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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by hackess

  1. Wow, this is nasty on me. It's like astringent. If institutional antibacterial cleansers came in scents like apricot, this is what they would smell like. I don't know if it's the ginger or the jasmine that's hating me in this one, but it's gotta go.

  2. Floral scents, especially white florals, tend to go soapy on me and this one follows the rule.


    In the imp, the lavender is really nice and I'm hopeful. Sadly, the wisteria takes over and all I smell is high-class soap. It's not a wistful blend for me.

  3. Have you been naughty? :P


    I really enjoy this scent, but only in certain moods. Most of the time, I'm a Rose Red, Smut or Alice kinda girl, but sometimes I just gotta have Whip. The leather isn't overpowering, but it's definitely there on my skin, and moreso in the imp. To me it smells almost more like a soft brown suede, a wet leather instead of dry, stiff black leather. I get flashes of the leather when I turn my head or run my wrists past my nose, almost like a switch passing through the air.


    There's almost no throw on this one, but it's the kind of scent you should be smelling up close anyway. :D

  4. Gorgeous perfect white carnations tempered by a couple pink roses and the sweetness of tea. It's lovely and reminds me of my mom, who loves carnations, which is why I'm sending an imp to her!

  5. Lucy's Kiss was the first bottle I ever bought and one of my first rose-scents.


    Appropriately, it seems to me like more of a "younger" rose scent, girlish like the rose in Persephone. It's Victorian roses in a nursery, not the heady womanly scent of London or The Peacock Queen, and definitely not the naughty rose of Whip or Wanda.


    After a while, it started turning into a powdery rose, so I had to get rid of the bottle. I still have an imp, in case I want to feel girly. :P

  6. Imp: Pumpkiny butter. It's really quite gross in the imp.

    Wet: OMG. It's like two different scents entirely. This is sweet and appetizing. The pumpkin is hiding just under the peaches. It's sweet - not at all what I thought it would be like.

    Drydown: Exactly like cider. It's like going to the apple gardens and picking bags of perfect apples and leaving them in your sun-baked car on top of a perfect-for-carving pumpkin.


    This one surprised me and I may have to rescue it from the swap pile.


    ETA: Today the drydown's pretty heavy on the vanilla, which means it smells like chalk made of powdered sugar and Yankee candles -- but only on my wrist. The crook of my elbow is still peachy and sweet. The bit I got on my shirt sleeve is still gorgeous apple cider.

  7. This is the one I was looking forward to and it didn't disappoint. Slightly spicy, like orange chai tea. The cardamom is really gorgeous in this. If clove is too strong for you, try cardamom instead. It's a very sweet-smelling spice that blends so nicely with the tangerine and cherry blossom.


    It threatened to go soapy on me, but that could've just been wafts of everything else I was testing tonight because it passed pretty quickly.

  8. Imp smells like juniper bushes and that lemony snow scent. It's like going for a sleigh ride through the forest at night, only your companion has a cold and is sucking on lemon menthol cough drops. It dries to something much more tolerable - almost like these lemon mints my grandmother would give me when I was a kid - but it takes forever to get to that phase on me.

  9. ... Ozone, white sandalwood, crystallized white amber, verbena, oakmoss, clary sage, and a hint of white citrus rind.

    Another winter Lunacy that doesn't love me! :P

    Including White Moon, the winter lunacies have either gone sour or cloyingly floral or heavy on the pine on me. Hunger Moon is no exception. In the imp, it's lemony fir. Applied, it's snow covered lemon trees over a bed of pine boughs.

    I love Hungry Ghost Moon, but this and Snow Moon just aren't for me.

    ETA Lab description

  10. I so wanted to like this!


    I've seen so many reviews comparing it to Smut, and I definitely get the sense that it wants to go in that direction, but it goes plasticky on me - smells almost like those clingy decorations for windows. Then the clove comes out VERY strongly and it's like I'm in the club, surrounded by smokers. It's even making my eyes water.


    I'll take Smut over Passion any day.

