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Posts posted by scrappy

  1. I had such high hopes for this one as I love both lavender and jasmine But somehow this combination turns into a very angry floral on my skin, smelling similar to a heavy, very sharp rose. I hate rose. :sad:

  2. I agree with Tarotgirl in that it smells sort of strange in the bottle. Almost like butter that's started to go bad. BUT, once I gave it a few moments to chill out on my skin, it morphs into buttercreamy, cakey goodness. :wub: It does seem to have a teeny touch of something incensey, but it just adds to the awesomness of this blend.


    This scent has great throw, but because it's such a creamy scent, it doesn't bowl you over. And it lasts a loooooong time. I put it on this morning, and I can still catch wiffs of it here an there, almost 10 hours later.

  3. In the bottle: Lots o' lavender


    On my skin: At first it's mostly lavender with hints of verbena. The longer it's on my skin, the more the verbena comes out. When dry, it's Lush's Avobath plus lavender. Seems like TwilightEyes and I have similar skin chemistry. ;)


    This is my favorite of all the bats!! :wub:

  4. I received an imp of this with one of my orders and it's quickly moved to one of my top 10. A beautiful, creamy, slightly spicy carnation blend. I find it to be a wonderful scent to wear at work as it's gentle enough to not offend, but strong enough for me to catch yummy wiffs throughout the day.



    Received this as a frimp from the wonderful myth.


    This is snake oil and orange... something. Orange blossoms or maybe a sweeter orange peel? Might be some sandalwood in there too. Dry it retains both the orange and snake oil components, blending as musky orange snake oil. Unfortunately the orange note fades faster, so over time it's become more snake oil and less orange.


    I quite like this. :wub:

  6. CCXXXVlll (238)


    My bpal friends unanimously agreed on this one: Dorian + Rose.


    I was shocked to hear this because typically I HATE rose, but I absolutely adore this blend. The rose note is similar to Red Rose (although not quite that green), or possibly Hope due to it being a little sweet. Either way, the rose combined with the beautiful Dorian turns into something wonderful on my skin. A sweeter version of Dorian with a light floral tone. I love this!!! :wub2:





  7. I have both the released version and the prototype on the same arm to do a direct comparison.


    The released version is a dry, more incensey scent on my skin. I find the prototype to be a much sweeter scent. I'm going to guess that there is more vanilla/sweet pea in the prototype and I personally like it MUCH better than the released version.



  8. In the bottle: CHERRIES! (almond almost always smells like cherries to me)


    On my skin: Mostly sweet honey with a hint of cherries/almond. Not bad actually, because when I first put it on I thought it would be ALL cherries.

  9. In the imp: Sharp lemon with a little honeysuckle to sweeten it up.


    On the skin: Ahhh, here comes the green tea. Dry it's green tea with a slice of lemon, with a bit of a floral undertone. Very pretty!
