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Posts posted by hackess

  1. I wanted this to be a bedtime scent, like the previous poster suggested. I wanted it to be a chamomile-heavy blend with just a tinge of rich bourbon vanilla, and in the bottle it has promise. Unfortunately, I amp powdery vanilla and once it hits my skin, the chamomile disappears. The scent itself has no throw and little staying power.

  2. All caught up! For those of you who noticed, Ol' Roswell Cemetery has been added back to the list. I swear it keeps disappearing on its own. >_>


    The only scent that hasn't been added yet is the Gaiman exclusive from tonight's reading. Once it's been named, I'll add it in.

  3. In the imp, it's cherry cola, slightly effervescent but mostly a heavy syrupy smell. Wet, I had first thought it was sour cherry balls, but upon second application it's all pine -- the wood, not the needles -- and what might be juniper.


    Edit: This one's morphing before my nose...the woodsy smell gives way to a decadent patchouli with hints of cinnamon. It's a very warm and inviting and I wish it had more throw.

  4. In the bottle, I get traces of chocolate, rich and creamy, interlaced with juicy ripe berries.


    Wet, this is tea, not with cream but with lemon, and LOTS of it. I have no idea where the lemon came from, and who ate all my chocolate?


    The musk roars in as the scent starts drying, and it mingles nicely with the mysterious lemon.


    A few hours later, I get...cotton?


    *reads scent description again*





    Nothing warms the cockles like a mug of Mother Shub's egg nog! Goat's milk egg nog with coffee liqueur and spices imported from the Crimson Desert!

    In the bottle, it's boozy egg nog. Wet, this one's got a really sharp note, almost reminiscent of cough syrup. Thankfully, that passes super quickly to give way to a warm, lightly spiced creaminess that reminds me of some kind of candy I know I've had before. Not too creamy, not at all milky (read: sour), slightly nutty, and perfectly spiced with cassia and nutmeg. Puts me in the mood for a nice warm holiday beverage! I wish it had more throw, and my skin is eating it. If it had more oof, I'd love it.

    Fit for the finest oblation -- and your holiday table, too! Sugar-sprinkled pepper nuts with a bit of cinnamon, a bit of clove, a little cardamom, and a hint of nutmeg.

    I want to eat my hand. It smells *exactly* like the little cookies. Somehow Beth even got the waft of powdered sugar that tickles your nose. After a few minutes, the powdered sugar gives way to the spices and OM NOM NOM NOM.

    It's a pretty light scent, but I only put a dab on the back of my hand. No throw to speak of, but again, I barely applied so I could test it without irritating my coworkers.

    Sophisticated, dramatic, well-traveled, glamorous, and worldly, Countess Willie V. Piazza, owner of the French Studio, was a trendsetter in style and fashion. Countess Willie was an educated woman, a patron of the arts, and possessed an impressive library of rare volumes. She featured many historic jazz musicians in her House, including Tony Jackson and Jelly Roll Morton. Unlike many of her counterparts, she was known for having a kind heart and a generous, loving nature. She was fiercely protective: when a patron of her establishment, the nephew of a prominent New Orleans cleric, committed a heinous act of sadism against one of her ladies, Countess Willie shot him dead.

    Chocolate plum musk, red musk, amaretto, candied fruits, and red ginger.

    It's like the Lawn Gnome and Crypt Queen had a wild, romantic affair, and this is their secret lovechild. It's delicious and sweet, definitely sexy but subdued. I love it and I want to roll around in it.

  8. Hi MichelleK -


    Hm. You *might* be able to merge them with a built-in Excel tool, but I don't pretend to be an Excel guru. My best guess is that you would want to start over; I can't imagine it would be a pretty merge. I removed a number of columns from the previous incarnation of the spreadsheet and added a few new ones. Copy+paste might be your best bet here. Sorry :(



    Edit to add: Which reminds me...I've been on vacation the last two weeks, so I'll get to adding Raven Moon update this week. :)

    Devilishly decadent and a little bit ridiculous!

    I was thrilled to see a pumpkin pie bath oil show up on the last update. I love pumpkin pie, and anything spicy and autumnal is right up my alley.

    The scent is DIVINE. The tiny bit of spice I got in the bottle amped like whoa when applied. In the bottle, I also get a fairly strong whiff of what's probably pumpkin and buttery crust, but what reminds me very strongly of SEX, a little musky and rich and oh so devilishly decadent. ;)

    Applied, it's all clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, and star anise -- all the beautifully warm spices that go into pumpkin pie. I only just used it in the shower, applying the usual way by putting a small amount in my hand and then rubbing over my arms, shoulders and upper chest. The scent is strong and makes me want to eat my hand. :)

    Those with extremely delicate skin should probably not apply. I don't normally get red patches when I use spicy blends, but this one made the crooks of my elbows and the skin under my breasts (plus a nipple and my nose, which I must have accidentally touched while I still had oil on my hands) BURN.

    As is normal with BPTP bath oils, it's definitely moisturizing; my skin is soft to the touch.

  10. Bat-woman marked for death, all of today's updates added!



    Upon reading Shollin's review forum update here, I'm wondering if people want me to revamp the spreadsheet to follow the same grouping and group naming conventions (i.e., Event Exclusives). It wouldn't happen overnight, obviously, but I thought I'd throw it out there for the spreadsheet users.
