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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by starcr

  1. starcr


    In the bottle, this is a medium-weight floral. I think it’s the ylang ylang that’s really standing out to me, mostly, though I could be mistaken. It reminds me of something, but I can’t say what. It makes me think of childhood family reunions, although this isn’t a scent I’d expect my family to have around, so I’m not sure why. Enigmatic is right. When I put it on… It pretty much smelled the same. Although for some reason that mystery, what it reminded me of, wasn’t so present. Which is odd, because I didn’t think the scent had changed that much. I’m not smelling anything I recognize as sandalwood, despite its being in the description, and that sort of disappoints me. I had been looking forward to a sandalwood/floral combo. In the end, though, I found I liked it pretty well despite it not being what I’d hoped for. I could see wearing this on a regular basis when I want to feel girly.
  2. starcr

    French Love

    In the bottle, this was a complex sort of scent. It started off fairly generically floral, but then as I drew the bottle away from me I got a faint hint of cherry cough syrup. I could never smell this while I had the scent close to my nose, just as it moved away. The floral neither excited me nor put me off, but the cherry cough syrup note didn't seem like something I really wanted hanging around me. Nonetheless, I decided I did need to try it just like everything else. So try it I did. On me, it was... meh. It was kind of generically floral. I don't dislike it, but it doesn't reach out and grab me either. I didn't notice the cherry cough syrup smell, at least. It seemed to stick around relatively well, maybe 4-6 hours or so.
  3. starcr

    Rose Cross

    In the bottle, really perfumey and strong. But the rose comes out from around behind the smell, kind of, almost after I've put the bottle away. It's not even the after-smell, it's kind of... the scent's ghost, or something. What sticks around after the perfume is gone. On me, it turns quite rosy. The scent I noticed as the "perfume's ghost" is pretty much what it smells like at first on me. It's roses, but not super-floral rose; there's a kind of earthiness or smokiness about it. It took me a while to nail down what it reminded me of, and then I was embarrassed because it was so obvious. It reminds me of rose incense, before burning. Duh. Makes sense for a scent that's supposed to be frankincense and rose, no? After a bit, the rose gradually faded into the background and the frankincense came out stronger. It stuck around for quite a while; I put it on as I was getting dressed in the morning (around 6:15) and was still getting whiffs of frankincense well into the afternoon. I like this one, but don't know if it's one I want to wear a lot. I could see using it to scent a room, or bath salts, or something like that, though. That might be really nice. If the "ghost" scent could be coaxed out, but that might be done simply by using it sparingly; I suspect the strength and perfuminess has a lot to do with having a lot of it all in one place.
  4. starcr


    In the bottle, fairly fruity. Smells more like cherry fruit than cherry blossom. On me, at first it almost smelled like Sweet Tarts! But after a bit it calmed down and turned into much more what I'd expect from a cherry blossom scent. Mild. I liked the way it smelled when I went outside, the combination of the oil's scent and the scent of wet earth and cold rain. Unfortunately, somehow when I reapplied in the evening it just smelled like candy for the rest of the night. Not sure how that happened. Also, it didn't seem to last quite as long as some other scents have. I'm not raving over this one and don't care much about getting a full bottle, but it's still pretty good.
  5. starcr


    In the imp, Delphi surprised me a little. There is more honey and less incense, laurel and bay than I'd expected. It wasn't different in a way that made me dislike it right off the bat, but I wasn't sure if I would like it or not. When I put it on, I decided that I really liked it. The honey was still dominant, but it was toned down a little, the scent more balanced overall. (Never did catch the incense part of the smell, though.) I could really get used to wearing this one. The very small amount I used seemed to stay pretty constant from getting dressed in the morning until about lunchtime (six hours?) and then sort of faded in and out for a few more hours after that. This is my first BPAL experience and I was definitely not disappointed! The more I smelled it, the more I loved it. I want a full 5mL bottle of this one. (Here's hoping the rest turn out as well!)