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Posts posted by scrappy

  1. I'm another very lucky one who was gifted a testable sniffy from a wonderful forumite!


    In the imp: Sweet tobacco with a hint of coffee.


    On my skin: The tobacco and coffee disappear, and out comes a sweet, cinnamony scent that borders on foody (but not quite). I feel like I'm detecting a touch of maple syrup or caramel. A warm, comforting scent that makes me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a good book.

  2. In the bottle: Smells like evergreen potpourri, with a hint of foody-ness lurking in the background. This one is very hard to describe, but it's definitely a holiday blend.




    On the skin: After reading biz4brent's review about this being a patchouli scent and not a tree scent, I had to go back and give this a full skin test. She's right about the patchouli, it's not evergreen like I originally though when sniffing the bottle.


    Dry, my relatively untrained nose is getting spicy patchouli and something sweet like brown sugar or caramel, which helps tone down the overall patchouli POW factor.

  3. Okay, this one had me freaking out. When I was frantically trying to sniff the prototypes as my order was being run up, I opened this one and thought "OH! Candyish! I'll take 2 bottles please!" But when I sniffed it later, my nose must have been on overload because it's definitely not candy.



    In the bottle: A sweet, "green" blend. Oakmoss perhaps? With a hint of cedar?



    I didn't skin-test this one yet as I tend to amp tree notes, so I stay away from those. I guess this is what happens when you have to rush a pick a scent! I'll update with more info if I get brave enough to skin-test.



    ETA: Okay, so I finally skin tested it. I think it is eucalyptus, not cedar, that I'm smelling. PPGC580 dries down to a slightly sweet, pretty eucalyptus scent. I find it to be a very relaxing blend.

  4. This is my very first review ever, so hopefully I'm doing this right! :blush:



    In the bottle: Orange Crush Soda.



    On my skin: Orange Phoenix stays as a fun orange scent, including the more tangy scent of the peel, along with a sweetness that keeps it from being too tart. I'd compare it too orange pez perhaps, or if you use bonnie bell lipsmackers, it reminds me of their orange flavor.


    Orange Phoenix is to orange what Strawberry Moon is to strawberries. They both kind of candy-up the main fruit note, while still retaining the scent of the actual fruit itself.
