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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by hackess

  1. Is there a new csv or xls of all the scents available anywhere? The link doesn't seem to work, and I'd love to take it home to show Mum next week...


    The link in my sig? It works just fine...right click and "Save as" to download the .xls. In fact, I just updated it with Sugar Moon & friends, and the recently publicized unreleased blends.

  2. I received a nice large decant of TKO yesterday and immediately tried it. The consistency is perfect, very light, and it soaks into the skin without being greasy or leaving a film. It left my hands very soft!


    The scent is...well, I woke up this morning and thought I smelled shortbread. I have no idea how I made that association, but it was definitely shortbread, and it was definitely wafting from my hands. It's not an overpowering scent, and I did fall asleep pretty quickly last night. There's more creamy vanilla in it than lavender, but I amp vanilla, so YMMV.


    Now to get the boyfiend to use it on me...

  3. You're welcome. :D


    When there are updates, I put the new lines at the bottom of the spreadsheet, and will change the date in my sig to reflect the last time the sheet was updated. The easiest way to get the updates is to open the version I have on my webspace, copy out the new lines, and paste into your local copy. I recommend changing the filename of your local version so that you don't accidentally wipe out the entire thing. :D


    Thanks, I've only managed to mix up all the columns twice. :P I can't seem to get my sorts to apply to the entire sheet, as opposed to just one column, leaving all the others in thier previous orders. More experimenting in order... :)


    Well, you could hit Ctrl+A, and then hold the Ctrl key again and click the first row (line 1 on the left) to remove the header row (all the column titles) from the selection. Or you can click and hold row number 2 in the left column with your mouse and just drag your cursor all the way down to select everything. Then sort!

  4. Everything's current.


    Still working on getting the review threads added, and I'm tweaking the released/discontinued dates by breaking each into its own column.


    Oh my goodness! I can't believe the amount of work and love that went into this. I just manually searched the forums to track down the category/subgroup names for the imps I just acquired in lots, so that I could look them up on the lab site, so I could log all the scents and their notes to create a listing to help me get familiar with things before my first imps arrive. It took me four hours. And then, about five minutes after I was done, I found this!


    So, I feel about 3 parts silly, and 97 parts grateful beyond belief!

    Thank-you. :P


    Now, silly q. When there are updates to this (or any other) sheet, do I need to copy and paste to insert or do they update on their own? I know, I know, but I haven't used excel since the early nineties, and I'm a mac girl to boot, so one can only hope I don't accidently wipe the entire thing in one fell swoop until I reacquaint myself with the program.


    You're welcome. :D


    When there are updates, I put the new lines at the bottom of the spreadsheet, and will change the date in my sig to reflect the last time the sheet was updated. The easiest way to get the updates is to open the version I have on my webspace, copy out the new lines, and paste into your local copy. I recommend changing the filename of your local version so that you don't accidentally wipe out the entire thing. :D

  5. I'd like to find a BPAL that resembles BB&W's Night-blooming Jasmine:


    * Fragrance Top Notes: Lilac, Jasmine

    * Fragrance Mid Notes: Violet Leaves, Freesia Petals, Spring Rain Accord

    * Fragrance Base Notes: Orris, Musk


    My future SIL likes it, and I'm coming up with a BPAL/BPTP/Arcana/etc. gift basket for her shower.


    The only thing I have found in BPAL that even reminded me of B&BW's Night-Blooming Jasmine was the floral in Snow White.


    Thanks; I'll have to get to the mall one of these days to see if there's any resemblance. I have a decant of Snow White '05, but I have no idea what Night-blooming Jasmine smells like.

  6. Does the rose in Pulcinella and Teresina come out a lot?


    I wanted something heavy on the labdanum but was scared of the rose because I amp it so much but dont like to wear rose so I never gave it a try.


    Oblivion is dark and resinous but was not labdanum in particular.


    The rose barely came out for me on the drydown, but if you amp rose...

  7. I have to preface my review with the caveat that BPAL's chocolate note hates me.


    In the bottle, Gula is decadent and rich. It's warm melted chocolate fudge and caramel over pure vanilla bean ice cream. When it hits my skin, I get a brief waft of the currant and a much heavier caramel note, and then it's nothing but cocoa-scented baby oil.


    It's been bitterly cold in the Midwest, and my skin is paying the price. The oil did leave my skin feeling soft and silky, everywhere except my hands, which felt almost like I'd just taken off powdered latex gloves.


    So, as far as function goes, Gula was pretty great: not moisturizing per se, but it left my skin feeling nice and supple and lightly scented. However, I'm not a fan of the scent itself. My own fault, I suppose, for knowing that cocoa absolute turns to fake chocolate powder on me, but I had hoped it might've been different.


    Foodies, especially fans of BPAL's other chocolate scents, will love this one.

  8. Not sure if this is the right place for my question - mods, please relocate me if necessary...


    Can anyone give me a compare/contrast of Smut & Devil's Night 2006? (Yes, '06 specifially - '05 is super mild & innocuous on my skin) DN '06 is one of my favorite blends - boozey, spicy, sweet & smoky, with a healthy smack of musk. I'm contemplating a bottle of teh Smut because, well, I mean come ON. But if it's going to end up DN minus the spice & smoke, I don't know that I'd need to splurge for a bottle... Thoughts?


    Smut is straight up syrupy musk. No spice, no smoke.

  9. Green Phoenix for sure!


    I'd say F5 (green and fresh) and Cancer '07 (watery and green) if you can get your hands on them, but you're asking for GCs...


    Szepassony is rain, wind, and white flowers. 51 is nice and green. I got lots of melon from Ogun, but she may not like the tobacco or chili powder. She might also like Shattered: A blend of white champagne notes, grapefruit, lotus, slivered mint and crystalline aquatic blooms. It's a little more sophisticated than melon, but she might appreciate the "grown-up" scents.

  10. Rose Red, for sure. My absolute favorite rose scent ever.


    Peacock Queen is a lot like Rose Red in that it's a nearly perfect pure rose, but it's darker and a little bit green.


    Two, Five and Seven smells like a bouquet of all kinds of roses, and yes, even green grass. She'd probably love this one.


    London is probably my favorite GC rose: it's dirty.


    Hope is sugared rose -- very girly and sweet


    Lucy's Kiss is another girly rose to me. It's powdery and soft.


    Zombi is a very heady rose, covered with dirt. If your sister likes grass, maybe she'd like dirt too?


    Rose Moon is barely rose at all on my skin, but it's a gorgeous complex blend with patchouli and smells kind of like a good room incense.

  11. Wow, this is just as potent as if I were sniffing out of the bottle! It's absolutely true to the Rose Red oil, a gorgeous perfect rose. It seems to lather a bit less than other BPTP soaps I've tried (especially El Dia De Reyes and MiskU), but it more than makes up for that by scenting my skin nicely without being cloying.


    I don't use bar soap on my body. Ever. I don't like the way it leaves my skin, and it usually makes me itch. The BPTP soaps aren't necessarily fully moisturizing, but so far they don't leave me red and scaly. Rose Red is no exception; my skin felt nice and soft after getting out of the shower.