  11. I've tried both '04 and '05 and they are identical perfect red roses, covered in dew. I almost want to say they're dusted with snow, because I get a very clean, cold feel from these imps. Wearing it, I feel like Mena Suvari must have felt in the scene from American Beauty.


    Absolutely beautiful. A must for rose lovers.

  12. Who doesn't love Smut?


    I put some of the '06 on and held my wrist up to the boyfiend's nose. He grinned and approved. Then I told him what it was named and he said, "You HAVE to get more of that!" So I ordered a bottle of '07; here's hoping it smells the same: sugared dark booze, very smooth and a little mysterious. Smut '06 was NOT the drunk reek that other boozy blends turn into on me; it's sexy and gorgeous. Smut was also not the very masculine scent that most musks become on me. It's primal and warm.




    ETA: Smut '07 is just as good as its older siblings. This is one of my absolute favorites. Eight hours later and I can still smell it all over my wrists and hair. I feel like I should look disheveled from a recent turn in the sack :P


    ETA2: It lasted through TWO showers. Unbelievable. Thank you, Beth, for a perfect scent.

  13. CTIII: MCCXVI (1,216)


    Imp: Sweet almond cookie dough


    Wet: Morphing into...cinnamon? Definitely cinnamon. (Please don't let this turn into a ginger snap!) As I inhale more and more of it, I can feel the cinnamon hitting the back of my throat, as if I were sucking on one of those red disk cinnamon hard candies -- it's that pronounced. There's definitely peach and possibly a bit of pumpkin, nutmeg, and cider in this.


    Drydown: My skin soaks this one up. The throw lasts maybe an hour, but the cinnamon stayed put, and added the tiniest bit of vanilla. The peach and cider are very strong now; it's like Jack without the initial "OMG What IS that" stank. I'm still sniffing my wrist and getting cinnamon, nutmeg and the sweetness of cider. I get wafts of it all day!


    Edit: I've completely rewritten the above review because I was so, so off the first time. Sometimes, it's nice to be wrong.



    DCIII (603)


    Imp: Vaguely citrus, but mostly syrupy sweet.


    Wet: Ew. Cheap lemon dish detergent. I can taste the soapiness.


    Drydown: This one lasts even less time. Bizarre. After a minute, it just smells like I washed my hands in a reststop bathroom. Zero throw and no long wear time + a scent I cannot stand = put in the sell/swap pile.

  14. I can already tell I'm addicted to rose scents. Two, Five & Seven was one of the first imps I ordered from BPAL almost a year ago.


    Imp: Roses.


    Wet: Freshly cut roses.


    Dry: Sugared roses!


    I love this. It's not too cloying, and the drydown leaves the roses smelling sweet - not dusty like the potpourri in your grandmother's closet. Has great throw and wear - I usually repply once during the day just because I like being surrounded by the scent.

  15. Lucky enough to get a 5mL of this just the other week from happygophucky as it aggravates her asthma and she wanted a good home for it. It found one!


    Bottle: Crystalline and a hint of citrus.


    Wet & Dry: I initially feared the amber note, but it's gorgeous and soft. The crystal notes remind me of the ozone I love in Lightning. Drydown is quick, but I get wafts of it all day and don't feel the need to reapply.

  16. I got this because I love carnations and roses, and wanted to like the honey notes (though the SN of Honey goes rancid on me).


    Imp: Lightly floral, threatening to go powdery.


    Wet: Heavy on the carnation. Surprisingly creamy.


    Dry: This smells exactly like chai tea on my skin! Pity it fades pretty quickly, because I can't stop sniffing my wrist. I've reapplied twice today because the scent is gone after about two hours. I like this one a lot, but I think I may have to swap it away because it doesn't last. :D


    Edit: The hell was I thinking, "swap it away?" Alice is lovely. This particular imp, which is a different one than I'd first tested from, has something in it that goes more lemony tea than chai - more bergamot than carnation, perhaps? Maybe it's that I've been sniffing Ugh all day. :P
