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Posts posted by hackess

  1. Ironically, this was the one autumn environment scent I DIDN'T think I'd like -- I thought DoA and October were more up my alley, and neither of those is staying in my stash.


    Bonfire Night, though, is my perfect fire scent. The treacle is REALLY strong in the imp, but fades pretty quickly once applied. It's a sweetly smoky blend, slightly nutty like cranberry said, and there's an earthiness just under the smoke. It's the lingering smell of bonfire on your clothes and skin, without the acrid scent of ash and ember. I was afraid of amping the a) alcohol from the beer, or :P the hops of the beer, but instead I get a very rich note, like caramel malt or a the finish of a nice dopplebock.

  2. Very sweet pumpkin! As it dries, it's got almost a sugar-like feel to it; like Smarties candies? I don't know if that's the pear or the white grape taking center stage, but there's no jasmine in this at all on my skin -- and that's good. Delicious! Very soft, fades within two hours.

  3. Regarding Saw Scaled Viper....


    :P I really wanted this one to work. But it burned and turned me red, and the actual scent was too much! As in, it burned my nose, even. I never thought I'd encounter something that was too spicy or cinnamony for me, but there it is. I'm bummed.


    But here's my dilemma. I'm trying to figure out precisely which of the notes did this to me, or if it was maybe the combination of cinnamon, red ginger and cassia put together. If anyone else has had a similar reaction to SSV, what did you think it was? I've never had a problem with cinnamon, I'm pretty sure this was my first encounter with cassia, and ginger is always good to me - although I don't know that I've ever tried anything with RED ginger before. I've sampled lots of BPAL oils and never had a bad reaction.



    Anything with red ginger (incl. Pumpkin Queen and, very briefly, Pumpkin V), or any ginger really (Shub), gives my neck a temporary burning sensation about 5 minutes after applying. HOWEVER...so does Snake Oil, and there's no ginger or cinnamon/cassia in that one, as far as I know. So, yes, Saw-Scaled Viper leaves a mark, but so does Green Tree Viper. It's very temporary, only affects my neck (e.g., it doesn't burn my wrists), and I love the scents, so I'm not inclined to part with them. If you're really in love with SSV, maybe a scent locket, or apply it to your hair and over your clothing instead?


    If you want to try some other blends with cassia to see if that's the culprit, there's Tanin'iver, The Dodo, Morocco, Kali, Plunder, All Saints', Red Phoenix, MB: Underbed, and a Salon, The Death of Sardanapal. Scents with red ginger listed: War, Chrysanthemum Moon, Pumpkin Queen, Pumpkin V, and Trick #1.

  4. Death of Autumn straightaway from the imp smells like burned resins -- deep and dark and smoky. Once applied, it's...oh, hey, burning leaves! A little dirt! Some nice sexy musk. That's not so ba....OH NOES! A little goth kid fell into the fire and he was carrying an entire CASE of handrolled clove cigarettes!! THE HUMANITY!!!


    You see where I'm going with this?


    DoA began as a nice fall scent, reminiscent of walking through the last of the falling leaves on a chilly wet day. Then, WHOOSH. Heavy, heavy clove. Acrid. Not so much the warm conflagrant feel of a bonfire, but more the hissing embers recently doused and throwing bitter smoke that burns your eyes and throat.


    As far as descriptions go, oh, it's right on. This is all about autumn's last throes. And that poor kid. What will the babybats smoke now that all the cloves are gone?!?

  5. Initial impression - a very smooth lemon. It's a clean scent, and doesn't feel dark to me at all. It's similar to Delousing Powder only in that it has a citrusy edge to it: where Delousing Powder was caustic and powdery, Murder of Crows is like a sheet of lemon glass. I agree with cuervosueno; this is not what I was expecting from crows.

  6. I never thought I'd like a pumpkin caramel chocolate blend...but omg. On me, caramel usually turns to burnt sugar, cream turns to rancid butter, and all the BPAL chocolate scents turn to dusty stale cheap hot chocolate mix. Pumpkin III, however, somehow smells like hazelnut (almost typed "hazelbut") coffee on me. Later, when it's dry, I get a very creamy light pomegranate - sweet and juicy but hardly overwhelming. III might fight off Pumpkin V as my favorite of the Plunder this year!

