatmeal cookies and jam! That must be the pears/wine. Dry: Still oatmeal cookies, but the pear is coming out nicely and lending a crisp, soft note. The wine has mellowed out and is giving it a little dark, syrupy note right under everything. It is a gentle scent - not very strong - but very pretty. Foody, but not overwhelmingly sweet or buttery. I'm actually really surprised how much I love this.
  16. aiobhan

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    Firstly, "ch" sounds like "chutzpah" or the end of "loch". Almost a hard "k" but swallowed a little to soften it. K-noh-k (slur these sounds together) ee-chohs-ga-ihr (slur that end bit too).
  17. aiobhan

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Okay I have some Autumn Cider coming to me. I am so ready. I also have Ooky in transit! I have decided my new goal is to get Pumpkin Latte, though. That is the whole of my October to-do list, right there.
  18. aiobhan

    Against Idleness and Mischief

    Wet - Whoa, honey and tonka. I smell like clover honey. Dry - Okay, I can definitely smell the chammomile and a more sweet herbal note which I assume is the hyssop. It is still very honey, though, and the tonka is making it super sweet. It's just walking the line of syrupy and saccharine and TOO sweet, though. After an hour - Definitely more herbs are appearing now, and the honey is calming down a little. It is still quite sweet though. On the upside, it's sweet like a cup of honeyed herbal tea. On the downside - I don't like the honey accord this time around. Let it be said that I adore sweet fragrances. Eat Me is one of my ultimate favorites. That said, I fall more into the sugary/creamy/buttery/baked goods side of sweet, and less on the thick/syrupy/honeys-or-berries side of sweet.
  19. aiobhan

    Time's Infliction of Eternity

    Bottle/Wet: Dragon's Blood! Musky, pungent, warm, sweet. Love it. Drying: The dragon's blood always warms up very sweet and spicy on my skin, so I'm loving that, but the maltiness and sweet-dried-tea scent is starting to come through. After an hour: Musky, sweet, and the perfect balance of black tea leaves and dragon's blood. I love this.
  20. aiobhan

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Creepy sounds DELICIOUS. I definitely need to give Velvet, Jack and Theme in Yellow a try. I saw the Pumpkin Patches from last year and I was sad I missed them! If I can't get my hands on any pumpkin-y goodness this year I'll definitely go back and give Alice in the Pumpkin Patch/Dorian in the Pumpkin Patch a try. I'm so ready for autumn. I wish it wold just come already.
  21. aiobhan


    Bottle: HELLO PERU BASALM HOW ARE YOU TODAY Wet, applied: Okay the peru basalm is quieting down and I can smell the patchouli and black tea coming through. Hopefully the bergamot and vanilla warm up soon! After an hour: Oh this is warming up so beautifully. The super resiny notes are starting to quiet down and turn just a little smoky. I can smell the bergamot and dark vanilla coming through, too. It's starting to get just a touch sweeter, darker, and warmer. Overall thoughts: I really like this! I wish it was a little warmer and sweeter, though - maybe I'll layer it with a scent that's got a heavy vanilla base and see what I can do. Either way, it's a very lovely dark, smoky, warm scent, like if tea leave were smoked and then brewed, before anything gets added to it.
  22. aiobhan

    Bite Me

    In bottle: ... Is that cherry cough syrup? Weird. But I do smell something buttery. Wet on skin: Still REALLY strongly kind of almondy/berry and sharp. Not super pleasing. It's starting to mellow a little bit, though. After an hour: Apparently my skin just hates almond accords, because the same thing happened to Louve by Serge Lutens - the almond gets really sharp and berry-like. THAT SAID, it's mellowed out enough that I can smell the caramel and pastry notes behind the almond. Hopefully after a few hours it's balanced out. Worn all day: A wee bit of caramel, some sharp almond, and... not much else, actually. I wish it was more caramel! Oh well.
  23. aiobhan


    Wet: Bright, ripe plums, a little cream, and something weirdly grassy in the background Drydown: Slightly more plummy and rich, but here come the wildflowers and it totally smells like Dawn dish soap. After an hour: All wildflowers. No plum. No cream. Wildflower-scented soap and not the good kind. It gave me a headache and made me kind of nauseous, so I washed it off. Boo It had such potential!
  24. aiobhan

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Thanks for the recommendations, guys. I'm already browsing the sale posts and eBay!
  25. aiobhan

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    I don't mind waiting! I have missed out on the Weenies since like... 2006. So there's a lot of stuff I haven't had the chance to smell!