  7. I have an older spreadsheet than the one being discussed on this page (doesn't have the Stardust/Good Omens update, etc.), and the thing I like about it is that the name of each oil is a link to its review thread. Does anyone have an updated version of that? Sorry for being so demanding, I know it must be hard enough to keep the thing updated at all without adding all the review threads. :P


    I plan to add them back in as I can. I tend to update the spreadsheet right after the updates are released, so there's a gap between then and when the reviews are available.


    You do an awesome job! Thanks for all of the updates. I updated the TAL section (and then posted it on the LJ Sin and Salvation community since the forum was down), but here you go if you want it handy:



    I wasn't trying to steal your thunder, I just got OCD about organizing my TALs one night when I couldn't seem to fall asleep. :D


    None are linked to the reviews, since it drives me nuts as I'm apt to inadvertently touch pad onto them and open a browser tab. Yes, I'm special like that.


    Oh, SWEET. I'll add your TAL edits to my master copy; that was the one section whose accuracy I wasn't sure about. Thanks! :D




    Edit: Updated with Beaver Moon, and includes LupaWolf's TAL fixes! I'm adding a column for the review URLs; those of us who dislike inadvertently clicking them can either remove the column entirely if desired, and those who enjoy having the review URLs easily accessible will have them. Hopefully I'll get those up by next major update. $deity help me if I'll have to find and paste in more than the 1215 reviews already in existence...

  8. I have an older spreadsheet than the one being discussed on this page (doesn't have the Stardust/Good Omens update, etc.), and the thing I like about it is that the name of each oil is a link to its review thread. Does anyone have an updated version of that? Sorry for being so demanding, I know it must be hard enough to keep the thing updated at all without adding all the review threads. :P


    I plan to add them back in as I can. I tend to update the spreadsheet right after the updates are released, so there's a gap between then and when the reviews are available.

  9. Cardinal air: the essence of balance.
    Rose, black cherry, carnation, fig, honey, plum, and black currant.

    First? Yike. :P

    Bottle: Mildly sweet, a little like cherry soda syrup. The more I sniff it, the more effervescent it becomes, but I'm certain that's psychosomatic.

    Upon application, I'm immediately bowled over with honeyed ROSE...and that's all there is. I was hoping for just a little bit of spicy carnation, a little more red fruit (shocking, coming from me). The rose is creamy, just slightly sweet. It's pretty, and I'm going to leave it on for the afternoon to see if it goes through the transformation from rose garden to fruit basket, but it's not a love at first sniff kind of scent for me.

    (I do consistently amp rose, so YMMV.)

  10. I wasn't expecting rose out of the herbal almond notes I detected in the imp, but lo and behold, I definitely had roses on my arms once it dried. It's the rose that's in Rose Moon - a softer, almost powdery, floral. I'll have to test its "effectiveness" at another time. :P

  11. Thank you, hackess! I love the look of a clean, new spreadsheet before I mess it all up with my color coding. :P


    Me too! I put the new things at the bottom in a group so they can easily be copied into your own version without having to redo the color coding for everything. :D

  12. Imp: A very bright smoky blend. It's like looking through a golden haze.


    Wet: Creamy spicy orange blossom. I have no idea where the orange is coming from. Priala's cinnamon is very much like that in a good cinnamon candy - red and spicy, but not plasticky or fake.


    Dry: It's so incredibly warm. The cinnamon and smoke are really prevalent, but the myrrh keeps them from being too hot or dry.

    After 10 minutes, my nose is burning because I keep pressing it to my wrist to inhale deeply. Must stop that. :stick:

    After 15 minutes, it's a rich, deep resiny smoke. The spice and flame disappear and it's more of a smolder.


    This might be one of my favorite cinnamon blends yet and I'll have to get a bottle before CD disappears.

  13. Ultimate alcohol - not red wine, but something a little lighter. Like the alcohol in Shattered (BTW, I'm taking PayPal donations to replace my contaminated Shattered - only $1.50 to go!).

    Ultimate "Smells like loli".

    Ultimate "I'm finally grown up, and I am AWESOME".


    "loli"? Lollipops? Jailbait, for sure. Treat #1 if you can get your hands on it.


    Alcohol - Swank, or Twenty-One.


    My "I am woman, I am Goddess" scent is Magdalene.
